#TouhouDanmakufu[Single] #ScriptVersion[3] #Title["Remilia Nonspell 2"] #Text["yassification"] #System["script/KevinSystem/Kevin_System.txt"] int difficultySelect = 0; let objScene = GetEnemyBossSceneObjectID(); let csd = GetCurrentScriptDirectory(); let bossObj; float bossX = 0; float bossY = 0; float playerY = 0; float playerX = 0; let aniframe = 0; let aniframe2 = 0; let spellsnd = ObjSound_Create(); let bossdiesnd = ObjSound_Create(); /*Parameters: + Laser ring density + Laser spin speed + Spiral density + Spiral speed + Spiral angle offset + Spiral delay */ int[] denseLaser = [7, 8, 9]; float[] speedspinLaser = [0.35, 0.35, 0.35]; int[] timeLaser = [60, 70, 80]; int[] timeDelayLaser = [45, 40, 30]; int[] denseSpiral = [5, 6, 7]; float[] angleoffsetSpiral = [1.618*8, 1.618*7, 1.618*6]; float[] speedSpiral = [8.5, 9.5, 10.5]; int[] delaySpiral = [5, 5, 4]; /* */ // Includes ahoy #include "script/KevinSystem/Universal_Lib.txt" // The library to include all libraries :sans: :nail_care: @Initialize { //SetIntersectionVisualization(true); SetAutoDeleteObject(true); _InitDifficulty(difficultySelect); //difficultySelect = 0; // debug SetShotAutoDeleteClip(64, 64, 64, 64); if(!IsCommonDataAreaExists("PIV")){ CreateCommonDataArea("PIV"); SetAreaCommonData("PIV", "currentvalue", 10000); } else{} // Create the boss object itself bossObj = ObjEnemy_Create(OBJ_ENEMY_BOSS); ObjEnemy_Regist(bossObj); ObjMove_SetPosition(bossObj, GetCommonData("Boss Position X", STG_WIDTH/2), GetCommonData("Boss Position Y", STG_HEIGHT/2)); ObjEnemy_SetMaximumDamage(bossObj, 999); _RenderBoss(bossObj); mainTask(); _FadeInvincibility(bossObj, 150, 150, 1); endingnew(); } @Event { alternative(GetEventType()) case(EV_REQUEST_LIFE) { SetScriptResult(3000); } case(EV_REQUEST_TIMER) { SetScriptResult(25); } } @MainLoop { playerY = GetPlayerY(); playerX = GetPlayerX(); //The player position is ALWAYS UPDATED bossX = ObjMove_GetX(bossObj); bossY = ObjMove_GetY(bossObj); ObjEnemy_SetIntersectionCircleToShot(bossObj, ObjMove_GetX(bossObj), ObjMove_GetY(bossObj), 180); yield; } @Finalize { } /*Nonspell 2 (Patchouli): Non-directional Laser with Bubble Spiral Parameters: + Laser ring density + Laser spin speed + Spiral density + Spiral speed + Spiral angle offset */ task mainTask { ObjMove_SetDestAtFrame(bossObj, STG_WIDTH/2, STG_HEIGHT/6+30, 45, LERP_DECELERATE); wait(60); int multiplier = 1; while(ObjEnemy_GetInfo(bossObj, INFO_LIFE) > 0){ ascent(i in 0..denseLaser[difficultySelect]){ SpawnNDLaser(i, multiplier); } wait(timeDelayLaser[difficultySelect]); float ang = 0; loop(90/delaySpiral[difficultySelect]){ float ang2 = ang; loop(denseSpiral[difficultySelect]){ int shot = CreateShotA1(bossX, bossY, speedSpiral[difficultySelect], ang2, KEV_BUBBLE_RED, 10); if (multiplier == -1) {ObjShot_SetGraphic(shot, KEV_BUBBLE_AQUA);} else{} if(ObjEnemy_GetInfo(bossObj, INFO_LIFE) <= 