ALL ARGUMENTS ARE FLOATS UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE "T": Any type ----------------------------------------------> [Base Script] <---------------------------------------------- --------------------------------> New Constants <-------------------------------- M_PI = pi ; 3.14159265358979323846 M_PI_2 = M_PI / 2 ; 1.57079632679489661923 M_PI_4 = M_PI / 4 ; 0.78539816339744830962 M_PI_X2 = M_PI * 2 ; 6.28318530717958647693 M_PI_X4 = M_PI * 4 ; 12.5663706143591729539 M_1_PI = 1 / M_PI ; 0.31830988618379067154 M_2_PI = 2 / M_PI ; 0.63661977236758134308 M_SQRTPI = sqrt(M_PI) ; 1.772453850905516027298 M_1_SQRTPI = 1 / sqrt(M_PI) ; 0.56418958354775628695 M_2_SQRTPI = 2 / sqrt(M_PI) ; 1.128379167095512573896 M_SQRT2 = sqrt(2) ; 1.4142135623730950488 M_SQRT2_2 = sqrt(2) / 2 ; 0.7071067811865475244 M_SQRT2_X2 = sqrt(2) * 2 ; 2.8284271247461900976 M_E = e ; 2.71828182845904523536 M_LOG2E = log2(e) ; 1.44269504088896340736 M_LOG10E = log10(e) ; 0.43429448190325182765 M_LN2 = ln(2) ; 0.69314718055994530942 M_LN10 = ln(10) ; 2.30258509299404568402 M_PHI = (1 + sqrt(5)) / 2 ; 1.61803398874989484821 M_1_PHI = 1 / M_PHI ; 0.6180339887498948482 INF = infinity float NAN = NaN float --------------------------------> Basic Operations <-------------------------------- __DEBUG_BREAK Description: Triggers a debug break. For developers. wait Arguments: 1) (int) frame Description: Pauses the execution for the given amount of frames. Much faster than loop(n){yield;} typeof Arguments: 1) (T) value Returns: (int) type Description: Returns the type of the given value. Example: -60i -> VAR_INT 920 -> VAR_FLOAT false -> VAR_BOOL "str" -> VAR_STRING [8, 0, 2] -> VAR_ARRAY ftypeof Arguments: 1) (T) value Returns: (int) type Description: Returns the root type of the given value. Example: 920 -> VAR_FLOAT false -> VAR_BOOL "str" -> VAR_CHAR [8, 0, 2] -> VAR_FLOAT [[["a"]]] -> VAR_CHAR resize Arguments: 1) (T[]) array 2) (int) new size Returns: (T[]) result Description: Resizes the given array. The array must not be a null array. resize (Overload) Arguments: 1) (T[]) array 2) (int) new size 3) (T) fill value Returns: (T[]) result Description: Overloaded with 3 arguments. Resizes the given array. If the new size is larger than the old size, newly inserted elements will be assigned the fill value. Unless the array is a null array, the fill value's type must be convertible to the array's element type. insert Arguments: 1) (T[]) array 2) (int) insert position 3) (T) value Returns: (T[]) result Description: Inserts the given value into the given position of the array. Insertion method is "insert-before". contains Arguments: 1) (T[]) array 2) (T) value Returns: (bool) result Description: Checks if the given value is present as an element of the given array. replace Arguments: 1) (T[]) array 2) (T) replace from 2) (T) replace to Returns: (T[]) result Description: Replaces all occurences of the given element with the other in the array. remove Arguments: 1) (T[]) array 2) (T) value Returns: (T[]) result Description: Removes all occurences of the given element in the array. --------------------------------> Type Casting <-------------------------------- as_int Arguments: 1) (T) value Returns: (int) result Description: Returns the given value casted to an int value. as_float Arguments: 1) (T) value Returns: (float) result Description: Returns the given value casted to a float value. as_bool Arguments: 1) (T) value Returns: (bool) result Description: Returns the given value casted to a bool value. as_char Arguments: 1) (T) value Returns: (char) result Description: Returns the given value casted to a char value. as_int_array Arguments: 1) (T[]) array Returns: (int[]) result Description: Casts array elements to ints, then returns the result. Casting is recursive. Example: as_int_array([[true, true], [false, true]]); //-> [[1, 1], [0, 1]] as_float_array Arguments: 1) (T[]) array Returns: (float[]) result Description: Casts array elements to floats, then returns the result. Casting is recursive. as_bool_array Arguments: 1) (T[]) array Returns: (bool[]) result Description: Casts array elements to bools, then returns the result. Casting is recursive. as_char_array Arguments: 1) (T[]) array Returns: (char[]) result Description: Casts array elements to chars, then returns the result. Casting is recursive. Not an alias of ToString. as_x_array Arguments: 1) (T[]) array 2) (const) type Returns: (T[]) result Description: Casts array elements to the given type, then returns the result. Supported types: VAR_INT VAR_FLOAT VAR_BOOL VAR_CHAR Casting is recursive. --------------------------------> Bitwise Operations <-------------------------------- bit_not Arguments: 1) (int) value Returns: (int) result Description: Performs a bitwise NOT operation. bit_and Arguments: 1) (int) value 1 2) (int) value 2 Returns: (int) result Description: Performs a bitwise AND operation. bit_or Arguments: 1) (int) value 1 2) (int) value 2 Returns: (int) result Description: Performs a bitwise OR operation. bit_xor Arguments: 1) (int) value 1 2) (int) value 2 Returns: (int) result Description: Performs a bitwise XOR operation. bit_left Arguments: 1) (int) value 2) (int) shift factor Returns: (int) result Description: Performs a bitwise left shift operation. bit_right Arguments: 1) (int) value 2) (int) shift factor Returns: (int) result Description: Performs a bitwise right shift operation. --------------------------------> Float Utilities <-------------------------------- Float_Classify Arguments: 1) x Returns: (const) result Description: Classifies the given float value. Possible return values: - FLOAT_TYPE_ZERO ; Value is either +0 or -0. - FLOAT_TYPE_NORMAL ; Value is a normal float. - FLOAT_TYPE_SUBNORMAL ; Value is a subnormal float. ( - FLOAT_TYPE_INFINITY ; Value is either +infinity or -infinity. - FLOAT_TYPE_NAN ; Value is not-a-number. Float_IsNan Arguments: 1) x Returns: (bool) result Description: Returns true if the given float is NaN. Float_IsInf Arguments: 1) x Returns: (bool) result Description: Returns true if the given float is +infinity or -infinity. Float_GetSign Arguments: 1) x Returns: (float) sign Description: Returns +1.0 if the given float is positive, and -1.0 if the given float is negative. Float_CopySign Arguments: 1) x 2) y Returns: (float) result Description: Copies the sign of x to y, and returns the result. --------------------------------> Maths <-------------------------------- clamp Arguments: 1) x 2) lower bound 3) upper bound Returns: (float) result Description: Returns x clamped between the specified range. log2 Arguments: 1) x Returns: (float) result Description: Returns base-2 logarithm of x. logn Arguments: 1) x 2) base Returns: (float) result Description: Returns base-n logarithm of x. erf Arguments: 1) x Returns: (float) result Description: Returns the error function value of x. erf(x) = (2/sqrt(pi)) * integral(0, x, "e^(-t^2) dt") gamma Arguments: 1) x Returns: (float) result Description: Returns the gamma function value of x. gamma(z + 1) = integral(0, infinity, "(x^z)(e^(-x)) dx") exp Arguments: 1) value Returns: (float) result Description: Returns e (Euler's number) raised to the power of x. sqrt Arguments: 1) x Returns: (float) result Description: Returns the square root of x. Much faster than pow(x, 0.5). cbrt Arguments: 1) x Returns: (float) result Description: Returns the cube root of x. Equivalent to (x ^ (1/3)). nroot Arguments: 1) x 2) root Returns: (float) result Description: Returns the nth root of x. Equivalent to pow(x, 1 / root). hypot Arguments: 1) a 2) b Returns: (float) result Description: Returns the hypotenuse of the triangle formed by the two given values. hypot(a, b) = sqrt(a * a + b * b) distance Arguments: 1) x1 2) y1 3) x2 4) y2 Returns: (float) result Description: Returns distance between the given two points. distance(x1, y1, x2, y2) = hypot(x1 - x2, y1 - y2) distancesq Arguments: 1) x1 2) y1 3) x2 4) y2 Returns: (float) result Description: Returns square of the distance between the given two points. distancesq(x1, y1, x2, y2) = (x1 - x2)^2 + (y1 - y2)^2 dottheta Arguments: 1) x1 2) y1 3) x2 4) y2 Returns: (float) result (degrees) Description: Returns angle (in degrees) between the given two points. dottheta(x1, y1, x2, y2) = atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1) rdottheta Arguments: 1) x1 2) y1 3) x2 4) y2 Returns: (float) result (radians) Description: Returns angle (in radians) between the given two points. rdottheta(x1, y1, x2, y2) = ratan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1) --------------------------------> Trigonometry and Angular Maths <-------------------------------- sincos Arguments: 1) angle Returns: (float[2]) [sin(angle), cos(angle)] rsin Arguments: 1) angle Returns: (float) result Description: sin() for radians input. rcos Arguments: 1) angle (radians) Returns: (float) result Description: cos() for radians input. rtan Arguments: 1) angle (radians) Returns: (float) result Description: tan() for radians input. rsincos Arguments: 1) angle (radians) Returns: (float[2]) result Description: sincos() for radians input. rasin Arguments: 1) value Returns: (float) result Description: asin() for radians output. racos Arguments: 1) value Returns: (float) result Description: acos() for radians output. ratan Arguments: 1) y 2) x Returns: (float) result Description: atan() for radians output. ratan2 Arguments: 1) value Returns: (float) result Description: atan2() for radians output. ToDegrees Arguments: 1) angle Returns: (float) result Description: Converts the given angle to degrees. ToRadians Arguments: 1) angle Returns: (float) result Description: Converts the given angle to radians. NormalizeAngle Arguments: 1) angle (degrees) Returns: (float) result Description: Normalizes the given angle. (Range = [0, 360)) NormalizeAngleR Arguments: 1) angle (radians) Returns: (float) result Description: Normalizes the given angle. (Range = [0, 2pi)) AngularDistance Arguments: 1) angle from (degrees) 2) angle to (degrees) Returns: (float) result Description: Calculates the shortest angular distance between the given angles. (Range = [-180, 180)) AngularDistanceR Arguments: 1) angle from (radians) 2) angle to (radians) Returns: (float) result Description: Calculates the shortest angular distance between the given angles. (Range = [-pi, pi)) ReflectAngle Arguments: 1) ray angle (degrees) 2) surface angle (degrees) Returns: (float) result Description: Calculates the given ray's angle of reflection upon a surface of the given angle. (Range = [0, 360)) ReflectAngleR Arguments: 1) ray angle (radians) 2) surface angle (radians) Returns: (float) result Description: Calculates the given ray's angle of reflection upon a surface of the given angle. (Range = [0, 2pi)) --------------------------------> Interpolation <-------------------------------- For the functions in this section, refer to these Desmos graph plot. "Basic" interpolations -> Bezier interpolations -> Interpolate_Linear Arguments: 1) a 2) b 3) x Returns: IF a, b are not arrays (float) result ELSE (float[]) result array Description: Returns the result of interpolation between a and b, using x as the interpolation value. Interpolation method is linear. Direct formula is (a + (b - a) * (x)) Represented by the red graph. When interpolating between two arrays, they must be of the same size. Interpolate_Smooth Arguments: 1) a 2) b 3) x Returns: IF a, b are not arrays (float) result ELSE (float[]) result array Description: Returns the result of interpolation between a and b, using x as the interpolation value. Interpolation method is first-order smoothstep curve. Direct formula is (a + (b - a) * (x^2 * (3 - 2 * x))) Represented by the blue graph. When interpolating between two arrays, they must be of the same size. Interpolate_Smoother Arguments: 1) a 2) b 3) x Returns: IF a, b are not arrays (float) result ELSE (float[]) result array Description: Returns the result of interpolation between a and b, using x as the interpolation value. Interpolation method is second-order smoothstep curve. Direct formula is (a + (b - a) * (x^3 * (x * (x * 6 - 15) + 10))) Represented by the green graph. When interpolating between two arrays, they must be of the same size. Interpolate_Accelerate Arguments: 1) a 2) b 3) x Returns: IF a, b are not arrays (float) result ELSE (float[]) result array Description: Returns the result of interpolation between a and b, using x as the interpolation value. Interpolation method is parabolic. Direct formula is (a + (b - a) * (x^2)) Represented by the purple graph. When interpolating between two arrays, they must be of the same size. Interpolate_Decelerate Arguments: 1) a 2) b 3) x Returns: IF a, b are not arrays (float) result ELSE (float[]) result array Description: Returns the result of interpolation between a and b, using x as the interpolation