ScarletBlackMarket/docs/New Scripting Features.txt

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2022-08-20 12:42:00 +07:00
- Re: Syntax Tutorial
- Number literals
- Base literals
WriteLog(0b1011); //Binary literal, outputs 11
WriteLog(0o503); //Octal literal, outputs 323
WriteLog(0x8f62); //Hexadecimal literal, outputs 36706
Base literals default to integer type unless suffixed otherwise.
- Suffix
- "f" / "F"
Forces a number literal to a float type.
- "i" / "I"
Forces a number literal to an integer type.
WriteLog(5); //5.000000
WriteLog(5f); //5.000000
WriteLog(5i); //5
WriteLog(0x5f); //95
WriteLog(0x5fi); //95
WriteLog(7.76); //7.760000
WriteLog(7.76f); //7.760000
WriteLog(7.76i); //7
- Digit separator
The "_" character can be used in number literals to aid in visibility.
Has no effect on the resultant value.
WriteLog(5000000000i); //5000000000
WriteLog(5_000_000_000i); //still 5000000000
WriteLog(0x7f23a7e2); //2133043170
WriteLog(0x7f23_a7e2); //still 2133043170
- Variables
- Explicit types
Originally, you'd declare a variable with one of these three keywords:
- let
- var
- real
All three keywords had the same effect on the declaration.
However, with version 1.30a, the scripting language has gone through a considerable amount of changes as follows:
- "real" has been renamed to "float". (1.32a)
- You may now explicitly state the type of the variable you are declaring.
int a = 700; //typeof(a) == VAR_INT
float b = 56.243; //typeof(b) == VAR_FLOAT
char c = '0'; //typeof(c) == VAR_CHAR
bool d = false; //typeof(d) == VAR_BOOL
string e = "aubergine"; //typeof(e) == VAR_STRING
int[] f = [4i, 8]; //typeof(f) == VAR_ARRAY, ftypeof(f) == VAR_INT
- This does not change "let" and "var", they will still behave similarly to "auto" in C++.
let a = 700i; //typeof(a) == VAR_INT
let b = 56.243; //typeof(b) == VAR_FLOAT
let c = '0'; //typeof(c) == VAR_CHAR
let d = false; //typeof(d) == VAR_BOOL
let e = "aubergine"; //typeof(e) == VAR_STRING
let f = [4i, 8]; //typeof(f) == VAR_ARRAY, ftypeof(f) == VAR_INT
- You may not use "let[]" or "const[]".
An array type declaration may only be used with a non-auto type.
- Multiple variables declaration.
int a, b = 7, c = 100, d; //All will be of type "int"
const bool e = true, f = true; //All will be of type "const bool"
let g = 56, h = true, i = 6i; //g will be "float", h will be "bool", and i will be "int"
bool[][][] j, k; //All will be of type "bool[][][]" (3D bool array)
- Using "const"
"const" is used to declare constant variables.
A standalone "const" will behave like a "let".
"const" can be prefixed or suffixed by another type.
Constant variables cannot be modified.
Attempting to do so will throw a compile-time error.
const a = 1;
const let b = true;
const string c = "xolotl";
const int d;
a = 6; //ERROR
d = 10; //ERROR
- Supplement for smart people
ph3sx script type | internal C type | size in bytes |
int | int64_t | 8 |
float | double | 8 |
bool | bool | 1 |
char | wchar_t | 2 |
- Scoping
- "local" has been deprecated. While they have not yet been completely removed, it is advisable to stop using it.
- But what can I use in its place?
What used to be:
local {
can now be reduced to just:
Scoping rules will still apply normally, like so:
let a;
//Only a is accessible here
let b;
//a and b are both accessible here
let c;
//a, b, and c are all accessible here
- Operators
All available script operators are listed as follows.
They are arranged in order of precedence, highest-to-lowest.
1. ()
Function call
let c = SomeFunc(a, b);
1. as_x()
Type cast
let a = as_int(x);
let b = as_bool(56);
1. length()
Array length
let a = length(x);
let b = length([1, 2, 3]);
1. []
Array indexing
let a = arr[3];
let b = [10, 100, 1000][x];
1. (| |)
let a = (|-4|); //a == 4
let b = (|a|); //b == 4
1. ()
2. ^
Power (Right-associative)
let a = 2 ^ 4; //a == 16
let b = 2 ^ 2 ^ 3; //b == 256
2. [..]
Array slice
let x = [9, 10, 11, 12, 13];
let a = x[0..2]; //a == [9, 10]
let b = x[2..999]; //b == [11, 12, 13]
let c = x[3..0]; //c == [11, 10, 9]
3. +
Unary plus
let a = +6;
3. -
Unary minus
let a = -10;
3. !
