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//Package Script Path
// Upon starting the game, the specified package script will be run.
package.script.main = script/GayGunner_Package.dnh
//Window Title
// The text to display on the window title.
//window.title = gaming
//Screen Size
// The default size is 640x480, use these parameters to change the screen size.
// Minimum and maximum size is 320x240 and 1920x1200 respectively.
screen.width = 1280
screen.height = 720
//Window Size List
// The sizes that will be listed in config.exe's Window Size drop-down panel.
// Separated with whitespaces or incorrect size formats.
window.size.list = 960x540 1280x720 1920x1080
//Skip Mode Speed
// The speed multiplier of the skip mode. (Triggered while Left CTRL is held down by default.)
// Limited between 1 and 50.
skip.rate = 20
//Enable/Disable Unfocused Processing
// When set to true, enables the engine to continue running in the background
// even if the user has clicked off the window, or if the window is minimized.
// Also enables notifications of EV_APP_LOSE_FOCUS and EV_APP_RESTORE_FOCUS.
unfocused.processing = false