value. Interpolation method is inverse parabolic. Direct formula is (a + (b - a) * (1 - (1 - x)^2)) Represented by the black graph. When interpolating between two arrays, they must be of the same size. Interpolate_Modulate Arguments: 1) a 2) b 3) c 4) x Returns: (float) result Description: Returns the result of interpolation between a and b, using x as the interpolation value. Interpolation method is sine. Direct formula is (a + (b - a) * (x + (rsin(2pi * x) / (2pi)) * c)) Represented by the dotted red graph. Interpolate_Overshoot Arguments: 1) a 2) b 3) c 4) x Returns: (float) result Description: Returns the result of interpolation between a and b, using x as the interpolation value. Interpolation method is half sine. Direct formula is (a + (b - a) * (x + (rsin(pi * x) / pi) * c)) Represented by the dotted blue graph. Interpolate_QuadraticBezier Arguments: 1) a 2) b 3) c 4) x Returns: (float) result Description: Calculates a coordinate component of a quadratic Bezier curve. Direct formula is ((a * (1 - x)^2) + (2 * c * x * (1 - x)) + (b * x^2)) Represented by the red graph. Interpolate_CubicBezier Arguments: 1) a 2) b 3) c1 4) c2 5) x Returns: (float) result Description: Calculates a coordinate component of a cubic Bezier curve. Direct formula is ((a * (1 - x)^3) + (3 * c1 * x * (1 - x)^2) + (3 * c2 * x^2 * (1 - x)) + (b * x^3)) Represented by the red graph. Interpolate_Hermite Arguments: 1) start x 2) start y 3) end x 4) end y 5) starting point tangent vector magnitude 6) starting point tangent vector angle (degrees) 5) ending point tangent vector magnitude 6) ending point tangent vector angle (degrees) 9) x Returns: (float[2]) [x, y] Description: Calculates the position along the given cubic Hermite spline curve. Interpolate_X Arguments: 1) a 2) b 3) x 4) (int) interpolation type Returns: IF a, b are not arrays (float) result ELSE (float[]) result array Description: Interpolates between a and b using x with the given interpolation type. Available interpolation types: LERP_LINEAR: Interpolate_Linear LERP_SMOOTH: Interpolate_Smooth LERP_SMOOTHER: Interpolate_Smoother LERP_ACCELERATE: Interpolate_Accelerate LERP_DECELERATE: Interpolate_Decelerate Interpolate_X_PackedInt Arguments: 1) (int) a 2) (int) b 3) x 4) (int) interpolation type Returns: (int[]) result array Description: Divides a and b (both 8-byte ints) into eight 1-byte chunks, performs interpolation on each pair, and recombines them to return the result. Example: Interpolate_X_PackedInt(0x37ff4040, 0xaa001010, 0.5, LERP_LINEAR); //result = 0x707f2828 Interpolate_X_Angle Arguments: 1) a (degrees) 2) b (degrees) 3) x 4) (int) interpolation type Returns: (float) angle (degrees) Description: Interpolates between angles a and b using x with the given interpolation type. Equivalent to: NormalizeAngle(a + Interpolate_X(0, AngularDistance(a, b), x, type)); Interpolate_X_AngleR Arguments: 1) a (radians) 2) b (radians) 3) x 4) (int) interpolation type Returns: (float) angle (radians) Description: Interpolates between angles a and b using x with the given interpolation type. Equivalent to: NormalizeAngleR(a + Interpolate_X(0, AngularDistanceR(a, b), x, type)); Interpolate_X_Array Arguments: 1) (T[]) values 2) x 3) (int) interpolation type Returns: (float) result Description: Interpolates between multiple elements of the array. Examples: Interpolate_X_Array([a, b, c, d], 0.2, LERP_LINEAR); = Interpolate_X(a, b, 0.2, LERP_LINEAR); Interpolate_X_Array([a, b, c, d], 1.5, LERP_LINEAR); = Interpolate_X(b, c, 0.5, LERP_LINEAR); Interpolate_X_Array([a, b, c, d], 2.9, LERP_LINEAR); = Interpolate_X(c, d, 0.9, LERP_LINEAR); --------------------------------> Random <-------------------------------- rand_int Arguments: 1) (int) min 2) (int) max Returns: (int) random integer Description: Returns a random integer within the range [a, b]. rand_int(a, b) = as_int(rand(a, b + 0.99999)) prand Arguments: 1) min 2) max Returns: (float) random value Description: Exactly like rand(), but the seed of which doesn't get saved to replays, and does not affect the state of rand(). prand_int Arguments: 1) (int) min 2) (int) max Returns: (int) random integer Description: Returns a random integer within the range [a, b] using the prand() function. prand_int(a, b) = as_int(prand(as_int(a), as_int(b) + 0.99999)) psrand Arguments: 1) (int) seed Description: Sets the seed for prand and prand_int. count_rand Returns: (int) count Description: Returns the amount of number rand or rand_int have been used. Resets when restarting the game or exiting to the script select menu. count_prand Returns: (int) count Description: Returns the amount of number prand or prand_int have been used. Resets when restarting the game or exiting to the script select menu. reset_count_rand Description: Sets the rand count to 0. reset_count_prand Description: Sets the prand count to 0. --------------------------------> Rotation Maths <-------------------------------- Rotate2D Arguments: 1) x 2) y 3) angle Returns: (float[2]) rotated position [x, y] Description: Rotates the given (x, y) point around the origin (0, 0). Direct formula is: x = x * cos(angle) - y * sin(angle) y = x * sin(angle) + y * cos(angle) Rotate2D (overload) Arguments: 1) x 2) y 3) angle 4) origin x 5) origin y Returns: (float[2]) rotated position [x, y] Description: Overloaded with 5 arguments. Rotates the given (x, y) point around the given origin. Direct formula is: _x = x - ox _y = y - oy x = ox + (_x * cos(angle) - _y * sin(angle)) y = oy + (_x * sin(angle) + _y * cos(angle)) Rotate3D Arguments: 1) x 2) y 3) z 4) X angle 5) Y angle 6) Z angle Returns: (float[3]) rotated position [x, y, z] Description: Rotates the given (x, y, z) point around the origin (0, 0) with the given Euler angles. Direct formula is: x = x * (cos(angY) * cos(angZ) - sin(angX) * sin(angY) * sin(angZ)) + y * (-cos(angX) * sin(angZ)) + z * (sin(angY) * cos(angZ) + sin(angX) * cos(angY) * sin(angZ)) y = x * (cos(angY) * sin(angZ) + sin(angX) * sin(angY) * cos(angZ)) + y * (cos(angX) * cos(angZ)) + z * (sin(angY) * sin(angZ) - sin(angX) * cos(angY) * cos(angZ)) z = x * (-cos(angX) * sin(angY)) + y * (sin(angX)) + z * (cos(angX) * cos(angY)) Rotate3D (overload) Arguments: 1) x 2) y 3) z 4) X angle 5) Y angle 6) Z angle 7) origin x 8) origin y 9) origin z Returns: (float[3]) rotated position [x, y, z] Description: Rotates the given (x, y, z) point around the given origin with the given Euler angles. Direct formula is: _x = x - ox _y = y - oy _z = z - oz x = ox + (_x * (cos(angY) * cos(angZ) - sin(angX) * sin(angY) * sin(angZ)) + _y * (-cos(angX) * sin(angZ)) + _z * (sin(angY) * cos(angZ) + sin(angX) * cos(angY) * sin(angZ))) y = oy + (_x * (cos(angY) * sin(angZ) + sin(angX) * sin(angY) * cos(angZ)) + _y * (cos(angX) * cos(angZ)) + _z * (sin(angY) * sin(angZ) - sin(angX) * cos(angY) * cos(angZ))) z = oz + (_x * (-cos(angX) * sin(angY)) + _y * (sin(angX)) + _z * (cos(angX) * cos(angY))) --------------------------------> String <-------------------------------- atoi (overload) Arguments: 1) (string) value 2) (int) base Returns: (int) value Description: Overloaded with 2 arguments. Converts the string into an integer with the specified base. Examples: atoi("3511", 10); //3511 atoi("3511", 16); //13585 atoi("0x7f3", 16); //2035 SplitString2 Arguments: 1) (string) source string 2) (string) pattern Returns: (string[]) split result Description: Splits the string at the given pattern. Examples: SplitString2("ab3cd3ef3g", "3"); //Result: ["ab", "cd", "ef", "g"] SplitString2("1b23abc45a6abc789c", "abc"); //Result: ["1b23", "45a6", "789c"] SplitString("1b23abc45a6abc789c", "abc"); //Result: ["1", "23", "", "", "45", "6", "", "", "789", ""] StringFormat Arguments: 1) (string) source string 2) (string) argument types 3+) (T) format arguments... Returns: (string) formatted string Description: Formats the string in the style of sprintf. The number of format arguments must match the number of argument types. Make sure that the amount of format arguments match the formatting tokens in the source string, the game may crash if the formatting token count exceeds the format argument count. Available argument types: - d: Argument is passed a 32-bit integer (int). - l: Argument is passed a 64-bit integer (long int). - f: Argument is passed a floating point number (double). - s: Argument is passed a string (wstring). Example: StringFormat("This is a %s", "s", "string."); //Result: This is a string. StringFormat("The value is %s", "s", 32); //Result: The value is 32.000000 StringFormat("%f + %d = %.2f", "fdf", 1.15836, 2.12, 3.27836); //Result: 1.158360 + 2 = 3.28 StringFormat("0x%08x is %d", "ll", 8023465, 8023465); //Result: 0x007a6da9 is 8023465 StringFormat("0x%016llx %s %lld", "lsl", 2275101568023465, "is", 2275101568023465); //Result: 0x000815315cca3ba9 is 2275101568023465 RegexMatch Arguments: 1) (string) source string 2) (string) pattern Returns: (string[]) match groups Description: Uses regular expression to match patterns in a given string. Returns a string array of matches. Example: RegexMatch("Voyage 1969", "[0-9]+"); //Result: ["1969"] RegexMatch("S231 A001 S101 S000", "S([0-9]{3})"); //Result: "S231", "231"] RegexMatchRepeated Arguments: 1) (string) source string 2) (string) pattern Returns: (string[][]) array of match groups Description: Behaves like RegexMatch, but returns all matches in the string rather than only the first match. Example: RegexMatchRepeated("Voyage 1969", "[0-9]+"); //Result: [["1969"]] RegexMatchRepeated("S231 A001 S101 S0040", "S([0-9]{3})"); //Result: [["S231", "231"], ["S101", "101"], ["S004", "004"]] RegexReplace Arguments: 1) (string) source string 2) (string) pattern 2) (string) replacing string Returns: (string) replace result Description: Uses regular expression to replace patterns in a given string. Returns the pattern-replaced string. Example: RegexReplace("Voyage 1969", "[0-9]+", "1970"); //Result: "Voyage 1970" RegexReplace("Example String", "(a|e|i)", "*"); //Result: "Ex*mpl* Str*ng" RegexReplace("Red, Green, and Blue", "[A-Z]+[a-zA-Z]*", "\'$&\'"); //Result: "'Red', 'Green', and 'Blue'" --------------------------------> File Path and Archives <-------------------------------- GetArchiveFilePathList Arguments: 1) (string) archive path 2) (bool) print full path Returns: (string[]) file names of stored entries Description: Returns an array of all filepaths stored inside the specified archive. The archive must have already been loaded with AddArchiveFile, otherwise an empty array will be returned. GetWorkingDirectory Returns: (string) working directory Description: Returns the working directory of the engine. The working directory is the directory in which the engine is operating in, and will always be in the same directory as the exe's if the engine was started normally. But there are some cases where the working directory won't necessary be the same as the exe's, such as when the game is started via Steam. GetModuleName Returns: (string) module name Description: Returns the file name of the engine, without the extension. GetFileDirectoryFromModule Arguments: 1) (string) path Returns: (string) directory name Description: Returns the directory of the given file path, without the directory of the engine. The given path does not need to actually exist. GetFileTopDirectory Arguments: 1) (string) path Returns: (string) directory name Description: Returns the topmost directory of the given file path. The given path does not need to actually exist. GetFileName Arguments: 1) (string) path Returns: (string) file name Description: Returns the file name of the given file path. The given path does not need to actually exist. GetFileNameWithoutExtension Arguments: 1) (string) path Returns: (string) file name Description: Returns the file name of the given file path, without its extension. The given path does not need to actually exist. GetFileExtension Arguments: 1) (string) path Returns: (string) file extension Description: Returns the file extension of the given file path. The given path does not need to actually exist. IsFileExists Arguments: 1) (string) path Returns: (bool) result Description: Returns true if the given file exists. IsDirectoryExists Arguments: 1) (string) path Returns: (bool) result Description: Returns true if the given directory exists. --------------------------------> Time <-------------------------------- GetSystemTimeMilliS Returns: (int) time Description: Returns the time of the system clock in milliseconds. GetSystemTimeNanoS Returns: (int) time Description: Returns the time of the system clock in nanoseconds. --------------------------------> Debugging <-------------------------------- WriteLog Arguments: 1+) (T) value... Description: Change. Writes the values of the given arguments to the LogWindow. RaiseMessageWindow Arguments: 1) (string) title text 2) (string) description text 