0){Obj_Delete(shot);} else{ _Delay(shot, 10); _BulletRescale(shot, 0.65, true, 1); Shoot1; } ang2 += 360/denseSpiral[difficultySelect]; } ang += angleoffsetSpiral[difficultySelect]*-multiplier; wait(delaySpiral[difficultySelect]); } multiplier *= -1; yield; } } task SpawnNDLaser(int ID, int multiplier){ float objcount = 0; int obj = CreateStraightLaserA1(bossX + -45*cos(ID*360/denseLaser[difficultySelect]), bossY + -45*sin(ID*360/denseLaser[difficultySelect]), ID * 360/denseLaser[difficultySelect], STG_HEIGHT*1.5, 100, timeLaser[difficultySelect], KEV_AMULET_RED, timeDelayLaser[difficultySelect]); if(ObjEnemy_GetInfo(bossObj, INFO_LIFE) == 0){Obj_Delete(obj);} int shot = CreateShotA1(bossX + 120*cos(ID*360/denseLaser[difficultySelect]), bossY + 120*sin(ID*360/denseLaser[difficultySelect]), 0, ID * 360/denseLaser[difficultySelect], KEV_AURABALL_RED, 10); if(ObjEnemy_GetInfo(bossObj, INFO_LIFE) == 0){Obj_Delete(shot);} else{ _Delay(shot, 10); _BulletRescale(shot, 2, true, 1); Shoot1; } if(multiplier == -1){ ObjShot_SetGraphic(obj, KEV_AMULET_AQUA); ObjShot_SetGraphic(shot, KEV_AURABALL_AQUA); } ObjShot_SetAutoDelete(obj, false); ObjShot_SetAutoDelete(shot, false); ObjRender_SetBlendType(obj, BLEND_ADD_ARGB); ObjRender_SetBlendType(shot, BLEND_ADD_ARGB); ObjLaser_SetInvalidLength(obj, 0.25, 0.25); ObjStLaser_SetSource(obj, true); ObjStLaser_SetEnd(obj, true); ObjStLaser_SetEndGraphic(obj, ObjShot_GetImageID(obj)-33); async{ wait(timeDelayLaser[difficultySelect]); Shoot2; } while(!Obj_IsDeleted(obj)){ ObjMove_SetPosition(obj, bossX + -45*cos(ID*360/denseLaser[difficultySelect] + objcount), bossY + -45 * sin(ID*360/denseLaser[difficultySelect] + objcount)); ObjMove_SetPosition(shot, bossX + 120*cos(ID*360/denseLaser[difficultySelect] + objcount), bossY + 120*sin(ID*360/denseLaser[difficultySelect] + objcount)); ObjStLaser_SetAngle(obj, ID*360/denseLaser[difficultySelect] + objcount); objcount += speedspinLaser[difficultySelect]*multiplier; yield; } ObjShot_FadeDelete(shot); } /*task SpawnNDLaser(ID, multiplier){ let objcount = 0; let obj = CreateStraightLaserA1(ObjMove_GetX(bossObj) + 60*cos(ID*360/denseLaser[difficultySelect]), ObjMove_GetY(bossObj) + 60*sin(ID*360/denseLaser[difficultySelect]), ID * 360/denseLaser[difficultySelect], 512, 24, 300, KEV_AMULET_RED, 60); while(!Obj_IsDeleted(obj)){ ObjMove_SetPosition(obj, ObjMove_GetX(bossObj) + 60*cos(ID*360/denseLaser[difficultySelect] + objcount), ObjMove_GetY(bossObj) + 60*sin(ID*360/denseLaser[difficultySelect] + objcount)); ObjStLaser_SetAngle(obj, ID*360/denseLaser[difficultySelect] + objcount); //objcount += 1 * multiplier; objcount += 0.5; yield; } }*/ task endingnew(){ while(ObjEnemy_GetInfo(bossObj, INFO_LIFE)>0){ yield; } _GoToBrazil(objScene, bossObj, 12, 24); wait(120); ObjSound_SetVolumeRate(fire2, 20); CloseScript(GetOwnScriptID); }