Semi-playable test state, load Lemon_Test scene and LayeredStaging under it
This commit is contained in:
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@ -21,6 +21,189 @@ using Cluster = System.Collections.Generic.List<(int x, int y)>;
public class GameBoard : EntityBase, IAutoSerialize, IAutoDeserialize {
public BoardState board = new BoardState();
public bool paused = false;
public bool controlledByPlayer = true;
public bool controlledByAI = true;
public Move Current, Next;
public Move Recommended;
[Tooltip("Time it takes for the collapse to process")]
public float CollapseCycleTime = 1.5f;
public int cursorX, cursorY;
void Start() {
void Update() {
[Header("Game State)"), ReadOnly]
public float comboDelay = 0;
public float collapseCount;
void UpdateControls() {
// Scan the board for tile activations
board = board.Activate(out int activations);
if (activations > 0) {
if (comboDelay > 0) {
comboDelay -= Time.deltaTime;
if (comboDelay <= 0) {
board = board.BreakPending(this, true);
board = board.Collapse(out _);
} else {
comboDelay = 1.5f; // Half second combo delay
} else {
board = board.Collapse(out _);
if (controlledByPlayer) {
public void MoveCursor(MoveDir d) {
var (dx,dy) = d.ToPair();
cursorX += dx;
cursorY += dy;
var clampX = Mathf.Clamp(cursorX, 0, BoardState.BoardWidth - 1);
var clampY = Mathf.Clamp(cursorY, BoardState.BoardHeight - 4, BoardState.BoardHeight - 2);
if (cursorX != clampX) goto Invalid;
if (cursorY != clampY) goto Invalid;
Current.location = (cursorX, cursorY);
// Leave/pickup our motion chain
if (Current.first == d) {
Current.first = MoveDir.None;
} else {
if (Current.second == d && Current.first == MoveDir.None) {
Current.second = MoveDir.None;
} else {
Current.second = Current.first;
Current.first = d.Reverse();
cursorX = clampX;
cursorY = clampY;
public bool Drop() {
// Don't allow drops while combo delay is going
if (comboDelay > 0) return false;
bool valid = Current.isValid(board);
if (!valid) return false;
board = board.Place(Current);
Current = Next;
Next = new Move().Set(Random,Random,Random);
board = board.Collapse(out _);
return true;
static bool AnyCode(params KeyCode[] kc) {
foreach (var code in kc)
if (Input.GetKeyDown(code)) return true;
return false;
void PlayerControls() {
var intent = MoveDir.None;
if (AnyCode(KeyCode.W,KeyCode.UpArrow))
intent = MoveDir.Up;
if (AnyCode(KeyCode.A, KeyCode.LeftArrow))
intent = MoveDir.Left;
if (AnyCode(KeyCode.S, KeyCode.DownArrow))
intent = MoveDir.Down;
if (AnyCode(KeyCode.D, KeyCode.RightArrow))
intent = MoveDir.Right;
if (intent != MoveDir.None)
if (AnyCode(KeyCode.Space, KeyCode.KeypadEnter, KeyCode.Return)) {
// AI Solver
[ContextMenu("Recommend Move")]
public void SolveRecommendedMove() {
// First, create the sim board
var simBoard = board.SelfCopy();
static List<Move> PossibleMoves;
public static void ValidateMoves() {
if (PossibleMoves != null) return;
PossibleMoves = new List<Move>();
// Array of all possible movement direction sequences
(MoveDir a, MoveDir b)[] sequences = new[] {
(MoveDir.Down, MoveDir.Down),
(MoveDir.Down, MoveDir.Left),
(MoveDir.Down, MoveDir.Right),
(MoveDir.Up, MoveDir.Up),
(MoveDir.Up, MoveDir.Left),
(MoveDir.Up, MoveDir.Right),
(MoveDir.Right, MoveDir.Right),
(MoveDir.Right, MoveDir.Up),
(MoveDir.Right, MoveDir.Down),
(MoveDir.Left, MoveDir.Left),
(MoveDir.Left, MoveDir.Down),
(MoveDir.Left, MoveDir.Up)};
// Create a new empty board, then collapse to fill with iar
BoardState airBoard = new BoardState();
airBoard = airBoard.Collapse(out _);