3) (int) window flags Returns: (int) window result Description: Raises a message window similar to RaiseError, but does not terminate the script. The game will be paused until the message window is addressed. The LogWindow will not be affected. For the list of window flags, refer to this page: The following flags are not allowed and will be automatically deleted: MB_SETFOREGROUND MB_DEFAULT_DESKTOP_ONLY MB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION MB_SYSTEMMODAL MB_TASKMODAL The following flags are forced: MB_APPLMODAL The return value is dependent on the user's interaction with the message window. Refer to the same page for the list and explaination of return values. RaiseMessageWindow (Overload) Arguments: 1) (string) title text 2) (string) description text Returns: (int) window result Description: Overloaded with 2 arguments. Triggers RaiseMessageWindow with MB_OK as the window flag value. --------------------------------> Common Data <-------------------------------- GetCommonData (Overload) Arguments: 1) (string) key Returns: (T) stored value Description: Overloaded with 1 argument. A variant of GetCommonData(key, default) where the "default value" argument is omitted. A null value will be returned if the requested key-value pair does not exist. GetAreaCommonData (Overload) Arguments: 1) (string) area 2) (string) key Returns: (T) stored value Description: Overloaded with 2 arguments. A variant of GetAreaCommonData(area, key, default) where the "default value" argument is omitted. A null value will be returned if the requested key-value pair does not exist. DeleteWholeAreaCommonData Arguments: 1) (string) name Description: Deletes the whole area common data, not just the key-value list. To use the area common data again, it must be recreated with CreateCommonDataArea. LoadCommonDataValuePointer Arguments: 1) (string) key 2) (T) initial value Returns: (pointer) value pointer Description: Obtains a value pointer to the common data value in the default area. If the requested common data does not exist, it will be created and initialized with the provided value. LoadCommonDataValuePointer (Overload) Arguments: 1) (string) key Returns: (pointer) value pointer Description: Overloaded with 1 argument. Obtains a value pointer to the common data value in the default area. If the requested common data does not exist, a null pointer will be returned. LoadAreaCommonDataValuePointer Arguments: 1) (string) area 2) (string) key 3) (T) initial value Returns: (pointer) value pointer Description: Obtains a value pointer to the common data value in the given area. If the requested common data does not exist, it will be created and initialized with the provided value. LoadAreaCommonDataValuePointer (Overload) Arguments: 1) (string) area 2) (string) key Returns: (pointer) value pointer Description: Overloaded with 1 argument. Obtains a value pointer to the common data value in the given area. If the requested common data does not exist, a null pointer will be returned. IsValidCommonDataValuePointer Arguments: 1) (pointer) value pointer Returns: (bool) valid Description: Returns if the given value is a valid common data value pointer. SetCommonDataPtr Arguments: 1) (pointer) value pointer 2) (T) value Description: SetCommonData/SetAreaCommonData using pointers. The use of direct pointers mitigate the need for map traversals present in regular common data accesses, and thus would remarkably improve speed. Using an invalid pointer may cause a memory access violation. GetCommonDataPtr Arguments: 1) (pointer) value pointer 2) (T) default value Returns: (T) stored value Description: GetCommonData/GetAreaCommonData using pointers. The use of direct pointers mitigate the need for map traversals present in regular common data accesses, and thus would remarkably improve speed. Using an invalid pointer may cause a memory access violation. GetCommonDataPtr (Overload) Arguments: 1) (pointer) value pointer Returns: (T) stored value Description: Overloaded with 1 argument. GetCommonData/GetAreaCommonData using pointers. The use of direct pointers mitigate the need for map traversals present in regular common data accesses, and thus would remarkably improve speed. Using an invalid pointer may cause a memory access violation. --------------------------------> Engine Utilities <-------------------------------- IsEngineFastMode Returns: (bool) result Description: Returns whether the engine is in the "fast mode" state. (Note: Normally triggered with the LCtrl key.) GetConfigWindowSizeIndex Returns: (int) index Description: Returns the config's selected window size index. GetConfigWindowSizeList Returns: (int[][]) available window sizes Description: Returns an array of the window sizes specified in th_dnh.def. GetConfigVirtualKeyMapping Arguments: 1) (int) virtual key Returns: (int[2]) keys mapping Description: Returns the key mapping [keyboard, pad] as set in the config. Mappings will not change if keys are reassigned in-game. GetConfigWindowTitle Returns: (string) window title Description: Returns the engine's default window title, or the one specified in th_dnh.def if it exists. SetWindowTitle Arguments: 1) (string) window title Description: Sets the window title. Passing in an empty string will reset the window title to the default. SetEnableUnfocusedProcessing Arguments: 1) (bool) enables Description: Enables or disables unfocused processing. GetLastFrameUpdateSpeed Returns: (int) milliseconds Description: Returns the time the engine took to update scripts in the previous frame in milliseconds. GetLastFrameRenderSpeed Returns: (int) milliseconds Description: Returns the time the engine took to render the previous frame in milliseconds. --------------------------------> Stage Information <-------------------------------- SetScore Arguments: 1) (int) score Description: Sets the score value. SetGraze Arguments: 1) (int) graze Description: Sets the graze count. SetPoint Arguments: 1) (int) point Description: Sets the default point item value. --------------------------------> Archive <-------------------------------- AddArchiveFile (Overload) Arguments: 1) (string) path 2) (int) offset Returns: (bool) load successful Description: Overloaded with 2 arguments. Loads a .dat archive, with the added capability to specify the read offset. GetArchiveFilePathList Arguments: 1) (string) path 2) (bool) full path Returns: (string[]) paths Description: Lists out the stored file entries in the given .dat archive. Archive must have already been loaded. --------------------------------> Screenshot <-------------------------------- SaveSnapShotA3 Arguments: 1) (string) path 2) (int) rect left 3) (int) rect top 4) (int) rect right 5) (int) rect bottom 6) (const) format Returns: (bool) result Description: Renders the whole screen to a texture and saves the specified rectangular area of the texture to a file with the given name. Returns true if the save was successful. Available formats: IFF_BMP: Bitmap file. (.bmp) (default) IFF_JPG: Joint Photographic Experts Group graphics file. (.jpeg) IFF_TGA: TARGA bitmap file. (.tga) IFF_PNG: Portable Network Graphics file. (.png) IFF_DDS: DirectDraw Surface file. (.dds) IFF_PPM: Portable PixelMap graphics file. (.ppm) --------------------------------> Script <-------------------------------- UnloadScript Arguments: 1) (int) script ID Description: Unloads a script that was loaded with LoadScript or LoadScriptInThread. UnloadScriptFromCache Arguments: 1) (string) script path Description: Unloads the given given from the script source cache. Does nothing if the script does not exist in the cache. StartScript (Overload) Arguments: 1) (int) script ID 2) (bool) unload Description: Overloaded with 2 arguments. Starts the given script, and whether or not to remove the script from the "Loaded Scripts" cache. (NOT the "Script Source" cache) A script that is often restarted would benefit from this overload by using LoadScript only once, and then using StartScript(idScript, false) to avoid having to repeatedly call LoadScript. *StartScript(idScript) = StartScript(idScript, true) PauseScript Arguments: 1) (int) script ID 2) (bool) pause Description: Pauses or unpauses the specified script. Not guaranteed to work flawlessly. Causes an error is the script ID is the ID of the script from which the function was called, aka; "a script cannot pause itself". GetScriptStatus Arguments: 1) (int) script ID Returns: (const) status Description: Returns the status of the specified script. Possible return values: - STATUS_LOADING ; Script is currently loading. - STATUS_LOADED ; Script has been loaded. - STATUS_RUNNING ; Script is running. - STATUS_PAUSED ; Script has been paused. - STATUS_CLOSING ; Script is closing. - STATUS_INVALID ; Any other cases, or invalid script ID. --------------------------------> Event <-------------------------------- GetEventArgumentCount Returns: (int) count Description: Returns the event argument count of the active event. NotifyEvent Arguments: 1) (int) script ID 2) (int) event type 3+) (T) arguments... Returns: (T) event result Description: Change. It is possible to pass as many event arguments as you want. *Scripts paused with PauseScript will still be able to run events. NotifyEventOwn Arguments: 1) (int) event type 2+) (T) arguments... Returns: (T) event result Description: NotifyEvent's the script in which it was called. It is possible to pass as many event arguments as you want. *Scripts paused with PauseScript will still be able to run events. NotifyEventAll Arguments: 1) (int) event type 2+) (T) arguments... Description: Change. NotifyEvent's all actively running scripts. It is possible to pass as many event arguments as you want. *Scripts paused with PauseScript will still be able to run events. --------------------------------> Matrix <-------------------------------- A "matrix" here is a 16-member array representing a 4x4 matrix arranged row-by-row. Ex: [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1] (The identity matrix) A "vector" here is a float value array of the specified size. Ex: [3, 4, 5] -> VECTOR3 [5, 5, 0, 2] -> VECTOR4 MatrixIdentity Returns: (matrix) the identity matrix Description: Contructs an identity matrix. MatrixInverse Arguments: 1) (matrix) matrix Returns: (matrix) result Description: Inverses the given matrix. MatrixAdd Arguments: 1) (matrix) matrix1 2) (matrix) matrix2 Returns: (matrix) result Description: Adds two matrices together. Note: Directly using the "+" operator also works. MatrixSubtract Arguments: 1) (matrix) matrix1 2) (matrix) matrix2 Returns: (matrix) result Description: Subtracts two matrices. Note: Directly using the "-" operator also works. MatrixMultiply Arguments: 1) (matrix) matrix1 2) (matrix) matrix2 Returns: (matrix) result Description: Multiplies two matrices together. MatrixDivide Arguments: 1) (matrix) matrix1 2) (matrix) matrix2 Returns: (matrix) result Description: Divides two matrices. MatrixTranspose Arguments: 1) (matrix) matrix Returns: (matrix) result Description: Transposes the given matrix. MatrixDeterminant Arguments: 1) (matrix) matrix Returns: (float) result Description: Calculates the determinant of the given matrix. MatrixLookAtLH Arguments: 1) (VECTOR3) eye vector 2) (VECTOR3) destination vector 3) (VECTOR3) orientation vector Returns: (matrix) result Description: Constructs a left-handed look-at matrix. MatrixLookAtRH Arguments: 1) (VECTOR3) eye vector 2) (VECTOR3) destination vector 3) (VECTOR3) orientation vector Returns: (matrix) result Description: Constructs a right-handed look-at matrix. MatrixTransformVector Arguments: 1) (VECTOR3) position 2) (matrix) transformation matrix Returns: (VECTOR4) result Description: Transforms the given (x, y, z, 1) point with the given matrix. --------------------------------> Screen Status <-------------------------------- GetMonitorWidth Returns: (int) monitor width Description: Returns the width of the primary display monitor. GetMonitorHeight Returns: (int) monitor height Description: Returns the height of the primary display monitor. GetScreenWidth Returns: (int) screen width Description: Returns the width of the engine screen. (specified in th_dnh.def as "screen.width") GetScreenHeight Returns: (int) screen height Description: Returns the height of the engine screen. (specified in th_dnh.def as "screen.height") GetWindowedWidth Returns: (int) window width Description: Returns the width of the windowed mode. GetWindowedHeight Returns: (int) window width Description: Returns the height of the windowed mode. IsFullscreenMode Returns: (bool) result Description: Returns whether or not the game is in fullscreen mode. Both pseudo and true fullscreen modes register as true. --------------------------------> Sound <-------------------------------- SetSoundDivisionVolumeRate Arguments: 1) (const) division 2) rate Description: Sets