#include "./Player_Function_Laser.dnh" // Shot Type int[] optionArr = []; float angSpace = 2.5; float[] angStartArr = []; // Far left, left, right, far right float[] angStartUF = [230, 270, 270, 310]; float[] angStartUFAlt = [230, 275, 265, 310]; float[] angStartF = [250, 280, 260, 290]; float offsetX = 125; float offsetY = 75; int[] bulletNum = [4, 3, 3, 4]; task ShotType(){ } task BaseShot(){ // 5 way shot float[] angDist = [10, 5]; float ang = -7.5; float ang2 = -22.5; while(true){ if(GetVirtualKeyState(VK_SPELL) == KEY_FREE && IsPermitPlayerShot && !ripplayer){ // C for alt shot if(GetVirtualKeyState(VK_USER1) != KEY_FREE){ if(shotspeed % 4 == 0){ ObjSound_Play(Base3); ascent(i in 0..3){ let shotA = CreatePlayerShotA1(playerX, playerY, 52, ang2 - ang2 * (i * 1), shotDamageOption, 1.5, AMULET); _BulletRescalePlayer(shotA, shotScaleOption, true, 1); ObjRender_SetAlpha(shotA, shotAlpha); Obj_SetRenderPriorityI(shotA, 41); } ascent(i in 0..3){ let shotB = CreatePlayerShotA1(playerX, playerY, 52, ang2 - ang2 * (i * 1) + 180, shotDamageOption, 1.5, AMULET); _BulletRescalePlayer(shotB, shotScaleOption, true, 1); ObjRender_SetAlpha(shotB, shotAlpha); Obj_SetRenderPriorityI(shotB, 41); } } } // Z/Z+C for normal shot else if(GetVirtualKeyState(VK_SHOT) != KEY_FREE && GetVirtualKeyState(VK_USER1) == KEY_FREE){ if(shotspeed % 4 == 0){ ObjSound_Play(Base3); ascent(b in -2..3){ let shotC = CreatePlayerShotA1(playerX, playerY, 52, 0 + ang * b, shotDamageOption, 1.5, AMULET); _BulletRescalePlayer(shotC, shotScaleOption, true, 1); ObjRender_SetAlpha(shotC, shotAlpha); Obj_SetRenderPriorityI(shotC, 41); } } } else{} } yield; } } task SpecialWeapon(){ // Create projectile, but disable hitbox & visibility int golem = CreatePlayerShotA1(playerX+128, playerY, 0, 0, shotDamageSpecial * 5.25, 999999, GOLEM); ObjShot_SetAutoDelete(golem, false); ObjShot_SetEraseShot(golem, true); ObjShot_SetPenetrateShotEnable(golem, true); ObjShot_SetIntersectionEnable(golem, false); Obj_SetVisible(golem, false); ObjRender_SetAlpha(golem, 0); ObjShot_SetSpellFactor(golem, true); _BulletRescalePlayer(golem, 1.5, true, 1); ObjShot_SetSpinAngularVelocity(golem, 6); float i = 0; while(true){ if(GetVirtualKeyState(VK_SPELL) != KEY_FREE && GetCommonDataPtr(POINTER_SPECIALAMMO, 100) > 0 && !ripplayer){ if(shotspeed % 4 == 0){ObjSound_Play(Fire);} i = min(210, i+210/10); ObjMove_SetPosition(golem, playerX + i, playerY); ObjRender_SetAlpha(golem, min(255, ObjRender_GetAlpha(golem)+255/10)); //SetCommonDataPtr(POINTER_SPECIALCHECK, true); SetCommonDataPtr(POINTER_CHAINCHECK, true); SetPlayerSpeed(PlayerSpd[0]*1.5, PlayerSpd[1]*1.5); // (Approx.) 