// Just for fun :)
int considered = 0;
int ignored = 0;
// 2D Loop over the top three board rows
for(int x = 0; x < BoardState.BoardWidth; ++x)
for (int y = BoardState.BoardHeight - 4; y < BoardState.BoardHeight - 1; ++y) {
// From this position, attempt each sequence
foreach(var s in sequences) {
considered += 1;
var move = new Move {
location = (x, y),
first = s.a,
second = s.b
if (move.isValid(airBoard))
ignored += 1;
Debug.LogFormat("Possible Moves table built, Considered {0} (Ignored: {1})", considered, ignored);
GameBoardDrawer _drawer;
public GameBoardDrawer drawer {
get {
@ -37,11 +220,22 @@ public class GameBoard : EntityBase, IAutoSerialize, IAutoDeserialize {
if (h.TryGetValue('b', out var hashedBoard))
board = new BoardState((Hashtable)hashedBoard);
if (h.TryGetValue('c', out var curArrayObject)) {
Current = Move.FromIntArray((int[])curArrayObject);
if (h.TryGetValue('n', out var nxtArrayObject)) {
Next = Move.FromIntArray((int[])nxtArrayObject);
public override void Serialize(Hashtable h) {
h.Add('b', board.ToHashtable());
h.Add('c', Move.ToIntArray(Current));
h.Add('n', Move.ToIntArray(Next));
public TileColor[] Options;
@ -56,6 +250,14 @@ public class GameBoard : EntityBase, IAutoSerialize, IAutoDeserialize {
for(int i = 0; i < BoardState.BoardWidth; ++i) {
board[i] = new TileStack(new[] { Random, Random, Random, Random, Random, Random });
Current = new Move();
Current.triplet = (Random, Random, Random);
Next = new Move();
Next.triplet = (Random, Random, Random);
[ContextMenu("Test Board Serialization")]
@ -74,7 +276,7 @@ public class GameBoard : EntityBase, IAutoSerialize, IAutoDeserialize {
public void BreakPending() => board = board.BreakPending(this, Application.isPlaying);
public void Collapse() => board = board.Collapse();
public void Collapse() => board = board.Collapse(out _);
@ -258,7 +460,6 @@ public static class BoardLogic {
public static int TallestStack(this BoardState bs)
=> bs.state.Max(t => t.Count);
// Get a tile from a stack padded with nulls
public static TileInfo NullPadded(this TileStack ts, int row) {
if (row < 0) return null;
@ -417,8 +618,9 @@ public static class BoardLogic {
return ClosedSet.Select(e => (x, e)).ToList();
public static BoardState Collapse(this BoardState bs) {
public static BoardState Collapse(this BoardState bs, out int remCount) {
// TODO: Proper support for fairy blocks
remCount = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < bs.state.Count; ++x) {
var col = bs[x];
@ -427,6 +629,8 @@ public static class BoardLogic {
for (int i = 0; i < col.Count; ++i) {
col[i] = col[i].SetFalling(foundAir);
if (col[i].isAir) foundAir = true;
//remCount += foundAir ? 1 : 0;
// First, pad to length with air
@ -436,12 +640,16 @@ public static class BoardLogic {
// Create an unlinked copy
var oldCol = col.Copy();
// Remove all air tiles
col.RemoveAll(t => t.isAir);
/*remCount += */col.RemoveAll(t => t.isAir);
// Repad with air
while (col.Count < BoardState.BoardHeight)
foreach(var elm in col) {
if (elm.detail.HasFlag(TileDetail.Dropped))
remCount += 1;
// TODO: Better falling logic
// Set the falling flag for drawing
@ -458,11 +666,25 @@ public static class BoardLogic {
var (first, second, third) = m.triplet;
var (x, y) = m.location;
//Debug.LogFormat("Placing at {0},{1}", x, y);
var activeCol = state[x];
activeCol[y] = first;
(x, y) = m.locationB;
activeCol = state[x];
activeCol[y] = second;
(x, y) = m.locationC;
activeCol = state[x];
activeCol[y] = third;
// FIXME SetAtPoint is shite and doesn't work good??