the volume rate of the given sound division. The volume rates of all sound objects assigned to the division are multiplied by the division's rate. GetSoundDivisionVolumeRate Arguments: 1) (const) division Returns: (float) volume rate Description: Returns the volume rate of the given sound division. --------------------------------> Input <-------------------------------- GetVirtualKeyMapping Arguments: 1) (int) virtual key Returns: (int[2]) keys mapping Description: Returns the current key mapping [keyboard, pad]. --------------------------------> Resource Loading <-------------------------------- LoadTextureEx Arguments: 1) (string) path 2) (bool) use mipmap 3) (bool) use non-power-of-two Returns: (bool) loading result Description: Returns a boolean value of whether loading was successful. Loads a texture with more options. Mipmap option generates a mipmap chain, causes textures to look better when scaled down when used with mipmap filtering. Non-power-of-two option prevents blurring when the source texture's dimensions are not powers of two. (Due to DirectX's nature, may cause rendering to be slightly slower.) LoadTextureInLoadThreadEx Arguments: 1) (string) path 2) (bool) use mipmap 3) (bool) use non-power-of-two Returns: (bool) loading result Description: Returns a boolean value of whether initial loading was successful. LoadTextureEx in the load thread. LoadShader Arguments: 1) (string) path Returns: (bool) loading result Description: Loads a shader file, and returns a boolean value of whether loading was successful. RemoveShader Arguments: 1) (string) path Description: Removes a shader data that was previously loaded with LoadShader. LoadMesh Arguments: 1) (string) path Returns: (bool) loading result Description: Loads a mesh data file, and returns a boolean value of whether loading was successful. RemoveMesh Arguments: 1) (string) path Description: Removes a mesh data that was previously loaded with LoadMesh. --------------------------------> Render Target <-------------------------------- CreateRenderTargetEx Arguments: 1) (string) name 2) (int) width 3) (int) height Returns: (bool) creation result Description: Returns a boolean value of whether creation was successful. Creates a render target with the specified name, width, and height. Fails if either value is not a positive integer. ClearRenderTargetA1 Arguments: 1) (string) name Returns: (bool) clear result Description: Previously [SetRenderTarget]. Returns a boolean value of whether the operation was successful. Clears the render target. ClearRenderTargetA2 Arguments: 1) (string) name 2) (int) clear color red 3) (int) clear color green 4) (int) clear color blue 5) (int) clear color alpha Returns: (bool) clear result Description: Returns a boolean value of whether the operation was successful. Clears the render target and fills it with the specified color and alpha. ClearRenderTargetA3 Arguments: 1) (string) name 2) (int) clear color red 3) (int) clear color green 4) (int) clear color blue 5) (int) clear color alpha 6) (int) rect left 7) (int) rect top 8) (int) rect right 9) (int) rect bottom Returns: (bool) clear result Description: Returns a boolean value of whether the operation was successful. Clears the render target in the specified rectangular area and fills that area with the specified color and alpha. SaveRenderedTextureA3 Arguments: 1) (string) name 2) (string) path 3) (int) rect left 4) (int) rect top 5) (int) rect right 6) (int) rect bottom 7) (const) format Returns: (bool) save result Description: SaveRenderedTextureA2, with the added ability of image format specification. Available formats are: IFF_BMP: Bitmap file. (.bmp) (default) IFF_JPG: Joint Photographic Experts Group graphics file. (.jpeg) IFF_TGA: TARGA bitmap file. (.tga) IFF_PNG: Portable Network Graphics file. (.png) IFF_DDS: DirectDraw Surface file. (.dds) IFF_PPM: Portable PixelMap graphics file. (.ppm) --------------------------------> Device Capabilities <-------------------------------- IsVertexShaderSupported Arguments: 1) (int) major 2) (int) minor Returns: (bool) result Description: Checks if the video card on the device supports the given vertex shader version. --------------------------------> Fog <-------------------------------- SetFogParam (Overload) Arguments: 1) fog start 2) fog end 3) (int) fog hex color Description: Overloaded with 3 arguments. Sets the fog color as an XRGB hexadecimal color value. Example: SetFogParam(0, 1024, 0xFF7B32); //-> SetFogParam(0, 1024, 255, 123, 50); --------------------------------> 3D Camera <-------------------------------- SetCameraMode Arguments: 1) (const) mode Description: Switches the 3D camera between available modes. Modes: CAMERA_NORMAL - The normal 3D camera mode, positioned with elevation and azimuth angles. CAMERA_LOOKAT - The new 3D camera mode for maths enthusiasts, with the ability to directly specify camera position and view target position. Configured with SetCameraFocusX/Y/Z or SetCameraPosEye and SetCameraPosLookAt. SetCameraPosEye Arguments: 1) x 2) y 3) z Description: Literally just SetCameraFocusXYZ with a different name. SetCameraPosLookAt Arguments: 1) x 2) y 3) z Description: Used with CAMERA_LOOKAT mode. Sets the camera's "look-at" position. GetCameraViewMatrix Returns: (matrix) view matrix Description: Returns the 3D camera's view matrix. GetCameraProjectionMatrix Returns: (matrix) projection matrix Description: Returns the 3D camera's projection matrix. GetCameraViewProjectionMatrix Returns: (matrix) view-projection matrix Description: Returns the 3D camera's view-projection matrix. --------------------------------> Intersection <-------------------------------- IsIntersected_Point_Polygon Arguments: 1) point - x 2) point - y 3) (float[2][]) polygon vertices Returns: (bool) intersection Description: Returns true if the given point intersects with the polygon. The polygon can be convex, concave, or complex (self-intersecting). IsIntersected_Point_Circle Arguments: 1) point - x 2) point - y 3) circle - x 4) circle - y 5) circle - radius Returns: (bool) intersection Description: Returns true if the given point intersects with the circle. IsIntersected_Point_Ellipse Arguments: 1) point - x 2) point - y 3) ellipse - x 4) ellipse - y 5) ellipse - x radius 6) ellipse - y radius Returns: (bool) intersection Description: Returns true if the given point intersects with the ellipse. IsIntersected_Point_Line Arguments: 1) point - x 2) point - y 3) line - start x 4) line - start y 5) line - end x 6) line - end y 7) line - width Returns: (bool) intersection Description: Returns true if the given point intersects with the line. IsIntersected_Point_RegularPolygon Arguments: 1) point - x 2) point - y 3) polygon - x 4) polygon - y 5) polygon - radius 6) (int) polygon - edge count 7) polygon - angle (degrees) Returns: (bool) intersection Description: Returns true if the given point intersects with the regular polygon. IsIntersected_Circle_Polygon Arguments: 1) circle - x 2) circle - y 3) circle - radius 4) (float[2][]) polygon vertices Returns: (bool) intersection Description: Returns true if the given circle intersects with the polygon. The polygon can be convex, concave, or complex (self-intersecting). IsIntersected_Circle_Circle Arguments: 1) circle 1 - x 2) circle 1 - y 3) circle 1 - radius 4) circle 2 - x 5) circle 2 - y 6) circle 2 - radius Returns: (bool) intersection Description: Returns true if the given circles intersect. IsIntersected_Circle_Ellipse Arguments: 1) circle - x 2) circle - y 3) circle - radius 4) ellipse - x 5) ellipse - y 6) ellipse - x radius 7) ellipse - y radius Returns: (bool) intersection Description: Returns true if the given circle intersects with the ellipse. IsIntersected_Circle_RegularPolygon Arguments: 1) circle - x 2) circle - y 3) circle - radius 4) polygon - x 5) polygon - y 6) polygon - radius 7) (int) polygon - edge count 8) polygon - angle (degrees) Returns: (bool) intersection Description: Returns true if the given circle intersects with the regular polygon. IsIntersected_Line_Polygon Arguments: 1) line - start x 2) line - start y 3) line - end x 4) line - end y 5) line - width 6) (float[2][]) polygon vertices Returns: (bool) intersection Description: Returns true if the given line intersects with the polygon. The polygon can be convex, concave, or complex (self-intersecting). IsIntersected_Line_Circle Arguments: 1) line - start x 2) line - start y 3) line - end x 4) line - end y 5) line - width 6) circle - x 7) circle - y 8) circle - radius Returns: (bool) intersection Description: Returns true if the given line intersects with the circle. IsIntersected_Line_Ellipse Arguments: 1) line - start x 2) line - start y 3) line - end x 4) line - end y 5) line - width 6) ellipse - x 7) ellipse - y 8) ellipse - x radius 9) ellipse - y radius Returns: (bool) intersection Description: Returns true if the given line intersects with the ellipse. IsIntersected_Line_Line Arguments: 1) line 1 - start x 2) line 1 - start y 3) line 1 - end x 4) line 1 - end y 5) line 1 - width 6) line 2 - start x 7) line 2 - start y 8) line 2 - end x 9) line 2 - end y 10) line 2 - width Returns: (bool) intersection Description: Returns true if the given lines intersect. IsIntersected_Line_RegularPolygon Arguments: 1) line - start x 2) line - start y 3) line - end x 4) line - end y 5) line - width 6) polygon - x 7) polygon - y 8) polygon - radius 9) (int) polygon - edge count 10) polygon - angle (degrees) Returns: (bool) intersection Description: Returns true if the given line intersects with the regular polygon. IsIntersected_Polygon_Polygon Arguments: 1) (float[2][]) polygon 1 vertices 2) (float[2][]) polygon 2 vertices Returns: (bool) intersection Description: Returns true if the given polygons intersect. The polygons can be convex, concave, or complex (self-intersecting). IsIntersected_Polygon_Ellipse Arguments: 1) (float[2][]) polygon vertices 2) ellipse - x 3) ellipse - y 4) ellipse - x radius 5) ellipse - y radius Returns: (bool) intersection Description: Returns true if the given polygon intersects with the ellipse. The polygon can be convex, concave, or complex (self-intersecting). IsIntersected_Polygon_RegularPolygon Arguments: 1) (float[2][]) polygon 1 vertices 2) polygon 2 - x 3) polygon 2 - y 4) polygon 2 - radius 5) (int) polygon 2 - edge count 6) polygon 2 - angle (degrees) Returns: (bool) intersection Description: Returns true if the given polygon intersects with the regular polygon. The polygon can be convex, concave, or complex (self-intersecting). --------------------------------> Color Utility <-------------------------------- ColorARGBToHex Arguments: 1) (int) alpha 2) (int) red 3) (int) green 4) (int) blue Returns: (int) hex color Description: Returns an ARGB hexadecimal color value of the given colors. Example: ColorARGBToHex(255, 255, 255, 255); //Result: 0xFFFFFFFF ColorARGBToHex(67, 255, 0, 125); //Result: 0x43FF007D ColorARGBToHex (Overload) Arguments: 1) (int[4]) color Returns: (int) hex color Description: Overloaded with 1 argument. Returns ColorARGBToHex(color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3]); ColorHexToARGB Arguments: 1) (int) hex color Returns: (int[4]) ARGB color Description: Returns an ARGB color array of the given hexadecimal color (D3DCOLOR). Example: ColorHexToARGB(0xFFFFFFFF); //Result: [255, 255, 255, 255] ColorHexToARGB(0x43FF007D); //Result: [67, 255, 0, 125] ColorHexToARGB (Overload) Arguments: 1) (int) hex color 2) (int) control Returns: (int[]) color array Description: Overloaded with 2 arguments. Returns an ARGB color array of the given hexadecimal color (D3DCOLOR), controlled by the control argument. The control value dictates which color channels to output, and in which order. The bit format is: MSB LSB (16 bit) 000000 00 00 00 00 00 Unused Count 1st 2nd 3rd 4th - Bits 0-5 are unused. - Bits 6-7 control the amount of color channels to return, subtracted by 1. (11 is 4 channels, 10 is 3, 01 is 2, 00 is 1) - Bits 8-15 control the order of the color channels, duplication is allowed. 00 (0) signifies the A channel. 01 (1) signifies the R channel. 10 (2) signifies the G channel. 