797 lines
23 KiB

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Linq;
using ExitGames.Client.Photon.LoadBalancing;
using ExitGames.Client.Photon;
using Hashtable = ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable;
using PConst = PhotonConstants;
using Attribute = System.Attribute;
using Type = System.Type;
using Action = System.Action;
using EntityNetwork;
public abstract class EntityBase : MonoBehaviour {
/// <summary>
/// Entity ID for the entity, all entities require a unique ID.
/// </summary>
public int EntityID;
/// <summary>
/// Player ID number who is considered the authority for the object.
/// isMine / isRemote / isUnclaimed are determined by the authority holder.
/// Defaults to -1 if unassigned.
/// </summary>
public int authorityID = -1;
#region Helpers
/// <summary>
/// A helper that determines if the object is owned locally.
/// </summary>
/// <seealso cref="isRemote"/>
public bool isMine {
get {
// Everything is ours when we're not connected
if (NetworkManager.net == null) return true;
// If we're the master and have the appropriate interface, ingore the Authority ID and use the master status
if (this is IMasterOwnsUnclaimed && isUnclaimed) {
return NetworkManager.isMaster;
return NetworkManager.localID == authorityID;
/// <summary>
/// A helper to determine if the object is remote.
/// Returns false if we're disconnected
/// </summary>
/// <seealso cref="isMine"/>
public bool isRemote {
get {
if (NetworkManager.net == null) return false;
// Similar to isMine, ignore the master status if unclaimed
if (this is IMasterOwnsUnclaimed && isUnclaimed) {
return !NetworkManager.isMaster;
return NetworkManager.localID != authorityID;
/// <summary>
/// Helper to evaluate our authority ID being -1. It should be -1 if unclaimed.
/// </summary>
public bool isUnclaimed {
get {
return authorityID == -1;
/// <summary>
/// Query to see if we're registered. This is slightly expensive.
/// </summary>
/// <value><c>true</c> if is registered; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</value>
public bool isRegistered {
get {
return EntityManager.Entity(authorityID) != null;
public void AppendIDs(Hashtable h) {
h.Add(PConst.eidChar, EntityID);
h.Add(PConst.athChar, authorityID);
public void Register() {
public void RaiseEvent(char c, bool includeLocal, params object[] parameters) {
var h = new Hashtable();
h.Add(0, c);
if (parameters != null)
h.Add(1, parameters);
NetworkManager.netMessage(PhotonConstants.EntityEventCode, h, true);
if (includeLocal) {
InternallyInvokeEvent(c, parameters);
public static void RaiseStaticEvent<T>(char c, bool includeLocal, params object[] parameters) where T : EntityBase{
var h = new Hashtable();
// Given we have no instance ID's, we don't append IDs
h.Add(0, c);
if (parameters != null)
h.Add(1, parameters);
//var name = typeof(T).
NetworkManager.netMessage(PhotonConstants.EntityEventCode, h, true);
if (includeLocal)
InternallyInvokeStatic(typeof(T),c, parameters);
static Dictionary<int,Type> EBTypeIDs;
static Dictionary<Type,int> IDToEBs;
static void buildTypeIDs(){ // Build a bidirectional lookup of all EntityBase's in the assembly and assign them unique ID's
EBTypeIDs = new Dictionary<int,Type>();
IDToEBs = new Dictionary<Type,int>();
var ebType = typeof(EntityBase);
var derivedTypes = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().SelectMany(t => t.GetTypes()).Where(t=>ebType.IsAssignableFrom(t));
var sorted = derivedTypes.OrderBy(t => t.FullName);
int newID = 0;
foreach(var type in sorted) {
EBTypeIDs.Add(newID, type);
IDToEBs.Add(type, newID);
if (Debug.isDebugBuild || Application.isEditor) {
var debugString = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
foreach(var pair in EBTypeIDs) {
debugString.AppendFormat("{0} -> {1} \n", pair.Value, pair.Key);
/// <summary>
/// Get a unique ID for this objects class that dervives from EntityBase
/// </summary>
public int typeID {
get {
return IDfromType(this.GetType());
public static int IDfromType(Type t) {
