Activation and clearing logic
draw order changes
This commit is contained in:
@ -15,10 +15,24 @@ using BoardData = System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Collections.Generic.Lis
// Tile Stack is the vertical list of tiles
using TileStack = System.Collections.Generic.List<TileInfo>;
using Cluster = System.Collections.Generic.List<(int x, int y)>;
#region Board Logic
public class GameBoard : EntityBase, IAutoSerialize, IAutoDeserialize {
public BoardState board = new BoardState();
GameBoardDrawer _drawer;
public GameBoardDrawer drawer {
get {
if (_drawer) return _drawer;
return _drawer = GetComponent<GameBoardDrawer>();
public void BreakFX(int x, int y) {
drawer[x, y]?.OnBreakFX();
public override void Deserialize(Hashtable h) {
if (h.TryGetValue('b', out var hashedBoard))
@ -54,6 +68,9 @@ public class GameBoard : EntityBase, IAutoSerialize, IAutoDeserialize {
board = BoardState.Copy(board);
[ContextMenu("Recursive Sim")]
void RecursiveSim() => board = board.SimulateRecursive(this, out _);
@ -85,7 +102,7 @@ public enum TileDetail : byte { // Gets cast to byte a lot
Air = 0x0, // None and Air as aliases
Normal = 0x1, // Flag that tile exists
Pending = 0x2, // State for active in combo but not cleared
//Damaged = 0x04, // Used for Tanuki and Ice -- Actually unneccessary by replacement setup
Exploded = 0x04, // State for a block that is being exploded
Dropped = 0x08, // Flag for tiles that were just dropped, for smears
Fairy = 0x10, // do not clear air under this
Poofed = 0x20, // Drawn as a cloud, freshly removed
@ -137,16 +154,40 @@ public class TileInfo {
data =; // More delicious garbage
public static bool SameAs(TileInfo a, TileInfo b) {
if (a.color != b.color) return false;
// Internal flags we don't consider for if a tile is the same
var irrelevant = TileDetail.Dropped | TileDetail.Poofed | TileDetail.Pending | TileDetail.Exploded;
if ((a.detail & ~irrelevant) != (b.detail & ~irrelevant))
return false;
return true;
public TileInfo SetFalling(bool fall) {
detail &= ~TileDetail.Dropped;
if (fall) detail |= TileDetail.Dropped;
return this;
public TileInfo AsTanuki() {
detail &= TileDetail.Tanuki;
detail |= TileDetail.Tanuki;
return this;
public TileInfo AsIce() {
detail &= TileDetail.Ice;
detail |= TileDetail.Ice;
return this;
public TileInfo SetPending() {
detail |= TileDetail.Pending;
return this;
public bool isPending => (detail & TileDetail.Pending) != 0;
public TileInfo BreakTile(params TileColor[] options) {
var d = detail;
@ -170,17 +211,22 @@ public class TileInfo {
public static implicit operator int(TileInfo ti) =>;
public static explicit operator TileInfo(int i) => new TileInfo(i);
public bool CombosWith(TileInfo other) => CombosWith(color);
public bool CombosWith(TileInfo other) {
if (other == null) return false;
return CombosWith(other.color);
public bool CombosWith(TileColor c) {
if (c == 0) return false; // nothing combos with air
if (color == 0) return false; // Also don't combo with us if we're air
if (c == color && (byte)c < 200) return true;
if ((byte)c < 200) // If it's a simple color block
return c == color; // just match if it matches our own color
switch (c) { // Special handling for wildcard
case TileColor.Wildcard:
if ((byte)color < 200) return true; // If we are a simple block
//if ((byte)color < 200) return true; // If we are a simple block
return false;
// room for more weird custom magic logic?