11 (3) signifies the B channel. Examples: 0b1100011011 (0x31b) -> [A, R, G, B] 0b1101101100 (0x36c) -> [R, G, B, A] 0b1100000000 (0x300) -> [A, A, A, A] 0b1001101100 (0x26c) -> [R, G, B] 0b0001000000 (0x040) -> [R] For people whose brain lacks the required amount of sanity (or lack thereof) to understand the control argument, here are some constants: COLOR_PERMUTE_ARGB COLOR_PERMUTE_RGBA COLOR_PERMUTE_BGRA COLOR_PERMUTE_RGB COLOR_PERMUTE_BGR COLOR_PERMUTE_A COLOR_PERMUTE_R COLOR_PERMUTE_G COLOR_PERMUTE_B Example: ColorHexToARGB(0xFFFFFFFF, 0x31b); //Result: [255, 255, 255, 255] ColorHexToARGB(0xFFFFFFFF, 0x000); //Result: [255] ColorHexToARGB(0x43FF007D, 0x31b) //Result: [67, 255, 0, 125] ColorHexToARGB(0x43FF007D, 0x36c); //Result: [255, 0, 125, 67] ColorHexToARGB(0x43FF007D, 0x2e4); //Result: [125, 0, 255] ColorRGBtoHSV Arguments: 1) (int) red 2) (int) green 3) (int) blue Returns: (int[3]) color array Description: Returns the given RGB color as a HSV color array. ColorHexRGBtoHSV Arguments: 1) (int) hex color Returns: (int[3]) color array Description: Returns the given XRGB hexadecimal color as a HSV color array. ColorHSVtoRGB Arguments: 1) (int) hue 2) (int) saturation 3) (int) value Returns: (int[3]) color array Description: Returns the given HSV color as an RGB color array. ColorHSVtoHexRGB Arguments: 1) (int) hue 2) (int) saturation 3) (int) value Returns: (int) hex color Description: Returns the given HSV color as an XRGB hexadecimal color. --------------------------------> Base Object Functions <-------------------------------- SetInvalidPositionReturn Arguments: 1) x 2) y Description: Sets the default position that position-fetching functions will return if the object does not exist. The default value is (0, 0). GetObjectDistance Arguments: 1) (int) object 1 ID 2) (int) object 2 ID Returns: (float) distance Description: Change. The Z positions will not be included in the calculation if neither objects are 3D-valid. GetObjectDistanceSq Arguments: 1) (int) object 1 ID 2) (int) object 2 ID Returns: (float) distance Description: Returns the square of the distance between two objects. The Z positions will not be included in the calculation if neither objects are 3D-valid. GetObjectDeltaAngle Arguments: 1) (int) object 1 ID 2) (int) object 2 ID Returns: (float) angle Description: Returns the angle between two objects. The Z positions will not be included in the calculation if neither objects are 3D-valid. Obj_GetValueI Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int) key Returns: (T) value Description: Obj_GetValue with int value key. Obj_GetValueDI Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int) key 3) default Returns: (T) value Description: Obj_GetValueD with int value key. Obj_SetValueI Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int) key 3) value Returns: (T) value Description: Obj_SetValue with int value key. Obj_DeleteValueI Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int) key Returns: (T) value Description: Obj_DeleteValue with int value key. Obj_IsValueExistsI Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int) key Returns: (T) value Description: Obj_IsValueExists with int value key. Obj_GetValueCount Arguments: 1) (int) object ID Returns: (int) count Description: Returns the number of stored values in the object's string-indexed value table. Obj_GetValueCountI Arguments: 1) (int) object ID Returns: (int) count Description: Returns the number of stored values in the object's int-indexed value table. Obj_CopyValueTable Arguments: 1) (int) destination object ID 2) (int) source object ID 3) (int) mode Returns: (int) source object's object value amount Description: Copies the source's object value table to the destination's object value table. Available modes: 0 - Object value table is cleared before the copy. 1 - Value will be overwritten in case of key conflicts. 2 - Value will not be overwritten in case of key conflicts. --------------------------------> Shader Object Functions <-------------------------------- ObjShader_SetShaderT Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (string) shader name 2) (string) shader source Returns: (bool) success Description: Compiles a shader from the given string. Returns whether the operation was successful. Shader name should be unique. --------------------------------> Render Object Functions <-------------------------------- [---------------------------> Blending <---------------------------] ObjRender_SetBlendType Description: Addition. BLEND_ALPHA_INV - Alpha blending with source color inversion. [---------------------------> Scale <---------------------------] ObjRender_SetScaleXYZ (Overload) Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) scale Description: Overloaded with 2 arguments. Sets the object's XYZ scale. Example: ObjRender_SetScaleXYZ(obj, 2); //-> ObjRender_SetScaleXYZ(obj, 2, 2, 2); [---------------------------> Color & Alpha <---------------------------] ObjRender_SetColor (Overload) Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int) hex color Description: Overloaded with 2 arguments. Sets the object's color as an XRGB hexadecimal color value. Example: ObjRender_SetColor(obj, 0xFF7B32); //-> ObjRender_SetColor(obj, 255, 123, 50); ObjRender_SetColorHSV Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int) color hue 3) (int) color saturation 4) (int) color value Description: Sets the object's RGB color as a HSV color. ObjRender_GetColor Arguments: 1) (int) object ID Returns: (int[3]) color Description: Returns an [r, g, b] array of the object's color. ObjRender_GetColorHex Arguments: 1) (int) object ID Returns: (int) hex color Description: Returns the object's color an XRGB hexadecimal color value. ObjRender_GetAlpha Arguments: 1) (int) object ID Returns: (int) alpha Description: Returns the object's alpha value. [---------------------------> Texture Filtering <---------------------------] ObjRender_SetTextureFilterMin Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (const) mode Description: Sets the minification filtering mode for the render object. Filtering modes: FILTER_NONE FILTER_POINT FILTER_LINEAR FILTER_ANISOTROPIC Default is FILTER_LINEAR. ObjRender_SetTextureFilterMag Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (const) mode Description: Sets the magnification filtering mode for the render object. Default is FILTER_LINEAR. ObjRender_SetTextureFilterMip Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (const) mode Description: Sets the mipmap filtering mode for the render object. Default is FILTER_NONE. ObjRender_SetTextureFilter Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (const) filter min 3) (const) filter mag 4) (const) filter mip Description: Fused ObjRender_SetTextureFilterMin+Mag+Mip. [---------------------------> Vertex Shader <---------------------------] ObjRender_SetVertexShaderRenderingMode Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (bool) use vertex shader mode Description: Sets whether the render object will be rendered with support for vertex shaders. Default is false. Rendering will not be performed without an attached shader object when this is set to true. When using vertex shader rendering mode with 3D objects, fog must be manually computed with the shader. ObjRender_SetEnableDefaultTransformMatrix Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (bool) enable Description: Sets whether the render object will calculate its transformation matrix. Default is true. The transformation matrix contains the object's scale, angle, and position data, along with the 2D camera matrix. If set to false, the transformation matrix will only contain the 2D camera matrix. [---------------------------> Lighting <---------------------------] ObjRender_SetLightingEnable Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (bool) lighting enable 2) (bool) specular lighting enable Description: Enables or disables the 3D directional lighting and specular lighting for the render object. The default values are false and false. For mesh objects, the default values are true and false. If it is not necessary, I recommend you not use specular lighting, as it's quite computationally expensive. ObjRender_SetLightingDiffuseColor Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int) r 3) (int) g 4) (int) b Description: Sets the diffuse color of the lighting. The default color value is (128, 128, 128). ObjRender_SetLightingDiffuseColor (Overload) Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int) hex color Description: Overloaded with 2 arguments. Sets the object's diffuse lighting color as an XRGB hexadecimal color value. ObjRender_SetLightingSpecularColor Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int) r 3) (int) g 4) (int) b Description: Sets the specular color of the lighting. The default color value is (0, 0, 0). ObjRender_SetLightingSpecularColor (Overload) Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int) hex color Description: Overloaded with 2 arguments. Sets the object's specular lighting color as an XRGB hexadecimal color value. ObjRender_SetLightingAmbientColor Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int) r 3) (int) g 4) (int) b Description: Sets the ambient color of the lighting. The default color value is (128, 128, 128). ObjRender_SetLightingAmbientColor (Overload) Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int) hex color Description: Overloaded with 2 arguments. Sets the object's ambient lighting color as an XRGB hexadecimal color value. ObjRender_SetLightingDirection Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) x component 3) y component 4) z component Description: Sets the direction vector of the lighting. Vector does not need to be normalized, but should have a non-zero length. The default direction vector is (-1, -1, -1). --------------------------------> Primitive Object Functions <-------------------------------- ObjPrim_GetTexture Arguments: 1) (int) object ID Returns: (string) texture name Description: Returns the path/name of the primitive object's texture. ObjPrim_SetVertexColor (Overload) Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int) vertex index 3) (int) hex color Description: Overloaded with 3 arguments. Sets the vertex color as an XRGB hexadecimal color value. ObjPrim_SetVertexColorHSV Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int) vertex index 3) color hue 4) color saturation 5) color value Description: Sets the vertex color of the primitive object as a HSV color. ObjPrim_GetVertexColor Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int) vertex index Returns: (int[3]) color Description: Returns the vertex color as an [r, g, b] array. ObjPrim_GetVertexColorHex Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int) vertex index Returns: (int) hex color Description: Returns the vertex color as an XRGB hexadecimal color value. ObjPrim_GetVertexAlpha Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int) vertex index Returns: (int) alpha Description: Returns the vertex alpha value. ObjPrim_SetVertexIndex Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int[]) indices Description: Sets vertex indices to the primitive object. Required for particle list objects. Example: ObjPrim_SetPrimitiveType(obj, PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLELIST); ObjPrim_SetVertexCount(obj, 4); ObjPrim_SetVertexPosition(obj, 0, 0, 0); ObjPrim_SetVertexPosition(obj, 1, 32, 0); ObjPrim_SetVertexPosition(obj, 2, 0, 32); ObjPrim_SetVertexPosition(obj, 3, 32, 32); ObjPrim_SetVertexIndex(obj, [0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3]); --------------------------------> 2D Sprite Object Functions <-------------------------------- ObjSprite2D_SetSourceRect (overload) Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int[4]) rect Description: Overloaded with 2 arguments. ObjSprite2D_SetSourceRect(obj, rect[0], rect[1], rect[2], rect[3]); ObjSprite2D_SetDestRect (overload) Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (float[4]) rect Description: Overloaded with 2 arguments. ObjSprite2D_SetDestRect(obj, rect[0], rect[1], rect[2], rect[3]); --------------------------------> 2D Sprite List Object Functions <-------------------------------- ObjSpriteList2D_SetSourceRect (overload) Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int[4]) rect Description: Overloaded with 2 arguments. ObjSpriteList2D_SetSourceRect(obj, rect[0], rect[1], rect[2], rect[3]); ObjSpriteList2D_SetDestRect (overload) Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (float[4]) rect Description: Overloaded with 2 arguments. ObjSpriteList2D_SetDestRect(obj, rect[0], rect[1], rect[2], rect[3]); ObjSpriteList2D_SetAutoClearVertexCount Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (bool) clear Description: Sets whether the 2D sprite list object will clear its vertices upon rendering. --------------------------------> 3D Sprite Object Functions <-------------------------------- ObjSprite3D_SetSourceRect (overload) Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int[4]) rect Description: Overloaded with 2 arguments. ObjSprite3D_SetSourceRect(obj, rect[0], rect[1], rect[2], rect[3]); ObjSprite3D_SetDestRect (overload) Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (float[4]) rect Description: Overloaded with 2 arguments. ObjSprite3D_SetDestRect(obj, rect[0], rect[1], rect[2], rect[3]); ObjSprite3D_SetSourceDestRect (overload) Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (float[4]) rect Description: Overloaded with 2 arguments. ObjSprite3D_SetSourceDestRect(obj, rect[0], rect[1], rect[2], rect[3]); --------------------------------> Particle