if (IDToEBs != null)
return IDToEBs[t];
return IDfromType(t);
public static Type TypeFromID(int id) {
if (EBTypeIDs != null)
return EBTypeIDs[id];
return TypeFromID(id); // Return the original request
#region Serializers
/// <summary>
/// Serialize all tokens with the given label into HashTable h
/// Returns true if any contained token requires a reliable update
/// If you use IAutoSerialize, this is only neccessary for manual tokens
/// </summary>
protected bool SerializeToken(Hashtable h, params char[] ca) {
bool needsReliable = false;
var tH = tokenHandler;
foreach(char c in ca) {
h.Add(c, tH.get(c, this));
// If we're not already reliable, check if we need reliable
if (!needsReliable)
needsReliable = tH.alwaysReliable[c];
return needsReliable;
/// <summary>
/// Internally used for building and dispatching entity updates, build a full serialization of auto tokens and ID's
/// Due to inconsistent handling/calling contexts, ID's are added safely
/// </summary>
/// <returns>0 if nothing is sent, 1 if there is content to send, 2 if content should be sent reliably</returns>
public int SerializeAuto(Hashtable h) {
var tH = tokenHandler;
var time = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
bool reliableFlag = false;
bool isSending = false;
foreach (var c in tH.autoTokens) {
if (this[c] < time) {
this[c] = time + tH.updateTimes[c];
isSending = true;
h.Add(c, tH.get(c, this));
if (!reliableFlag)
reliableFlag = tH.reliableTokens.Contains(c);
if (isSending) {
// If none of the tokens actually updated, return 0
// Otherwise, return 1 for a normal update, 2 for a reliable update
if (!isSending)
return 0;
h.AddOrSet(PConst.eidChar, EntityID);
h.AddOrSet(PConst.athChar, authorityID);
return reliableFlag ? 2 : 1;
/// <summary>
/// Read specified values out of the hashtable
/// In most cases, you'll want to use DeserializeFull instead
/// </summary>
protected void DeserializeToken(Hashtable h, params char[] ca) {
var tH = tokenHandler;
foreach(char c in ca) {
object value;
if (h.TryGetValue(c, out value))
tH.set(c, this, value);
/// <summary>
/// Read all attributed tokens fields of the hashtable and update corresponding values.
/// This will be called automatically if implementing IAutoDeserialize
/// </summary>
public void DeserializeFull(Hashtable h) {
var tH = tokenHandler;
foreach(char c in TokenList()) {
object value;
if (h.TryGetValue(c, out value))
tH.set(c, this, value);
/// <summary>
/// Key function describing what to serialize. Be sure to call Base.Serialize(h)
/// Helper SerializeToken will automatically write fields with matching tokens into the table
/// </summary>
public virtual void Serialize(Hashtable h) {
/// <summary>
/// Deserialize the entity out of the provided hashtable.
/// Use helper function DeserializeToken automatically unpack any tokens
/// </summary>
public virtual void Deserialize(Hashtable h) {
h.SetOnKey(PConst.eidChar, ref EntityID);
h.SetOnKey(PConst.athChar, ref authorityID);
/// <summary>
/// Check to see if the hashtable already contains each always send token, and if not, add it.
/// </summary>
private bool SerializeAlwaysTokensSafely(Hashtable h) {
var tH = tokenHandler;
foreach(var c in tH.alwaysSendTokens) {
// If the hashtable doesn't contain our token, add it in
if (!h.ContainsKey(c)) {
h.Add(c, tH.get(c,this));
return tH.alwaysIsRelaible;
/// <summary>
/// Send a reliable update with <b>only</b> the provided tokens, immediately.
/// This does not send the alwaysSend autotokens, and exists solely so that you can have a field update as soon as possible,
/// such as menu or input events
/// </summary>
public void UpdateExclusively(params char[] ca) {
var h = new Hashtable();
SerializeToken(h, ca);
NetworkManager.netMessage(PConst.EntityUpdateCode, h, true);
/// <summary>
/// Immediately sent a network update with our current state. This includes auto tokens if IAutoSerialize is implemented.
/// Reliable flag, though it defaults to false, may be forced true when sending always or reliable tokens.