@ -192,11 +238,347 @@ public class TileInfo {
#region Board Logic
public static class BoardLogic {
// return height of tallest column
public static int TallestStack(this BoardState bs)
=> bs.state.Max(t => t.Count);
// Get a tile from a stack padded with nulls
public static TileInfo NullPadded(this TileStack ts, int row) {
if (row < 0) return null;
if (row >= ts.Count) return null;
return ts[row];
// Get the tile from the stack padded with air
public static TileInfo Padded(this TileStack ts, int row)
=> ts.NullPadded(row) ?? TileInfo.Air;
public static void ChangeTile(this TileStack ts, int row, TileInfo ti) {
if (row < 0) return;
if (row >= ts.Count) return;
ts[row] = ti;
public static bool StackHasMatches(this TileStack ts) {
// Check up the length of the column for a match 3
for (int y = 0; y < ts.Count; ++y) {
var at = ts[y];
var match = at.CombosWith(ts.Padded(y + 1)) && at.CombosWith(ts.Padded(y + 2));
if (match) return true;
return false;
public static IEnumerable<TileInfo> Neighbors(this BoardState bs, int x, int y) {
var self = bs.tile(x, y);
var neighborsWithNull =
new[] {
bs.tile(x + 1, y),
bs.tile(x - 1, y),
bs.tile(x, y + 1),
bs.tile(x, y - 1) };
return neighborsWithNull.Where(t => t != null).Where(t => t != self);
public static IEnumerable<TileInfo> ComboAdjacents(this BoardState bs, int x, int y) {
var neighbors = bs.Neighbors(x, y);
var self = bs.tile(x, y);
return neighbors.Where(ti => ti.CombosWith(self));
public static IEnumerable<(int x, int y)> MatchingAdjacentCoordinates(this BoardState bs, (int x, int y) p) {
var matches = new List<(int x, int y)>();
var self = bs.TileAtPoint(p);
// HACK return empty set if self is null
if (self == null) return new (int x, int y)[] { };
var (x, y) = p;
if (self.CombosWith(bs.tile(p.x + 1, p.y)))
matches.Add((x+1, y));
if (self.CombosWith(bs.tile(p.x - 1, p.y)))
matches.Add((x-1, y));
if (self.CombosWith(bs.tile(p.x, p.y + 1)))
matches.Add((x, y+1));
if (self.CombosWith(bs.tile(p.x, p.y - 1)))
matches.Add((x, y-1));
return matches;
public static Cluster Clusterize(this BoardState bs, int x, int y) {
var at = bs.tile(x, y);
if (at == null) return null;
List<(int x, int y)> OpenSet, ClosedSet;
OpenSet = new List<(int x, int y)>();
ClosedSet = new List<(int x, int y)>();
ClosedSet.Add((x, y));
OpenSet.AddRange(bs.MatchingAdjacentCoordinates((x, y)));
while (OpenSet.Count > 0) {
var element = OpenSet[0];
var matches = bs.MatchingAdjacentCoordinates(element);
foreach (var match in matches) {
if (ClosedSet.Contains(match))
return ClosedSet;
public static int[] MatchingNeighbors(this TileStack ts, int y) {
var self = ts[y];
if (self == null) goto Empty;
if (self.isAir) goto Empty;
var above = ts.NullPadded(y + 1);
var below = ts.NullPadded(y - 1);
bool aboveMatch = false;
bool belowMatch = false;
if (above != null && TileInfo.SameAs(self, above))
aboveMatch = true;
if (below != null && TileInfo.SameAs(self, below))
belowMatch = true;
if (aboveMatch && belowMatch)
return new[] {y+1, y-1};
if (aboveMatch)
return new[] { y + 1 };
if (belowMatch)
return new[] { y - 1 };
return new int[] { };
public static Cluster ClusterizeVertical(this BoardState bs, int x, int y) {
var stack = bs[x];
var self = stack[y];
if (self == null) return null;
if (self.isAir) return null;
var OpenSet = new List<int>();
var ClosedSet = new List<int>(new[] { y });
while (OpenSet.Count > 0) {
var element = OpenSet[0];
var matches = stack.MatchingNeighbors(element);
foreach(var match in matches) {
if (ClosedSet.Contains(match))
// Expand back out to (x, y) from the list of y's
return ClosedSet.Select(e => (x, e)).ToList();
public static BoardState Collapse(this BoardState bs) {
// TODO: Proper support for fairy blocks
for (int x = 0; x < bs.state.Count; ++x) {
var col = bs[x];
// First, pad to length with air
while (col.Count < BoardState.BoardHeight)
var oldCol = col.Copy();
col.RemoveAll(t => t.isAir);
// Repad with air
while (col.Count < BoardState.BoardHeight)
// TODO: Better falling logic
// Set the falling flag for drawing
for(int i = 0; i < col.Count; ++i) {
col[i].SetFalling(TileInfo.SameAs(col[i], oldCol[i]));
return bs;
public static BoardState Place(this BoardState bs,Move m) {
var state = bs.SelfCopy();
var (first, second, third) = m.triplet;
state.SetAtPoint(m.location, first);
state.SetAtPoint(m.locationB, second);
state.SetAtPoint(m.locationC, third);
return state;
// Set all matches tiledetails to pending
public static BoardState Activate(this BoardState bs, out int activations) {
activations = 0;
var expandedClusters = new List<Cluster>();
// First, determine if any column contains a match
for (int x = 0; x < bs.state.Count; ++x) {
var col = bs[x];
// Exit if there is no match in the column
if (!col.StackHasMatches())
// We know there is a match in the column, get the coordinates of all valid clusters
