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230 lines
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### LINT+ REN'PY WORD COUNTER ################################################################################
# Thanks for downloading Lint+! ( https://kigyo.itch.io/renpy-word-counter )
# Below are a bunch of variables that let you customize the generated output according to your needs.
# If you like this tool, consider dropping a donation: https://ko-fi.com/kigyodev
# Paying just $1 on itch.io also lets you access an additional feature: label-based statistics!
# Thank you, and may this tool help track your progress better than ever! :D
# - KigyoDev
## Preferences: Counters ################################################################################################
# Line and word counts for every character
# default value: True
define wordcounter_characters = True
# Line and word counts for each .rpy file
# default value: True
define wordcounter_files = True
# Line and word counts for every character, within each .rpy file
# default value: True
define wordcounter_character_files = True
# Number of menus and available choices in the game
# default value: True
define wordcounter_menu_choices = True
# Show character/symbol counts, which might be too much detail - otherwise only displays number of dialogue blocks and words
# default value: False
define wordcounter_display_character_count = False
# Line and word counts for every label
# default value: True
define wordcounter_labels = True
# The old character statistics which only displays line counts
# default value: False
define config.lint_character_statistics = False
## Preferences: File paths ################################################################################################
# Name of the folder your script files are in, if any. This can make the generated output look nicer.
# Example: "script/"
# default value: ""
define script_folder_path = ""
# List of folders and files you want to ignore.
# Example: if you want to make sure nothing in the "unused" folder and the "script.rpy" file is counted, write ["unused", "script.rpy"]
# Note: Be careful with unintentionally matching filenames! Ignoring "no" will also ignore any folders and file names containing "no".
# default value: []
define script_ignore_path = []
## Preferences: Characters ################################################################################################
# List of equivalent characters that should be counted as one. Given ("x", "y"), "y" will be counted as "x".
# Example: if "ann", "xann", and "nann" should all be considered "ann", write [("ann", "xann"), ("ann", "nann")]
# default value: []
define wordcounter_same = []
# List of characters who should be hidden from the character statistics. They still contribute to the total file word count.
# default value: ["extend"]
define wordcounter_hidden = ["extend"]
# List of characters who should not count towards any word counts.
# default value: []
define wordcounter_uncounted = []
### The Code ##################################################################################################
init python:
import collections
# The main function
def wordcounter():
all_stmts = list(renpy.game.script.all_stmts)
all_stmts.sort(key=lambda n : n.filename)
charastats = collections.defaultdict(Count)
filestats = collections.defaultdict(Count)
filecharastats = {}
menu_count = 0
options_count = 0
unignored_name = "game/" + script_folder_path + "every file combined"
filecharastats[unignored_name] = collections.defaultdict(Count)
for node in all_stmts:
if isinstance(node, renpy.ast.Say):
speaker = node.who
for i in wordcounter_same:
if i[1] == speaker:
speaker = i[0]
if not_ignored_path(node.filename) and speaker not in wordcounter_uncounted:
if node.filename not in filecharastats:
filecharastats[node.filename] = collections.defaultdict(Count)
if speaker not in wordcounter_hidden:
charastats[speaker if speaker else 'narrator' ].add(node.what)
filecharastats[node.filename][speaker if speaker else 'narrator' ].add(node.what)
elif isinstance(node, renpy.ast.Menu):
menu_count += 1
for l, c, b in node.items:
options_count += 1
if renpy.config.developer and wordcounter_characters:
if renpy.config.developer and wordcounter_files:
if renpy.config.developer and wordcounter_character_files:
report_file_chara_stats(filestats, filecharastats)
if renpy.config.developer and wordcounter_menu_choices:
report_menu_stats(menu_count, options_count)
# This makes sure the above function is actually called whenever you use Lint
def not_ignored_path(filename):
for i in script_ignore_path:
if i in filename:
return False
return True
# The print functions:
def report_character_stats(charastats, title = True):
if title:
print("Character statistics:")
count_to_char = collections.defaultdict(list)
for char in charastats:
for count, chars in sorted(count_to_char.items(), reverse=True):
if len(chars) == 1:
start = chars[0] + " has "
end = humanize(charastats[chars[0]].words)
elif len(chars) == 2:
start = chars[0] + " and " + chars[1] + " have "
end = humanize(charastats[chars[0]].words) + " and " + humanize(charastats[chars[1]].words)
start = ", ".join(chars[:-1]) + ", and " + chars[-1] + " have "
end = ""
for char in chars[:-1]:
end += humanize(charastats[char].words) + ", "
end += "and " + humanize(charastats[chars[-1]].words)
print(" * " + start + humanize(count) +
(" block" if count == 1 else " blocks") + " of dialogue, and " +
end + " words" + (" each." if len(chars) > 1 else ".") )
def report_file_stats(filestats):
print("File statistics:")
count_to_char = collections.defaultdict(list)
for file in filestats:
print(" * [" + file[5+len(script_folder_path):] + "] contains " + humanize(filestats[file].blocks) +
" dialogue blocks and " + humanize(filestats[file].words) + " words.")
def report_file_chara_stats(filestats, filecharastats):
print("Detailed File statistics:")
count_to_char = collections.defaultdict(list)
for file in filestats:
print("[" + file[5+len(script_folder_path):] + "] contains " + humanize(filestats[file].blocks) +
" dialogue blocks and " + humanize(filestats[file].words) + " words:")
report_character_stats(filecharastats[file], False)
def report_menu_stats(menu_count, options_count):
print("Menu statistics:")
print("The game has " + str(menu_count) + " menus, with a total of " + str(options_count) + " possible choices, \nfor an average of " +
"{:,.2f}".format(options_count and options_count/menu_count or 0) + " choices per menu.")
# Auxiliary functions directly copied from lint.py - I take no credit for these:
def humanize(n):
s = str(n)
rv = []
for i, c in enumerate(reversed(s)):
if i and not (i % 3):
rv.insert(0, ',')
rv.insert(0, c)
return ''.join(rv)
class Count(object):
def __init__(self):
self.blocks = 0
self.words = 0
self.characters = 0
def add(self, s):
self.blocks += 1
self.words += len(s.split())
self.characters += len(s)