/// </summary>
public void UpdateNow(bool reliable = false) {
var h = new Hashtable();
if (this is IAutoSerialize) {
int autoCode = SerializeAuto(h);
if (autoCode == 2) reliable = true;
} else {
if (SerializeAlwaysTokensSafely(h))
reliable = true;
NetworkManager.netMessage(PConst.EntityUpdateCode, h, reliable);
#region timing
// updateTimers coordinates when each value's server representation 'expires' and should be resent
// For values which didn't specify an update time, this value is set to +inf, so that it will always be greater than the current time
private Dictionary<char,float> updateTimers = new Dictionary<char,float>();
float this[char c] {
get {
float t;
if(!updateTimers.TryGetValue(c, out t)) {
var updateTime = tokenHandler.updateTimes[c];
updateTimers.Add(c, updateTime >= 0 ? 0 : Mathf.Infinity);
return updateTimers[c];
set {
updateTimers[c] = value;
// Token management is a system that assigns a character token to each field for serialization, via attributes
// This is used to automatically pull get/set for variables to assist in auto serializing as much as possible and reducing the amount of manual network messaging
[ContextMenu("Claim as mine")]
public bool ClaimAsMine() {
if (!NetworkManager.inRoom && NetworkManager.isReady) return false;
authorityID = NetworkManager.localID;
return true;
#region TokenManagement
/// TODO: Modifying a token at this level needs to clone the TokenHandler specially for this EntityBase object so changes don't propegate to other entities
/// <summary>
/// Runtime modify the parameters of a token. Modifying the reliability of a token is slightly intensive.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="token">The token to be modified</param>
/// <param name="updateMs">Milliseconds between updates. 0 is every frame, use cautiously. Set negative to unsubcribe automaic updates.</param>
/// <param name="alwaysSend">If the token should always be sent with other tokens</param>
/// <param name="isReliable">If the token needs to be sent reliably.</param>
public void ModifyToken(char token, int? updateMs = null, bool? alwaysSend = null, bool? isReliable = null) {
var tH = tokenHandler;
if (tH.shared) {
_tokenHandler = tH.DeepClone();
tH = _tokenHandler;
// If we have a value for reliability
if (isReliable.HasValue) {
if (tH.reliableTokens.Contains(token)){
if (!isReliable.Value)
} else {
if (isReliable.Value)
// If we have a value for always sending
if (alwaysSend.HasValue) {
if (tH.alwaysSend.ContainsKey(token)){
if (!alwaysSend.Value)
} else {
if (alwaysSend.Value)
if (alwaysSend.HasValue || isReliable.HasValue)
if (updateMs.HasValue) {
float fUpdateTime = updateMs.Value / 1000f;
tH.updateTimes[token] = fUpdateTime;
// Unsubscribing
if (fUpdateTime < 0) {
if (tH.autoTokens.Contains(token))
if (!tH.manualTokens.Contains(token))
this[token] = Mathf.Infinity; // Never auto-update
} else {
if (!tH.autoTokens.Contains(token))
if (tH.manualTokens.Contains(token))
this[token] = 0; // Auto update next check
/// <summary>
/// Invoke a labeled character event. You should never need to use this method manually.
/// </summary>
public void InternallyInvokeEvent(char c, params object[] parameters) {
tokenHandler.NetEvents[c].Invoke(this, parameters);
/// <summary>
/// Invoke a labeled character event when the event is static. You should hopefully never need to use this method manually.
/// </summary>
public static void InternallyInvokeStatic(Type T, char c, params object[] parameters) {
if (!handlers.ContainsKey(T)) {
TokenHandler th = handlers[T];
th.NetEvents[c].Invoke(null, parameters);
private static Dictionary<Type,List<char>> tokens = new Dictionary<Type,List<char>>();
private static Dictionary<Type,TokenHandler> handlers = new Dictionary<Type,TokenHandler>();
/// <summary>
/// Cached token handler reference
/// </summary>
private TokenHandler _tokenHandler;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the token for class in question. Will generate the token list if it doesn't exist.