List Object Functions <-------------------------------- ObjParticleList_Create Arguments: 1) (const) type Description: Creates a new particle list object and returns its ID. Available types are: OBJ_PARTICLE_LIST_2D OBJ_PARTICLE_LIST_3D Vertex shader rendering is always on, and rendering will fail if an improper custom shader is used. Not using a custom shader will result in the default shader being used. ObjParticleList_SetPosition Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) X position 3) Y position 4) Z position Description: Sets the instance position data. ObjParticleList_SetScaleX Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) X scale Description: Sets the instance X scale data. ObjParticleList_SetScaleY Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) Y scale Description: Sets the instance Y scale data. ObjParticleList_SetScaleZ Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) Z scale Description: Sets the instance Z scale data. ObjParticleList_SetScale Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) X scale 3) Y scale 4) Z scale Description: Sets the instance scale data. ObjParticleList_SetScale (Overload) Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) scale Description: Overloaded with 2 arguments. Sets the instance scale data. ObjParticleList_SetScale(obj, 2); //-> ObjParticleList_SetScale(obj, 2, 2, 2); ObjParticleList_SetAngleX Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) X angle Description: Sets the instance X angle data. ObjParticleList_SetAngleY Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) Y angle Description: Sets the instance Y angle data. ObjParticleList_SetAngleZ Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) Z angle Description: Sets the instance Z angle data. ObjParticleList_SetAngleXYZ Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) X angle 3) Y angle 3) Z angle Description: Sets the instance XYZ angle data. ObjParticleList_SetColor Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int) red 3) (int) green 4) (int) blue Description: Sets the instance RGB color data. ObjParticleList_SetColor (Overload) Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int) hex color Description: Overloaded with 2 arguments. Sets the instance color data as an XRGB hexadecimal color value. ObjParticleList_SetAlpha Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int) alpha Description: Sets the instance alpha data. ObjParticleList_SetExtraData Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) data 1 2) data 2 2) data 3 Description: Sets instance extra data. These can be freely utilized by the scripters in case a custom shader is used. ObjParticleList_AddInstance Arguments: 1) (int) object ID Description: Submits the current data to the next instance. ObjParticleList_ClearInstance Arguments: 1) (int) object ID Description: Clears all previously submitted instance data of the current frame. --------------------------------> Mesh Object Functions <-------------------------------- ObjMesh_SetColor (Overload) Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int) hex color Description: Overloaded with 2 arguments. Sets the mesh object's color as an XRGB hexadecimal color value. --------------------------------> Text Object Functions <-------------------------------- ObjText_GetText Arguments: 1) (int) object ID Returns: (string) text Description: Returns the text of the text object. ObjText_SetFixedWidth Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int) width Description: Activates and sets the width of monospacing mode for the text object. If width is <= 0, the spacing mode returns to regular dynamic spacing. ObjText_SetFontWeight Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int) weight Description: Sets the font weight for the following text object. Weight ranges from 0 to 1000, with 0 being the lightest and 1000 being the thickest. -1 for the default weight. Some fonts may not support all weight values. *ObjText_SetFontBold(a, b) is equivalent to ObjText_SetFontWeight(a, b ? 700 : 400). ObjText_SetFontCharacterSet Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int) charset Description: Sets the charset for the following text object. The following constants are defined: CHARSET_ANSI CHARSET_DEFAULT CHARSET_SHIFTJIS CHARSET_HANGUL CHARSET_JOHAB CHARSET_CHINESEBIG5 CHARSET_TURKISH CHARSET_VIETNAMESE CHARSET_HEBREW CHARSET_ARABIC CHARSET_THAI For the full list of all charset values, refer to here: Avoid using CHARSET_DEFAULT, as it may be device-dependent. To ensure that font glyphs generate correctly, match the text object's charset with the font's charset. *The font charset is reset to either CHARSET_ANSI or CHARSET_SHIFTJIS every time ObjText_SetFontType is used. ObjText_SetFontColorTop (Overload) Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int) hex color Description: Overloaded with 2 arguments. Sets the text object's font's top color as an XRGB hexadecimal color value. ObjText_SetFontColorBottom (Overload) Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int) hex color Description: Overloaded with 2 arguments. Sets the text object's font's bottom color as an XRGB hexadecimal color value. ObjText_SetFontBorderColor (Overload) Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int) hex color Description: Overloaded with 2 arguments. Sets the text object's font's border color as an XRGB hexadecimal color value. ObjText_SetVertexColor (Overload) Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int) hex color Description: Overloaded with 2 arguments. Sets the text object's color as an ARGB hexadecimal color value. --------------------------------> Sound Object Functions <-------------------------------- ObjSound_SetResumeEnable Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (bool) resume enable Description: Formerly ObjSound_SetRestartEnable. Function unchanged. If set to true, using ObjSound_Play on the sound object that was previously stopped with ObjSound_Stop will resume playing where it last left off. ObjSound_Seek Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) time Description: Seeks to the specified time in the audio. ObjSound_SeekSampleCount Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int) sample Description: Seeks to the specified sample in the audio. ObjSound_SetFrequency Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int) frequency Description: Sets the frequency of the audio in sample rate. Can be used to increase or decrease play speed. An input of 0 will reset the value to the audio's original frequency. ObjSound_GetInfo Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (const) type Returns: [varies] Description: Returns the value of the requested information about the sound object. List of available information types: INFO_FORMAT - The format of the audio file. - SOUND_UNKNOWN - SOUND_WAVE - SOUND_OGG - SOUND_MP3 - SOUND_AWAVE - SOUND_MIDI INFO_CHANNEL - The number of channels. INFO_SAMPLE_RATE - The sample rate of the audio in hertz. - ObjSound_SetFrequency does not affect this value. INFO_AVG_BYTE_PER_SEC - The average byte per one second of audio. INFO_BLOCK_ALIGN - The block align. (channel * bytePerSample) INFO_BIT_PER_SAMPLE - The bits per sample of the audio. INFO_POSITION - The current reading position of the audio in seconds. INFO_POSITION_SAMPLE - The current reading position of the audio in sample count. INFO_LENGTH - The total length of the audio in seconds. INFO_LENGTH_SAMPLE - The total length of the audio in sample count. --------------------------------> Text File Object Functions <-------------------------------- ObjFileT_SetLineText Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int) line number 3) (string) new text Description: Sets the text of the given line of the text file object. *Note that the actual file content is only updated upon calling ObjFile_Store. --------------------------------> Binary File Object Functions <-------------------------------- ObjFileB_GetLastRead Arguments: 1) (int) object ID Returns: (int) result Description: Returns the amount of bytes read at the last read operation. A result of 0 may indicate an end-of-file. ObjFileB_ReadBoolean Arguments: 1) (int) object ID Returns: (bool) result Description: Change. No longer throws an error upon attempting to read past the end-of-file. Reads a boolean value from the binary file object. Advances the read pointer by 1. ObjFileB_ReadByte Arguments: 1) (int) object ID Returns: (int) result Description: Change. No longer throws an error upon attempting to read past the end-of-file. Reads a byte value from the binary file object. Advances the read pointer by 1. ObjFileB_ReadShort Arguments: 1) (int) object ID Returns: (int) result Description: Change. No longer throws an error upon attempting to read past the end-of-file. Reads a short integer value from the binary file object. Advances the read pointer by 2. ObjFileB_ReadInteger Arguments: 1) (int) object ID Returns: (int) result Description: Change. No longer throws an error upon attempting to read past the end-of-file. Reads an integer value from the binary file object. Advances the read pointer by 4. ObjFileB_ReadLong Arguments: 1) (int) object ID Returns: (int) result Description: Change. No longer throws an error upon attempting to read past the end-of-file. Reads a long integer value from the binary file object. Advances the read pointer by 8. ObjFileB_ReadFloat Arguments: 1) (int) object ID Returns: (float) result Description: Change. No longer throws an error upon attempting to read past the end-of-file. Reads a single-precision float value from the binary file object. Advances the read pointer by 4. ObjFileB_ReadDouble Arguments: 1) (int) object ID Returns: (float) result Description: Change. No longer throws an error upon attempting to read past the end-of-file. Reads a double-precision float value from the binary file object. Advances the read pointer by 8. ObjFileB_WriteBoolean Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (bool) value Returns: (int) bytes written Description: Writes a boolean value to the binary file object at the current write pointer. Advances the write pointer by 1. ObjFileB_WriteByte Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int) value Returns: (int) bytes written Description: Writes a boolean value to the binary file object at the current write pointer. Advances the write pointer by 1. ObjFileB_WriteShort Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int) value Returns: (int) bytes written Description: Writes a short integer value to the binary file object at the current write pointer. Advances the write pointer by 2. ObjFileB_WriteInteger Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int) value Returns: (int) bytes written Description: Writes an integer value to the binary file object at the current write pointer. Advances the write pointer by 4. ObjFileB_WriteLong Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int) value Returns: (int) bytes written Description: Writes a long integer value to the binary file object at the current write pointer. Advances the write pointer by 8. ObjFileB_WriteFloat Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) value Returns: (int) bytes written Description: Writes a single-precision float value to the binary file object at the current write pointer. Advances the write pointer by 4. ObjFileB_WriteDouble Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) value Returns: (int) bytes written Description: Writes a double-precision float value to the binary file object at the current write pointer. Advances the write pointer by 8. ----------------------------------------------> [Stage Script] <---------------------------------------------- --------------------------------> Basic Stage Functions <-------------------------------- SetStgFrame (Overload) Arguments: 1) (int) frame left 2) (int) frame top 3) (int) frame right 4) (int) frame bottom 5) (int) STG frame render priority - starting (inclusive) 6) (int) STG frame render priority - ending (exclusive) 7) (int) 2D camera render priority Description: Overloaded with 7 arguments. Additional ability to change the render priority of the 2D camera. SetIntersectionVisualization Arguments: 1) (bool) enable Description: Enables active visualization of all intersection object hitboxes. Color codes: Green : Player hitbox+grazebox Blue : Player shot Cyan : Player spell Yellow : Enemy hitbox+killbox Red : Enemy shot SetIntersectionVisualizationRenderPriority Arguments: 1) (int) render priority Description: Sets the render priority of hitbox visualizations. Default value is 68. (GetCameraFocusPermitPriorityI() - 1) --------------------------------> Player Functions <-------------------------------- GetPlayerScriptID Returns: (int) script ID Description: Returns the script