Unary logical not
let a = !b;
3. ~
Unary bitwise not
let a = ~312; //a == -313
let b = ~(0b1011001); //b == -90
4. *
let a = 4 * 10; //a == 40
4. /
let a = 10 / 3; //a == 3.333333
4. ~/
Floored divide
let a = 10 ~/ 3; //a == 3
4. %
Remainder (Modulo)
let a = 7 % 4; //a == 3
5. +
let a = 3 + 32; //a == 35
5. -
let a = 9 - 12; //a == -3
5. ~
Array concatenate
let a = [8, 3] ~ [10]; //a == [8, 3, 10]
6. <<
Bitwise shift left
let a = 7 << 3; //a == 56
6. >>
Bitwise shift right
let a = 198 >> 2; //a == 49
7. ==
let a = 5 < 6;
let b = a != false;
let c = 10 >= 10;
8. ^^
Bitwise XOR
let a = 63 ^^ 234; //a == 213
9. |
Bitwise OR
let a = 63 | 234; //a == 255
10. &
Bitwise AND
let a = 63 & 234; //a == 42
11. ||
Logical OR
let a = true || false; //a == true
11. &&
Logical AND
let a = true || false; //a == false
12. ?:
Ternary expression
let a = x > y ? 10 : 20;
let b = z == 0 ? x * 10 : y + 4;
let c = k ? (y ? 8 : 0) : p ? 5 : 2 + x;
- Boolean expressions
- Short-circuiting
This feature was present in vanilla ph3 as well, but I have yet to see a tutorial mention it, so here it is.
Short-circuiting (short-circuit evaluation) is an optimization for boolean expressions.
Take these statements, for example:
bool c = a && b;
bool z = x || y;
This !RUN-TIME! optimization will occur when expression (a) evaluates to false,
where the evaluation of expression (b) will be completely skipped over.
Conversely, in the second statement, the evaluation of expression (y) will also be skipped over if
expression (x) evaluates to true.
Short-circuiting will take place left-to-right, so it is beneficial to format your logical expressions
in a way that more lightweight expressions get evaluated sooner rather than later.
if (bCheckHit && GetShotIdInCircleA2(...)) { /*...*/ }
would benefit more from short-circuit evaluation than
if (GetShotIdInCircleA2(...) && bCheckHit) { /*...*/ }
Short-circuiting only applies to logical expressions, not bitwise expressions.
bool c = a & b;
bool d = a | b;
Here, both expressions (a) and (b) will be evaluated regardless of the result of expression (a).
- Loops
- Ascent/Descent
Ascent and descent loops remain unchanged, but you may now assign an explicit type to the counter variable.
ascent (i in 0..3)
Will result in the following output:
ascent (i in 0i..3)
Will result in the following output:
ascent (int i in 0..3)
Will result in the following output:
- In ph3sx, two new loops are available for use.
- For loop
The for loop is the more generalized version of ascent/descent loops.
It's also the standard loop format in most programming languages,
which means I don't have to explain its usage here.
- For-each loop
The for-each loop is a quick and efficient method to iterate through arrays.
int[] arr = [10, 9, 8, 7];
for each (int i in arr)
Will result in the following output:
for each (float i in arr)
Will result in the following output:
- The "ref" keyword
Normally, the array fed into a for-each loop will be a copy of the original array.
However, you can force the loop to directly read from the original array with the "ref" keyword.
As the array won't be copied, there would also be some performance benefits to be had,
and the loop will respond to any modifications to the array rather than being unaffected.
int[] arr = [1, 2, 3, 4];
for each (i in arr) {
if (i % 2 == 0)
arr ~= [5];
Will result in the following output:
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5]
for each (i in ref arr) {
if (i % 2 == 0)
arr ~= [5];
Will result in the following output:
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5]
- Special syntaxes
- There is also another declaration syntax for the for-each loop:
int i = 0;
for each (itr in array) {
//is equivalent to:
for each (i, itr in array) {
- These formats are also allowed:
for each ((i, itr) in array) { /*...*/ }
for each ((int i, itr) in array) { /*...*/ }
for each (i, float itr in array) { /*...*/ }
for each ((float i, string itr) in array) { /*...*/ }
- You may use a colon(:) in place of the keyword "in"
for each (itr : array) { /*...*/ }
for each ((i, itr) : array) { /*...*/ }
- In addition, there is a new flow control statement "continue".