/// If the object modifies it's tokens parameters, it will clone a new handler specific to the object
/// </summary>
protected TokenHandler tokenHandler {
get {
if (_tokenHandler != null) return _tokenHandler;
var T = GetType();
if (handlers.ContainsKey(T))
return _tokenHandler = handlers[T];
return _tokenHandler = handlers[T];
protected class TokenHandler {
private Dictionary<char,System.Action<EntityBase,object>> setters;
private Dictionary<char,System.Func<EntityBase,object>> getters;
public Dictionary<char,MethodInfo> NetEvents = new Dictionary<char,MethodInfo>();
public TokenHandler() {
setters = new Dictionary<char,System.Action<EntityBase,object>>();
getters = new Dictionary<char,System.Func<EntityBase,object>>();
public TokenHandler DeepClone() {
TokenHandler nTH = new TokenHandler();
nTH.setters = new Dictionary<char,System.Action<EntityBase,object>>(this.setters);
nTH.getters = new Dictionary<char,System.Func<EntityBase,object>>(this.getters);
nTH.alwaysSend = new Dictionary<char,bool>(this.alwaysSend);
nTH.alwaysReliable = new Dictionary<char,bool>(this.alwaysReliable);
nTH.alwaysIsRelaible = this.alwaysIsRelaible;
nTH.NetEvents = this.NetEvents; // This one we keep the reference for
// Flag the new TokenHandler as not being shared
nTH.shared = false;
return nTH;
public bool shared = true;
public object get(char c, EntityBase eb) {
return getter(c)(eb);
public void set(char c, EntityBase eb, object o) {
setter(c)(eb, o);
public System.Func<EntityBase,object> getter(char c){
return getters[c];
public System.Action<EntityBase,object> setter(char c) {
return setters[c];
public Dictionary<char,bool>
alwaysSend = new Dictionary<char,bool>(),
alwaysReliable = new Dictionary<char,bool>();
/// <summary>
/// If any always send tokens are reliable, implicity, all of them are.
/// </summary>
public bool alwaysIsRelaible = false;
public Dictionary<char,float> updateTimes = new Dictionary<char,float>();
/// <summary>
/// Tokens that should always be sent reliably
/// </summary>
public List<char> reliableTokens = new List<char>();
/// <summary>
/// Tokens that should always be sent whenever another token is sent
/// </summary>
public List<char> alwaysSendTokens = new List<char>();
/// <summary>
/// Tokens that are automatically dispatched according to the update timer
/// </summary>
public List<char> autoTokens = new List<char>();
/// <summary>
/// Tokens that are not always send or auto tokens. Useful for getting the subsection of tokens to serialize manually
/// </summary>
public List<char> manualTokens = new List<char>();
/// <summary>
/// Check each reliable token for if it needs to always be sent, and if any do, always sent tokens require reliable updates.
/// </summary>
public void ReEvalAlwaysIsReliable() {
alwaysIsRelaible = false;
foreach(var token in reliableTokens) {
if (alwaysSend.ContainsKey(token)) {
alwaysIsRelaible = true;
public void RegisterField(char c, FieldInfo fi, NetVar nv) {
getters.Add(c, (e)=> { return fi.GetValue(e); });
setters.Add(c, (e,v)=> { fi.SetValue(e,v); });
updateTimes.Add(c, nv.updateTime);
if (nv.alwaysSend)
if (nv.alwaysReliable)
if (nv.updateTime >= 0f) {
} else if (!nv.alwaysSend) {
if(nv.alwaysSend && nv.alwaysReliable) {
alwaysIsRelaible = true;
Debug.LogFormat("{0} -> {1}", c, fi.Name);
/// <summary>
/// Get a list of all tokens used in this class.