ID of the player object. GetPlayerAutoItemCollectLine Returns: (float) position Description: Returns the position of the player's item autocollection line. SetPlayerItemScope Arguments: 1) (int) value Description: Sets the player's item collection scope radius. Effect equivalent to CollectItemsInCircle. GetPlayerItemScope Returns: (float) scope size Description: Gets the player's item collection scope radius. SetPlayerInvincibleGraze Arguments: 1) (bool) enable Description: Sets whether the player can graze during invincbility period. True by default. All hail ZUN's engine. SetPlayerIntersectionEraseShot Arguments: 1) (bool) enable Description: Sets whether shots colliding with the player would get automatically deleted. True by default. All hail ZUN's engine. Again. LOUDER! SetPlayerStateEndEnable Arguments: 1) (bool) enable Description: Sets whether STATE_END is permitted to activate. If set to false, player life will continue below 0 upon each death without limit. False by default if the main script is a package script. SetPlayerShootdownEventEnable Arguments: 1) (bool) enable Description: Sets whether EV_PLAYER_SHOOTDOWN will be notified upon the player's death. Setting it to false would also disable STATE_DOWN and STATE_END from ever occuring. SetPlayerRebirthPosition Arguments: 1) x 2) y Description: Sets the respawn point of the player. Use REBIRTH_DEFAULT in either position to reset it to its default value. --------------------------------> Enemy Functions <-------------------------------- SetEnemyAutoDeleteClip Arguments: 1) (int) left 2) (int) top 3) (int) right 4) (int) bottom Description: Sets the margin that enemy objects are allowed to traverse past the edges of the STG field before getting automatically deleted. Basically, SetShotAutoDeleteClip for enemies. --------------------------------> Shot Functions <-------------------------------- CreateShotA2 (overload) Arguments: 1) x 2) y 3) speed 4) angle 5) acceleration 6) max speed 7) angular velocity 8) (int) shot graphic ID 9) (int) delay Returns: (int) object ID Description: Overloaded with 9 arguments. CreateShotA2 with an additional argument for angular velocity. CreateShotC1 Arguments: 1) position x 2) position y 3) x speed 4) y speed 5) angular offset 6) (int) shot graphic ID 7) (int) delay Returns: (int) object ID Description: Creates a shot object using the C-movement mode and returns its object ID. C-movement pattern: The C-movement pattern is essentially B-movement with a twist. There is an additional "angle offset" property which acts as a rotation vector for the X and Y speeds. To be precise: realSpeedXY = Rotate2D(speedX, speedY, angleOffset); CreateShotC2 Arguments: 1) position x 2) position y 3) x speed 4) y speed 5) x acceleration 6) y acceleration 7) x max speed 8) y max speed 9) angle offset 10) angle offset acceleration 11) (int) shot graphic ID 12) (int) delay Returns: (int) object ID Description: Creates a shot object using the C-movement mode and returns its object ID. CreateShotOC1 Arguments: 1) (int) parent object 2) x speed 3) y speed 4) angular offset 5) (int) shot graphic ID 6) (int) delay Returns: (int) object ID Description: Creates a shot object using the C-movement mode on the position of the parent object and returns its object ID. GetAllShotID Arguments: 1) (const) type Returns: (int[]) shot object IDs Description: Returns an array of all shot object IDs of the given type. Available types: TARGET_ALL TARGET_PLAYER TARGET_ENEMY GetShotDataInfoA1 Returns: [varies] Description: Addition + Change. No longer throws an error if the given shot graphic ID is invalid. INFO_EXISTS - Returns whether the given shot graphic ID exists. INFO_PATH - Returns the image path of the given shot graphic ID. INFO_IS_FIXED_ANGLE - Returns whether the given shot graphic ID has had fixed_angle enabled. SetShotTextureFilter Arguments: 1) (const) filter min 2) (const) filter mag Description: Sets the min and mag texture filtering modes for rendering shot objects. The default filtering modes are FILTER_LINEAR and FILTER_LINEAR. --------------------------------> Item Functions <-------------------------------- SetItemAutoDeleteClip Arguments: 1) (int) left 2) (int) top 3) (int) right 4) (int) bottom Description: Sets the margin that item objects are allowed to traverse past the edges of the STG field before getting automatically deleted. Basically, SetShotAutoDeleteClip for items. GetItemIdInCircleA1 Arguments: 1) circle x 2) circle y 3) circle radius Returns: (int[]) item object IDs Description: Returns the object ID of all item objects within the specified circle. GetItemIdInCircleA2 Arguments: 1) circle x 2) circle y 3) circle radius 4) (int) item type Returns: (int[]) item object IDs Description: Returns the object ID of all item objects of the specified type within the specified circle. SetItemTextureFilter Arguments: 1) (const) filter min 2) (const) filter mag Description: Sets the min and mag texture filtering modes for rendering item objects. The default filtering modes are FILTER_LINEAR and FILTER_LINEAR. --------------------------------> Intersection Functions <-------------------------------- IsIntersected_Obj_Obj Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 1 2) (int) object ID 2 Returns: (bool) intersection Description: Returns true if any of both object's hitboxes intersect at least once. IsIntersected_Obj_Obj_All Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 1 2) (int) object ID 2 Returns: (bool) intersection Description: Returns true if all of both object's hitboxes intersect with any of each other's at least once. --------------------------------> Move Object Functions <-------------------------------- ObjMove_SetSpeed Description: Addition. Also works on B-pattern and C-pattern movements. ObjMove_SetAngle Description: Addition. Also works on B-pattern and C-pattern movements. ObjMove_SetAcceleration Description: Addition. Also works on B-pattern and C-pattern movements. ObjMove_SetMaxSpeed Description: Addition. Also works on B-pattern and C-pattern movements. ObjMove_SetAngularVelocity Description: Addition. Also works on C-pattern movement. ObjMove_SetAngularAcceleration Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) angular acceleration Description: Sets the move object's angular acceleration. Works on A-pattern and C-pattern movements. ObjMove_SetAngularMaxVelocity Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) angular max velocity Description: Sets the move object's angular max velocity. Works on A-pattern and C-pattern movements. ObjMove_SetSpeedX Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) speed Description: Sets the move object's X speed. Works on A-pattern, B-pattern, and C-pattern movements. ObjMove_SetSpeedY Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) speed Description: Sets the move object's Y speed. Works on A-pattern, B-pattern, and C-pattern movements. ObjMove_SetSpeedXY Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) x speed 2) y speed Description: Sets the move object's X and Y speeds. Works on A-pattern, B-pattern, and C-pattern movements. ObjMove_GetSpeedX Arguments: 1) (int) object ID Returns: (float) x speed Description: Gets the move object's X speed. ObjMove_GetSpeedY Arguments: 1) (int) object ID Returns: (float) y speed Description: Gets the move object's Y speed. ObjMove_SetDestAtFrame (Overload) Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) target x 3) target y 4) (int) frame 5) (const) interpolation mode Description: Overloaded with 5 arguments. Moves the object to the target position in the given frames using the specified interpolation mode. Available movement interpolation modes: LERP_LINEAR: Linear interpolation. LERP_SMOOTH: Smooth interpolation. LERP_SMOOTHER: Smoother interpolation. LERP_ACCELERATE: Accelerating interpolation. LERP_DECELERATE: Decelerating interpolation. ObjMove_AddPatternA2 (overload) Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int) frame 3) speed 4) angle 5) acceleration 6) max speed 7) angular velocity Description: Overloaded with 7 arguments. Additional ability to specify angular velocity. ObjMove_AddPatternA3 Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int) frame 3) speed 4) angle 5) acceleration 6) max speed 7) angular velocity 8) (int) shot graphic ID Description: Change. Swapped max speed and angular velocity. ObjMove_AddPatternA4 Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int) frame 3) speed 4) angle 5) acceleration 6) max speed 7) angular velocity 8) (int) shot graphic ID 9) (int) relative object ID Description: Change. Swapped max speed and angular velocity. ObjMove_AddPatternA5 Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int) frame 3) speed 4) angle 5) acceleration 6) max speed 7) angular velocity 8) angular acceleration 9) angular max velocity 10) (int) shot graphic ID 11) (int) relative object ID Description: Self-explanatory. ObjMove_AddPatternC1 Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int) frame 3) x speed 4) y speed 5) angle offset Description: Adds a C-movement pattern to the object that will activate after the specified frames after the function call. ObjMove_AddPatternC2 Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int) frame 3) x speed 4) y speed 5) x acceleration 6) y acceleration 7) x max speed 8) y max speed 10) angle offset 11) angle offset velocity Description: Self-explanatory. ObjMove_AddPatternC3 Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int) frame 3) x speed 4) y speed 5) x acceleration 6) y acceleration 7) x max speed 8) y max speed 10) angle offset 11) angle offset velocity 12) (int) shot graphic ID Description: Self-explanatory. ObjMove_AddPatternC4 Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int) frame 3) x speed 4) y speed 5) x acceleration 6) y acceleration 7) x max speed 8) y max speed 9) angle offset 10) angle offset velocity 11) angle offset acceleration 12) angle offset max speed 13) (int) shot graphic ID Description: Self-explanatory. ObjMove_AddPatternD1 Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int) frame 3) target x 4) target y 5) speed Description: An AddPattern version of ObjMove_SetDestAtSpeed. ObjMove_AddPatternD2 Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int) frame 3) target x 4) target y 5) (int) frame duration Description: An AddPattern version of ObjMove_SetDestAtFrame. ObjMove_AddPatternD2 (overload) Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int) frame 3) target x 4) target y 5) (int) frame duration 6) (const) interpolation mode Description: Overloaded with 6 arguments. An AddPattern version of ObjMove_SetDestAtFrame. ObjMove_AddPatternD3 Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int) frame 3) target x 4) target y 5) weight 6) max speed Description: An AddPattern version of ObjMove_SetDestAtWeight. ObjMove_SetProcessMovement Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (bool) enable Description: Sets whether the object will be allowed to execute movement-related routines. *ObjMove_SetX/Y/Position would still alter the object's position. ObjMove_GetProcessMovement Arguments: 1) (int) object ID Returns: (bool) result Description: Returns true if the object is allowed to execute movement-related routines. ObjMove_GetMovementType Arguments: 1) (int) object ID Returns: (const) movement type Description: Returns the current movement type of the move object. Possible return values: MOVE_NONE ; The object doesn't have an active movement function. (May be caused by ObjMove_CancelMovement.) MOVE_ANGLE ; A-pattern movement. (Angle) MOVE_XY ; B-pattern movement. (XY) MOVE_XY_ANGLE ; C-pattern movement. (XY-Angle) MOVE_LINE ; D-pattern movement. (Line, ObjMove_SetDestAtXXX) MOVE_OTHER ; Other movements. ObjMove_CancelMovement Arguments: 1) (int) object ID Description: Cancels the object's current movement routine. --------------------------------> Enemy Object Functions <-------------------------------- ObjEnemy_GetInfo Description: Addition. INFO_DAMAGE_PREVIOUS_FRAME: Returns the amount of damage the enemy received in the previous frame. ObjEnemy_SetAutoDelete Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (bool) auto delete Description: ObjShot_SetAutoDelete, but for enemy objects. See: SetEnemyAutoDeleteClip Default value is false. ObjEnemy_SetDeleteFrame Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int) frame Description: ObjShot_SetDeleteFrame, but for enemy objects. ObjEnemy_AddLifeEx Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) life Description: Adds life to the enemy object with respect to the enemy object's maximum damage. Negative value (damaging) will count towards the maximum damage as if getting hit by a player shot. Positive value (healing) will reduce the damage count and allow more damage to be dealt in the frame equal to how much the healing