// Sound effects for items go here. let itemlib = GetModuleDirectory() ~ "./script/KevinSystem/RyannSFX/ItemSFX/"; let SFXVol = GetAreaCommonData("Config", "SEVol", 100) * 0.01; // Sound objects declarations let SpellSFX = ObjSound_Create(); let LifeSFX = ObjSound_Create(); let CancelSFX = ObjSound_Create(); let RegularItemSFX = ObjSound_Create(); let SpecialItemSFX = ObjSound_Create(); // Merge function that loads sounds and significantly decreases volume // so the ears do not die from SFX overload. function LoadEx(targetobj, targetpath, targetvol){ ObjSound_Load(targetobj, targetpath); ObjSound_SetVolumeRate(targetobj, targetvol * SFXVol); ObjSound_SetSoundDivision(targetobj, SOUND_SE); } task _ItemSoundTask{ LoadEx(SpellSFX, itemlib ~ "bfxr_SpellExtend.wav", 100); LoadEx(LifeSFX, itemlib ~ "bfxr_LifeExtend.wav", 100); LoadEx(CancelSFX, itemlib ~ "bfxr_GetItemCancel.wav", 20); LoadEx(RegularItemSFX, itemlib ~ "bfxr_GetItem1.wav", 50); LoadEx(SpecialItemSFX, itemlib ~ "bfxr_GetItemSpecial.wav", 150); } // Functions to load sounds in scripts