/// </summary>
public List<char> TokenList() {
var T = this.GetType();
if (tokens.ContainsKey(T)) {
return tokens[T];
return tokens[T];
static char AutoCharField(FieldInfo fi, ushort offset = 0) {
var strategies = new[] {
fi.Name.ToUpperInvariant()[0] };
var suggest = strategies[offset % 3];
// Advance the token if we are still colliding
if (offset > 3)
suggest = (char)(System.Convert.ToUInt16(suggest) + offset);
return suggest;
static void BuildTokenList(Type T) {
if (!T.IsSubclassOf(typeof(EntityBase)))
throw new System.Exception("Cannot build a token list for a class that doesn't derive EntityBase");
// Setup the char list
List<char> charList;
TokenHandler th;
// Establish the token handler
if (!tokens.ContainsKey(T)) {
charList = new List<char>();
th = new TokenHandler();
} else {
charList = tokens[T];
th = handlers[T];
var fields = T.GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
// Build the list of net vars, including ones without assigned chars
var pendingInfos = new List<(char c, FieldInfo fi, NetVar nv)>();
foreach(FieldInfo fi in fields) {
var fieldInfo = fi; // Closure fi to prevent variable capture in lambdas
var netVar = fieldInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(NetVar),true).FirstOrDefault() as NetVar;
if (netVar == null) continue; // This field has no netvar associated, skip it
if (netVar.token != ' ') charList.Add(netVar.token);
pendingInfos.Add((netVar.token, fi, netVar));
// Enforce order so we can generate tokens consistently
pendingInfos = pendingInfos.OrderBy(p => p.fi.Name).ToList();
foreach(var (c, fi, nv) in pendingInfos) {
if (c != ' ') {
th.RegisterField(c, fi, nv);
var suggest = AutoCharField(fi);
if (!charList.Contains(suggest)) {
th.RegisterField(suggest, fi, nv);
// Search for an unused key
ushort off = 0;
suggest = AutoCharField(fi, ++off);
th.RegisterField(suggest, fi, nv);
var methods = T.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
// Store all event method infos for remote invocation
foreach(MethodInfo mi in methods) {
var methodInfo = mi; // Closure
var netEvent = methodInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(NetEvent),true).FirstOrDefault() as NetEvent;
if (netEvent == null) {
//Debug.LogFormat("Skipping {0}'s {1}", T.Name, methodInfo.Name);
//Debug.LogFormat("EVENT {0}'s {1} -> {2}", T.Name, methodInfo.Name, netEvent.token);
th.NetEvents.Add(netEvent.token, methodInfo);
// Search for all static events on this type; In theory this could be merged with the non-static search, but at time of implementing I thought I may process them seperately.
var staticMethods = T.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
foreach (MethodInfo mi in staticMethods) {
var smi = mi; // Closure
var netEvent = smi.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(NetEvent),true).FirstOrDefault() as NetEvent;
if (netEvent == null) continue;
th.NetEvents.Add(netEvent.token, smi);
var autoTok = string.Join(",", th.autoTokens.Select(t => t.ToString()).ToArray());
//Debug.LogFormat("{0} Auto Tokens: {1}", T.Name, autoTok);
var alTok = string.Join(",", th.alwaysSendTokens.Select(t => t.ToString()).ToArray());
//Debug.LogFormat("{0} Alwy Tokens: {1}", T.Name, alTok);
public virtual void Awake() {
if (this is IEarlyAutoRegister)
else if (this is IAutoRegister)
IEnumerator DeferredRegister() {
while (!NetworkManager.inRoom)
yield return null;
/// <summary>
/// Network variable attribute, specifying the desired token.
/// Set alwaysReliable to hint that a reliable update is required
/// Set alwaysSend to always include the variable in all dispatches
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Always Reliable -> Token must be sent reliably every time
/// Always Send -> Token will be sent whenever any other token is sent
/// updateMs -> If set, the token will automatically dispatch every updateMs milliseconds
/// </remarks>
public class NetVar : Attribute {
public readonly char token;
public readonly bool alwaysReliable, alwaysSend;
public readonly float updateTime;
public NetVar(char token = ' ', bool alwaysReliable = false, bool alwaysSend = false, int updateMs = -1) {
this.token = token;
this.alwaysReliable = alwaysReliable;
this.alwaysSend = alwaysSend;
this.updateTime = updateMs / 1000f; // Convert milliseconds to seconds
/// <summary>
/// This attribute describes a networked event function; This function must be non-static and is called on a specific entity.
/// It may have any network serializable parameters
/// </summary>
public class NetEvent : Attribute {
public readonly char token;
public NetEvent(char token) {
this.token = token;
/// <summary>
/// Attach to a static field returning either a GameObject or EntityBase
/// This function will be called to create a networked entity.
/// The method may contain any number of parameters that are serializable
/// The EntityID
/// </summary>
public class Instantiation : Attribute { }