"continue" is used in the same manner as "break", but rather than simply ending the loop,
it will merely skip the current iteration of the loop.
ascent (int i in 0..8) {
if (i % 2 == 0) continue;
Will result in the following output:
- Unlike in vanilla ph3, "break" can no longer be used outside a loop.
- Attempting to do so will throw a compile-time error.
- The same applies to "continue".
- Functions, Tasks, Subs ("Callables")
- Parameters
Parameters, like variables, can have explicit types.
function Func(int a, float b, const string[] c) {}
- Function return type
- You may explicitly specify a function's return type.
function<int> Func1(a, b) {
return a + b;
WriteLog(Func1(10, 4.2)); //Output: 14
WriteLog(Func1(10, "sdfs")); //ERROR: Invalid implicit casting
- Marking a function with type "void" will forbid it from returning a value.
function<void> Func1(a, b) {
return; //OK: no return value
function<void> Func2(a, b) {
return a + b; //ERROR: void function can't return a value
- Overloading
Two callables with the same name, but different argument counts, will be treated as two different, unique callables.
function<int> Func() {
return 0;
function<int> Func(a) {
return 100;
function<int> Func(a, b, c) {
return a + b + c;
DoStuff(); //Returns 0
DoStuff("asdf"); //Returns 100
DoStuff(1, 2, 3); //Returns 6
- Variadic argument count (varargs)
- Some default functions now allow for varargs.
NotifyEventAll(EV_USER, 0);
NotifyEventAll(EV_USER, 0, 1, 2, 3);
NotifyEventAll(EV_USER, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8);
//All of the above are valid calls to NotifyEventAll.
- You can pass a maximum of around 357900000 arguments, but please please don't actually do that.
- Scripters currently cannot define their own callables with varargs.
- Async
Async blocks can be placed anywhere in the code, they behave like inlined tasks.
function Func() {
async {
return true;
//is equivalent to:
function Func() {
task AsyncTask() {
return true;
- Script
- Char
- Backslash escapes (\\) is properly recognized in char/string literals.
- Hexadecimal char literals (\x[hex]) can be used in char/string literals.
"\x74" -> "t"
'\x3042' -> 'あ'
"\x042\x5f" -> "B_"
- One-lined statements
ascent (i in 0..10) WriteLog(i);
if (true) a += 10;
else a -= 4;
Can be used everywhere except in function/task/sub declarations, async blocks, @-blocks, and local{} blocks.
- Optimizations
- The script compiler will try to perform basic optimizations on maths expressions.
a = 5 + 5 - 1; -> optimize -> a = 9;
a = 5 * 8 / 7; -> optimize -> a = 5.714286;
a = func(b) + 5 % 10; -> optimize -> a = func(b) + 5;
- Empty loops and blocks will be optimized away during script compiling.
while (true) {}
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {}
ascent (i in 0..100000000) {}
loop (1000) {
for each (i in "aaaaaaaaaa") {}
async {}
//All of the above examples will be optimized away
- Loops containing a single yield will be automatically transformed into a wait.
loop (60) yield; -> optimize -> wait(60);
loop (a * 2 + 60 - 20) { -> optimize -> wait(a * 2 + 60 - 20);
- Text Object Tags
Text object tags are special formatting patterns that can be used to dynamically alter rendering of text objects.
Available tags:
- r
Inserts a new line. Also resets formatting from other tags.
- font / f
Modifies the font.
Available tag properties:
- reset / rs / r / clear / clr / c
Resets the text to its original settings. Present in vanilla ph3 as "clear".
- size / sz
Changes the font size. Unchanged from vanilla ph3.
- ox / oy
Changes the position offset.
- it
Toggles italic. (true/false or 1/0)
- wg
Changes the font's weight.
- br / bg / bb
Changes the font's bottom color.
- tr / tg / tb
Changes the font's top color.
- or / og / ob
Changes the font's border color.
- bc
Changes the font's bottom color as a (r, g, b) list.
- tc
Changes the font's top color as a (r, g, b) list.
- oc
Changes the font's border color as a (r, g, b) list.
ObjText_SetText(obj, "Lorem ipsum [font size=48 it=1 bc=(255, 0, 0)]dolor sit[font clr] amet");
- ruby
Creates a ruby(furigana) text.
Available tag properties:
- rb
Sets the main(bottom) text. Unchanged from vanilla ph3.
- rt
Sets the furigana(top) text. Unchanged from vanilla ph3.
- sz
Changes the furigana text's font size.
- wg
Changes the furigana text's font weight.
- ox
Changes the furigana text's left margin.
- op
Changes the furigana text's side pitch.