state.SetAtPoint(m.location, first);
state.SetAtPoint(m.locationB, second);
state.SetAtPoint(m.locationC, third);
//state.SetAtPoint(m.location, first);
//state.SetAtPoint(m.locationB, second);
//state.SetAtPoint(m.locationC, third);
return state;
@ -507,13 +729,27 @@ public static class BoardLogic {
activations += 1; // Increment the activation counter
//activations += 1; // Increment the activation counter
// Turns out, we need to know pending counts more
activations = CountPending(bs);
return bs;
public static int CountPending(this BoardState bs) {
int pending = 0;
foreach(var col in bs.state) {
foreach (var elem in col) {
if (elem.isPending)
pending += 1;
return pending;
public static BoardState BreakPending(this BoardState bs, GameBoard gb, bool sendCallbacks = false) {
var broken = new Cluster();
for(int x = 0; x < bs.state.Count; ++x) {
@ -552,7 +788,7 @@ public static class BoardLogic {
// Iterations for the current step
int stepActivations = 0;
do {
bs = bs.Collapse().Activate(out stepActivations).BreakPending(gb);
bs = bs.Collapse(out _).Activate(out stepActivations).BreakPending(gb);
activations += stepActivations;
// Repeat until no new tiles activate
Debug.LogFormat("Processed {0} activations", stepActivations);
@ -581,18 +817,71 @@ public static class BoardLogic {
return (0, 0);
public static MoveDir Reverse(this MoveDir md) {
switch(md) {
case MoveDir.Left:
return MoveDir.Right;
case MoveDir.Right:
return MoveDir.Left;
case MoveDir.Up:
return MoveDir.Down;
case MoveDir.Down:
return MoveDir.Up;
return MoveDir.None;
#region moves
public enum MoveDir { None, Left, Right, Up, Down }
public enum MoveDir { None=0, Left, Right, Up, Down }
public class Move {
public (TileInfo first, TileInfo second, TileInfo third) triplet;
public (int x, int y) location;
public Move Set(params TileInfo[] elements){
triplet = (elements[0], elements[1], elements[2]);
return this;
public bool isValid(BoardState bs) {
// Check if current move is valid
if (this.first == MoveDir.None || this.second == MoveDir.None)
return false;
var mX = BoardState.BoardWidth - 1;
var mY = BoardState.BoardHeight - 4;
// Validate all the placement positions are in bounds
var locs = new[] { location, locationB, locationC };
foreach(var loc in locs) {
if (loc.x < 0) return false;
if (loc.x > mX) return false;
if (loc.y < mY) return false;
if (loc.y > mY + 3) return false;
// Validate that the board positions are empty
var at = bs.TileAtPoint(this.location);
if (!at.isAir) return false;
at = bs.TileAtPoint(this.locationB);
if (!at.isAir) return false;
at = bs.TileAtPoint(this.locationC);
if (!at.isAir) return false;
return true;
public void ClearMove() {
first = MoveDir.None;
second = MoveDir.None;
public MoveDir first, second;
public (int x, int y) locationB {
@ -608,6 +897,34 @@ public class Move {
return (locationB.x + x, locationB.y + y);
public static int[] ToIntArray(Move m) {
var ml = new int[7];
ml[0] = m.triplet.first;
ml[1] = m.triplet.second;
ml[2] = m.triplet.third;
ml[3] = (int)m.first;
ml[4] = (int)m.second;
ml[5] = m.location.x;
ml[6] = m.location.y;
return ml;
public static Move FromIntArray(int[] ia) {
var m = new Move();
m.triplet.first = (TileInfo)ia[0];
m.triplet.second = (TileInfo)ia[1];
m.triplet.third = (TileInfo)ia[2];
m.first = (MoveDir)ia[3];
m.second = (MoveDir)ia[4];
m.location = (ia[5], ia[6]);
return m;
@ -645,6 +962,7 @@ public class BoardState {
return null;
// This doesn't work for whatevre damn reason
public void SetAtPoint((int x, int y) p, TileInfo tile) {
if (TryCol(p.x, out var col)) {
col.ChangeTile(p.x, tile);
@ -14,6 +14,110 @@ public class GameBoardDrawer : MonoBehaviour {
return TilePrefab;
public Move CurrentMove;
public Move NextMove;
public Vector3 nextUI, currentUI;
public List<TileDrawer> currentDrawers, nextDrawer, placementDrawer;
public void DrawMove() {