var validBlobs = new List<Cluster>();
for (int y = 0; y < col.Count; ++y) {
var stackClusters = bs.ClusterizeVertical(x, y);
if (stackClusters != null && stackClusters.Count >= 3) {
} else
// Expand matches horizontally to matches
foreach(var cluster in validBlobs) {
foreach(var point in cluster) {
foreach(var cluster in expandedClusters) {
foreach(var point in cluster) {
var at = bs.TileAtPoint(point);
if (at == null || at.isPending)
activations += 1; // Increment the activation counter
return bs;
public static BoardState BreakPending(this BoardState bs, GameBoard gb, bool sendCallbacks = false) {
var broken = new Cluster();
for(int x = 0; x < bs.state.Count; ++x) {
for (int y = 0; y < bs.state.Count; ++y) {
var at = bs.tile(x, y);
if (at.isAir) continue; // Skip air
if (at.isPending) {
broken.Add((x, y));
if (sendCallbacks)
gb.BreakFX(x, y);
at = at.BreakTile(gb.Options);
return bs;
// Simulate the eventual outcome of this board
// Note this is NOT deterministic because of how random tiles break
public static BoardState SimulateRecursive(this BoardState bs, GameBoard gb, out int activations) {
activations = 0;
// Iterations for the current step
int stepActivations = 0;
do {
bs = bs.Collapse().Activate(out stepActivations).BreakPending(gb);
activations += stepActivations;
// Repeat until no new tiles activate
} while (stepActivations > 0);
return bs;
// Create a copy of a column
static TileStack Copy(this TileStack ts) {
var intform = ts.Select(tile => (int)tile);
return intform.Select(tile => (TileInfo)tile).ToList();
public static (int x, int y) ToPair(this MoveDir md) {
switch(md) {
case MoveDir.Left:
return (-1, 0);
case MoveDir.Right:
return (1, 0);
case MoveDir.Up:
return (0, 1);
case MoveDir.Down:
return (0, -1);
return (0, 0);
#region moves
public enum MoveDir { None, Left, Right, Up, Down }
public class Move {
public (TileInfo first, TileInfo second, TileInfo third) triplet;
public (int x, int y) location;
public MoveDir first, second;
public (int x, int y) locationB {
get {
var (x, y) = first.ToPair();
return (location.x + x, location.y + y);
public (int x, int y) locationC {
get {
var (x, y) = second.ToPair();
return (locationB.x + x, locationB.y + y);
#region BoardStates
public class BoardState {
public static readonly int BoardWidth = 4, BoardHeight = 9;
public static readonly int BoardWidth = 6, BoardHeight = 12;
// Top THREE rows of board are the placement zone
// Internal state of the board, as a list
@ -214,11 +596,30 @@ public class BoardState {
public bool TryCol(int col, out TileStack ts) {
ts = null;
if (col < 0) return false;
if (col > state.Count) return false;
if (col >= state.Count) return false;
ts = this[col];
return true;
public bool TileAt(int x, int y, out TileInfo ti) {
public TileInfo TileAtPoint((int x, int y) p) {
if (TryCol(p.x, out var col))
return col.NullPadded(p.y);
return null;
public void SetAtPoint((int x, int y) p, TileInfo tile) {
if (TryCol(p.x, out var col)) {
col.ChangeTile(p.x, tile);
// Return the tile at a position with null if it's not valid
public TileInfo tile(int x, int y) {
TryTileAt(x, y, out var ti);
return ti;
public bool TryTileAt(int x, int y, out TileInfo ti) {
ti = null;
if (y < 0) return false; // fail out if asking for negative y coords
@ -32,6 +32,17 @@ public class GameBoardDrawer : MonoBehaviour {
List<List<TileDrawer>> TileDrawers;
// Get the Offset for an X/Y coord
public Vector3 Position(int x, int y) {
return new Vector3(x, y) * TileSize;
public TileDrawer this[int x, int y] {
get {
return TileDrawers[x][y];
public float TileSize = 0.5f;
void ValidateDrawers() {
@ -69,7 +80,7 @@ public class GameBoardDrawer : MonoBehaviour {
var tileT = tile.transform;
tileT.localPosition = new Vector3(x, y) * TileSize;
if (boardState.TileAt(x, y,out TileInfo ti)) {
if (boardState.TryTileAt(x, y,out TileInfo ti)) {
tile.toDraw = ti;
} else {
tile.toDraw = TileInfo.Air;
@ -13,6 +13,12 @@ public class TileDrawer : MonoBehaviour {
public TileDetail detail = TileDetail.Normal;
public TileColor color;
// TODO Use this FX hook
// This is called BEFORE the tile detail is updated
public void OnBreakFX() {
void OnValidate() {
if (toDraw == null) {
toDraw = new TileInfo(color,detail);
@ -139,6 +145,10 @@ public class TileDrawer : MonoBehaviour {
if (!tsi) return;
if (toDraw == null) return;
// Higher tiles draw in front
var t = transform;
// Copy the data from the TileInfo reference to local enums
color = toDraw.color;
detail = toDraw.detail;
@ -162,10 +172,14 @@ public class TileDrawer : MonoBehaviour {
sprite = deets.TopOfStack;
// non-snowman-y states
if (detail.HasFlag(TileDetail.Poofed))
sprite = deets.Puff;
// FIXME This is wrong
if (detail.HasFlag(TileDetail.Pending))
sprite = deets.Puff;
} else {
// no matching TileObject data
switch (color) {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user