shot_image = "./playerlib/Chimata_Sheet.png" ShotData{ id = 0 // Dummy rect = (0,0,0,0) render = ALPHA alpha = 0 collision = 32 } // Money ShotData{ id = 1 rect = (256, 512, 512, 896) render = ALPHA alpha = 255 collision = (128, 0, 74) // Hitbox of arrows is not centered on the sprite } // Knìfe ShotData{ id = 2 rect = (512, 512, 768, 896) render = ALPHA alpha = 255 collision = (128, 0, 74) // Hitbox of arrows is not centered on the sprite } ShotData{ id = 3 rect = (0, 512, 256, 768) render = ALPHA alpha = 255 collision = (128, 0, 74) // Hitbox of arrows is not centered on the sprite } // Bomb ShotData{ id = 4 rect = (0, 896, 512, 1408) render = ADD_ARGB angular_velocity = 5; alpha = 255 collision = 160 }