if (gameBoard.Current != null) {
var cur = gameBoard.Current;
var (first, second, third) = cur.triplet;
currentDrawers[0].toDraw = first;
currentDrawers[1].toDraw = second;
currentDrawers[2].toDraw = third;
for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
currentDrawers[i].transform.localPosition =
Position(0, i) + currentUI;
placementDrawer[0].toDraw = first;
placementDrawer[1].toDraw = second;
placementDrawer[2].toDraw = third;
var pla = placementDrawer[0].transform;
var plb = placementDrawer[1].transform;
var plc = placementDrawer[2].transform;
var offset = Vector3.forward * -5f;
pla.localPosition = Position(gameBoard.cursorX, gameBoard.cursorY) + offset;
placementDrawer[0].opacity = 0.8f;
var cx = gameBoard.cursorX;
var cy = gameBoard.cursorY;
if (cur.first != MoveDir.None) {
placementDrawer[1].opacity = 0.8f;
var (x,y) = cur.locationB;
plb.localPosition = Position(x, y) + offset;
} else {
placementDrawer[1].opacity = 0.5f;
// Draw the piece as a little floater
plb.localPosition =
Position(cx, cy) + offset,
Position(cx, cy + 1) + (offset*0.9f),
if (cur.second != MoveDir.None) {
placementDrawer[2].opacity = 0.9f;
var (x, y) = cur.locationC;
plc.localPosition = Position(x, y) + offset;
} else {
plc.localPosition =
Position(cx, cy) + offset,
Position(cx, cy + 2) + (offset * 0.85f),
placementDrawer[2].opacity = 0.5f;
if (gameBoard.Next != null) {
var tri = gameBoard.Next.triplet;
nextDrawer[0].toDraw = tri.first;
nextDrawer[1].toDraw = tri.second;
nextDrawer[2].toDraw = tri.third;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
nextDrawer[i].transform.localPosition =
Position(0, i) + nextUI;
public Sprite Cursor;
Transform _cursorObject;
public void UpdateCursor() {
if (_cursorObject) {
_cursorObject.localPosition =
Position(gameBoard.cursorX, gameBoard.cursorY) +
(Vector3.forward * -10);
var cgo = new GameObject("Cursor");
cgo.hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSaveInBuild | HideFlags.DontSaveInEditor;
_cursorObject = cgo.transform;
_cursorObject.SetParent(transform, false);
var src = cgo.AddComponent<SpriteRenderer>();
src.sprite = Cursor;
src.sortingLayerID = TilePrefab.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().sortingLayerID;
src.sortingOrder = 100; // Draw high up
// Cached reference to the gameboard
GameBoard _gameBoard;
public GameBoard gameBoard {
@ -49,6 +153,8 @@ public class GameBoardDrawer : MonoBehaviour {
if (TileDrawers == null) {
var flags = HideFlags.DontSaveInBuild | HideFlags.DontSaveInEditor;
Transform self = transform; // Cache
// Setup the board
// Board is arranged as a series of column 'stacks', bottom up
@ -58,7 +164,7 @@ public class GameBoardDrawer : MonoBehaviour {
for (int y = 0; y < BoardState.BoardHeight; ++y) {
var tile = Instantiate<GameObject>(TilePrefab,self);
tile.hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSaveInBuild | HideFlags.DontSaveInEditor;
tile.hideFlags = flags;
// placement is handled in the update section
//var tileT = tile.transform;
//tileT.localPosition = new Vector3(x, y) * TileSize;
@ -67,6 +173,23 @@ public class GameBoardDrawer : MonoBehaviour {
currentDrawers = new List<TileDrawer>();
nextDrawer = new List<TileDrawer>();
placementDrawer = new List<TileDrawer>();
for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
var ctd = Instantiate(TilePrefab, self);
var ntd = Instantiate(TilePrefab, self);
var ptd = Instantiate(TilePrefab, self);
ctd.hideFlags = flags;
ntd.hideFlags = flags;
ptd.hideFlags = flags;
@ -132,5 +255,9 @@ public class GameBoardDrawer : MonoBehaviour {
@ -153,6 +153,7 @@ MonoBehaviour:
TilePrefab: {fileID: 6929433238081324627, guid: 2d35555d89dd5e94fb9527d52c616c11,
type: 3}
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--- !u!114 &20737163
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--- !u!4 &20737164
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