sampler samp0_ : register(s0); //The following semantic-linked global variables are provided by the engine. // WORLD (float4x4) // The camera matrix. This can be ignored when the particle lists are not intended to be billboarded. // VIEW (float4x4) // The view matrix. Used to transform world coordinates to camera coordinates. // PROJECTION (float4x4) // The projection matrix. Used to transform camera coordinates to device coordinates. // FOGENABLE (bool) // A boolean indicating whether fog was enabled for the particle list object. // FOGCOLOR (float4) // The color of the fog set with SetFogParam. The packing format is (r, g, b, a). // FOGDIST (float2) // The ranges of the fog set with SetFogParam. The packing format is (fog start, fog end). float4x4 g_mCamera : WORLD : register(c0); float4x4 g_mView : VIEW : register(c4); float4x4 g_mProj : PROJECTION : register(c8); bool g_bUseFog : FOGENABLE : register(b0) = false; float4 g_vFogColor : FOGCOLOR : register(c12) = float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); float2 g_vFogDist : FOGDIST : register(c13) = float2(0.0f, 256.0f); struct VS_INPUT { //Vertex data float4 position : POSITION; float4 diffuse : COLOR0; float2 texCoord : TEXCOORD0; //Instance data float4 i_color : COLOR1; float4 i_xyz_pos_x_scale : TEXCOORD1; //Pack: (x pos, y pos, z pos, x scale) float4 i_yz_scale_xy_ang : TEXCOORD2; //Pack: (y scale, z scale, x angle, y angle) float4 i_z_ang_extra : TEXCOORD3; //Pack: (z angle, extra 1, extra 2, extra 3) }; struct PS_INPUT { float4 position : POSITION; float4 diffuse : COLOR0; float2 texCoord : TEXCOORD0; float fogBlend : FOG; }; PS_INPUT mainVS(VS_INPUT inVs) { PS_INPUT outVs; float3 t_scale = float3(inVs.i_xyz_pos_x_scale.w, inVs.i_yz_scale_xy_ang.xy); float2 ax = float2(sin(inVs.i_yz_scale_xy_ang.z), cos(inVs.i_yz_scale_xy_ang.z)); float2 ay = float2(sin(inVs.i_yz_scale_xy_ang.w), cos(inVs.i_yz_scale_xy_ang.w)); float2 az = float2(sin(inVs.i_z_ang_extra.x), cos(inVs.i_z_ang_extra.x)); //Creates the transformation matrix. //Calculate positions later after transformation with g_mCamera. Necessary for billboarded sprites to render correctly. float4x4 matInstance = float4x4( float4( t_scale.x * (ay.y * az.y - ax.x * ay.x * az.x), t_scale.x * (-ax.y * az.x), t_scale.x * (ay.x * az.y + ax.x * ay.y * az.x), 0 ), float4( t_scale.y * (ay.y * az.x + ax.x * ay.x * az.y), t_scale.y * (ax.y * az.y), t_scale.y * (ay.x * az.x - ax.x * ay.y * az.y), 0 ), float4( t_scale.z * (-ax.y * ay.x), t_scale.z * (ax.x), t_scale.z * (ax.y * ay.y), 0 ), float4(0, 0, 0, 1) ); outVs.diffuse = inVs.diffuse * inVs.i_color; outVs.texCoord = inVs.texCoord; outVs.position = mul(inVs.position, matInstance); outVs.position = mul(outVs.position, g_mCamera); //After billboarding has been accounted for, add the instance positions. +=; outVs.position = mul(outVs.position, g_mView); //Compute fog while the position is in camera space. if (g_bUseFog) outVs.fogBlend = saturate((g_vFogDist.y - outVs.position.z) / (g_vFogDist.y - g_vFogDist.x)); outVs.position = mul(outVs.position, g_mProj); return outVs; } float4 mainPS(PS_INPUT inPs) : COLOR0 { float4 color = tex2D(samp0_, inPs.texCoord); if (g_bUseFog) color.rgb = lerp(g_vFogColor.rgb, color.rgb, inPs.fogBlend); return (color * inPs.diffuse); } technique Render { pass P0 { VertexShader = compile vs_3_0 mainVS(); PixelShader = compile ps_3_0 mainPS(); } }