20 ammo per second SetCommonDataPtr(POINTER_SPECIALAMMO, max(0, GetCommonDataPtr(POINTER_SPECIALAMMO, 100)-(20/60))); ObjShot_SetIntersectionEnable(golem, true); Obj_SetVisible(golem, true); // +1 rank per 10 seconds of use SetCommonData("Rank", clamp(GetCommonData("Rank", 1)+1/600, 1, GetCommonData("MaxRank", 6))); /* if(shotspeed % 4 == 0){ float x = ObjMove_GetX(ID); float y = ObjMove_GetY(ID); // Minimal rank boost -> +0.5 rank for every 10 seconds of the wpn being used -> 1/20 rank every sec -> 1/300 rank every 4 frames SetCommonData("Rank", clamp(GetCommonData("Rank", 1) + 1/300, GetCommonData("MinRank", 1), GetCommonData("MaxRank", 12))); angFire[0] = 270 + angFlux * sin(ang1) + rand(-5, 5); angFire[1] = 270 + angFlux * sin(ang2) + rand(-5, 5); // YASS FIRE THOSE BITCH KILLER SLASHES FireSlash(angFire[0], 50, 35, 45); FireSlash(angFire[1], 50, 35, 45); ang1 += 25; ang2 -= 25; } */ } else{ // Refills 5 ammo per second i = max(0, i-210/10); ObjMove_SetPosition(golem, playerX + i, playerY); ObjRender_SetAlpha(golem, max(0, ObjRender_GetAlpha(golem)-255/10)); SetPlayerSpeed(PlayerSpd[0], PlayerSpd[1]); SetCommonDataPtr(POINTER_SPECIALAMMO, min(100, GetCommonDataPtr(POINTER_SPECIALAMMO, 100)+(5/60))); SetCommonDataPtr(POINTER_CHAINCHECK, false); ObjShot_SetIntersectionEnable(golem, false); //if(GetCommonDataPtr(POINTER_CHAINGAUGE, 0) <= 0){SetCommonDataPtr(POINTER_SPECIALCHECK, false);} } yield; } } task FireSlash( float angle, baseSpd, int decelTime, lifeTime ){ int slash = CreatePlayerShotA1(playerX, playerY, baseSpd, angle, shotDamageSpecial, 8, 1); ObjShot_SetPenetrateShotEnable(slash, false); _BulletRescalePlayer(slash, shotScaleSpecial, true, 1); Obj_SetRenderPriorityI(slash, plrender-1); //ObjRender_SetBlendType(slash, BLEND_ADD_ARGB); ObjSound_Play(Base5); ObjShot_SetEraseShot(slash, true); async{ ascent(i in 0..3){ int slashA = CreatePlayerShotA1(playerX, playerY, baseSpd, angle, shotDamageSpecial/5, 32, 1); _BulletRescalePlayer(slashA, shotScaleSpecial/2, true, 1); //ObjRender_SetBlendType(slashA, BLEND_ADD_ARGB); ObjShot_SetPenetrateShotEnable(slashA, false); Obj_SetRenderPriorityI(slashA, plrender-1); Fade(slashA); wait(10); } } task Fade(int ID){ ObjMove_AddPatternA2(ID, 0, baseSpd/2, [rand(180, 230), rand(-50, 30)][rand_int(0, 1)], (-baseSpd/2)/(decelTime), 2, 0); ascent(i in 0..(decelTime)){ ObjRender_SetAlpha(ID, Interpolate_Accelerate(shotAlpha, 0, i/(decelTime))); yield; } Obj_Delete(ID); } async{ ObjMove_SetAcceleration(slash, -baseSpd/decelTime); ObjMove_SetMaxSpeed(slash, baseSpd/50); ObjRender_SetAlpha(slash, shotAlpha); ascent(i in 0..decelTime){ ObjRender_SetScaleXYZ(slash, Interpolate_Accelerate(shotScaleSpecial/1.25, shotScaleSpecial, i/decelTime)); yield; } ascent(i in 0..(lifeTime-decelTime)){ ObjRender_SetAlpha(slash, Interpolate_Accelerate(shotAlpha, 0, i/(lifeTime-decelTime))); yield; } Obj_Delete(slash); } } // Bomb // Holy fuck its literally YoumuA IBP