was. ObjEnemy_SetMaximumDamage Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) maximum damage Description: Sets the maximum amount of damage that the enemy object can receive through normal means in a single frame. Default value is, for all intents and purposes, infinity. ObjEnemy_GetIntersectionCircleListToShot Arguments: 1) (int) object ID Returns: (float[3][]) intersection circles Description: Returns an array of arrays of the enemy object's intersection circle to player shot. e.g. [[x1, y1, radius1], [x2, y2, radius2], ...] ObjEnemy_GetIntersectionCircleListToPlayer Arguments: 1) (int) object ID Returns: (float[3][]) intersection circles Description: Returns an array of arrays of the enemy object's intersection circle to player hitbox. e.g. [[x1, y1, radius1], [x2, y2, radius2], ...] ObjEnemy_SetEnableIntersectionPositionFetching Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (bool) enable Description: If set to false, the following functions will not include the specified enemy object's hitboxes. GetEnemyIntersectionPosition GetEnemyIntersectionPositionByIdA1 GetEnemyIntersectionPositionByIdA2 GetAllEnemyIntersectionPosition --------------------------------> Enemy Boss Scene Object Functions <-------------------------------- ObjEnemyBossScene_GetInfo Description: Addition. INFO_IS_REQUIRE_ALL_DOWN: Returns if EV_REQUEST_REQUIRE_ALL_DOWN was set to true. ObjEnemyBossScene_EndSpell Arguments: 1) (int) boss scene object ID Description: Marks the current single as being not-a-spell. I literally do not know why I added this. ObjEnemyBossScene_SetUnloadCache Arguments: 1) (int) boss scene object ID 2) (bool) unload Description: If set to true, will unload all added scripts from the script source cache upon boss scene end or object deletion. --------------------------------> Shot Object Functions <-------------------------------- ObjShot_SetOwnerType Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (const) type Description: Sets the shot object's owner type. Available types are: OWNER_PLAYER OWNER_ENEMY Shots created inside a player script are set to OWNER_PLAYER by default, OWNER_ENEMY otherwise. ObjShot_GetIntersectionEnable Arguments: 1) (int) object ID Returns: (bool) intersection enable Description: Returns whether ObjShot_SetIntersectionEnable was set on the shot object. ObjShot_SetIntersectionScaleX Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) scale Description: Sets the shot object's X hitbox scale. For normal shots, the true scale is the half-point between the X and Y scales. ObjShot_SetIntersectionScaleY Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) scale Description: Sets the shot object's Y hitbox scale. For normal shots, the true scale is the half-point between the X and Y scales. ObjShot_SetIntersectionScaleXY Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) X scale 3) Y scale Description: Sets the shot object's X and Y hitbox scales. For normal shots, the true scale is the half-point between the X and Y scales. Note: Sorry folks, no ellipse hitboxes for you. ObjShot_SetPositionRounding Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (bool) enable Description: If set to true, will cause the shot object to only render in non-floating point coordinates. See: Official Touhou games ObjShot_SetAngleRounding Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) snap angle Description: Causes the shot render angle to be rounded to the nearest multiple of the given angle. If the angle is <= 0, angle rounding will be disabled. See: PC-98 Touhou games ObjShot_SetDelayMotionEnable Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (bool) enable Description: If set to true, will enable the shot object to move in its delay period. Only works on regular shots. Default is false. ObjShot_SetDelayGraphic Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int) image ID Description: Sets the image ID of the shot object's delay cloud. A negative value will reset the delay cloud graphic to default. ObjShot_SetDelayScaleParameter Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) parameter 1 (Designated "S0") 3) parameter 2 (Designated "S1") 4) parameter 3 (Designated "S2") Description: Sets the properties of the shot object's delay cloud's scale. DELAY_DEFAULT: scale = min(S0 + delay / S2, S1) DELAY_LERP: scale = lerpFunction(S0, S1, delay / S2) ObjShot_SetDelayAlphaParameter Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) parameter 1 (Designated "A0") 3) parameter 2 (Designated "A1") 4) parameter 3 (Designated "A2") Description: Sets the properties of the shot object's delay cloud's alpha. Alpha value range is 0 to 1. DELAY_DEFAULT: alpha = min(A0 + delay / A2, A1) DELAY_LERP: alpha = lerpFunction(A0, A1, delay / A2) ObjShot_SetDelayMode Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (const) delay mode 3) (const) scale interpolation mode 4) (const) alpha interpolation mode Description: Sets the properties of the shot object's delay cloud. Available delay modes: DELAY_DEFAULT: Default Danmakufu delay. DELAY_LERP: ZUN-like delay. Available delay interpolation modes: LERP_LINEAR: Linear interpolation. LERP_SMOOTH: Smooth interpolation. LERP_SMOOTHER: Smoother interpolation. LERP_ACCELERATE: Accelerating interpolation. LERP_DECELERATE: Decelerating interpolation. ObjShot_SetDelayColor Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int) hex color Description: Sets the color of the shot object's delay cloud as an ARGB hexadecimal color value. Set to 0 to revert to using the shot data's delay color. ObjShot_SetDelayColoringEnable Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (bool) enable Description: When set to true, enables the object color to affect the shot object's delay cloud. ObjShot_SetGrazeInvalidFrame Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int) cooldown frame Description: Sets the shot object's graze cooldown frame. After being grazed, the shot will be put on graze cooldown, wherein it cannot be grazed for the duration. For lasers, the default value is 20. For normal shots, the default value is 2147483647. ObjShot_SetGrazeFrame Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int) frame Description: Sets the shot object's graze frame. Internally, this value is reset to the graze invalid frame every time a graze is performed. This value decreases by 1 every frame, and the shot object is eligible for a graze if it is equal to or less than 0. ObjShot_IsValidGraze Arguments: 1) (int) object ID Returns: (bool) graze validity Description: Returns whether the shot object is currently able to be grazed. ObjShot_SetPenetrateShotEnable Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (bool) enable Description: If set to false, the shot will not lose penetration upon collision with another enemy shot. Intended to be used with players shots, in tandem with ObjShot_SetEraseShot. Default is true. ObjShot_SetEnemyIntersectionInvalidFrame Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int) cooldown Description: Sets the enemy intersection cooldown duration in frames for the shot object. Intersection with an enemy will add the enemy to the shot's cooldown list. The shot will not be able to intersect enemy objects still on hit cooldown. Cooldown is maintained by the shot, not the enemy. Shot A intersecting and putting an enemy on cooldown will not stop Shot B from registering intersection with the same enemy. ObjShot_SetFixedAngle Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (bool) fixed angle Description: If set to true, the shot will not visually rotate along its movement angle. The default value is specified in the graphic's shot data as "fixed_angle", this function allows you to override that value. ObjShot_SetSpinAngularVelocity Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) spin angular velocity Description: Sets the Z angle spin speed of the shot graphic. The default spin speed is specified in the graphic's shot data as "angular_velocity", this function allows you to override that value. ObjShot_SetDelayAngularVelocity Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) delay angular velocity Description: Sets the Z angle spin speed of the shot's delay cloud. The default delay spin speed is 0. --------------------------------> Straight Laser Object Functions <-------------------------------- ObjLaser_SetInvalidLength Description: Change. Both invalid lengths now scale from 0 to 1 rather than 0 to 100. ObjStLaser_SetEnd Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (bool) set Description: Sets whether a delay cloud will appear at the end of the straight laser object. ObjStLaser_SetEndGraphic Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int) graphic ID Description: Sets the shot image ID of the straight laser object "end" delay cloud. See: ObjShot_SetDelayGraphic ObjStLaser_SetDelayScale Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) source scale multiplier 3) end scale multiplier Description: Sets the scale multipliers of the straight laser object's delay clouds. The default values are (1, 1). ObjStLaser_SetPermitExpand Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (bool) enable Description: Sets whether the straight laser will expand after the delay period. Intended for use in delay lines. ObjStLaser_GetPermitExpand Arguments: 1) (int) object ID Returns: (bool) permit expand Description: Returns whether the straight laser is permitted to expand after the delay period. --------------------------------> Curvy Laser Object Functions <-------------------------------- ObjCrLaser_SetTipCapping Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (bool) enable Description: Sets whether the curvy laser will attempt to keep its graphic's tips proportional to the upper and lower halves of its sprite. The exact middle of the sprite will be stretched along the laser's body between the tips. Can be used to emulate PC-98-styled "cheeto lasers". ObjCrLaser_GetNodePointer Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int) node index Returns: (pointer) node pointer Description: Returns the pointer value of the specified node index. The pointer is used in other node-related functions. As node traversal is relatively expensive, it is not recommended to repeatedly use this function. At each frame, the node at the laser's end is invalidated if the laser is able to move. Using an invalid pointer may cause a memory access violation. ObjCrLaser_GetNodePointerList Arguments: 1) (int) object ID Returns: (pointer[]) node pointers Description: Returns a list of node pointers of the curvy laser object. The pointers are used in other node-related functions. At each frame, the node at the laser's end is invalidated if the laser is able to move. Using an invalid pointer may cause a memory access violation. ObjCrLaser_GetNodePosition Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (pointer) node pointer Returns: (float[2]) node position Description: Returns the [x, y] position array of the specified node. The node pointer is obtained with ObjCrLaser_GetNodePointer[List], do NOT pass in any other values. ObjCrLaser_GetNodeAngle Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (pointer) node pointer Returns: (float) node angle Description: Returns the facing angle of the specified node. The node pointer is obtained with ObjCrLaser_GetNodePointer[List], do NOT pass in any other values. ObjCrLaser_GetNodeWidthScale Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (pointer) node pointer Returns: (float) node width Description: Returns the render width scale of the specified node. The node pointer is obtained with ObjCrLaser_GetNodePointer[List], do NOT pass in any other values. ObjCrLaser_GetNodeColor Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (pointer) node pointer Returns: (int[4]) node color Description: Returns the [a, r, g, b] color array of the specified node. The node pointer is obtained with ObjCrLaser_GetNodePointer[List], do NOT pass in any other values. ObjCrLaser_GetNodeColorHex Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (pointer) node pointer Returns: (int) hex color Description: Returns the ARGB hexadecimal color value of the specified node. The node pointer is obtained with ObjCrLaser_GetNodePointer[List], do NOT pass in any other values. ObjCrLaser_SetNode Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (pointer) node pointer 3) node X 4) node Y 5) node angle 6) (int) node hex color Description: Sets the position, angle, and color of the specified node. The node pointer is obtained with ObjCrLaser_GetNodePointer[List], do NOT pass in any other values. ObjCrLaser_SetNode (Overload) Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (pointer) node pointer 3) node X 4) node Y 5) node angle 6) (int) node hex color 7) =node width scale Description: Overloaded with 7 arguments. Additional ability to set node render width render. ObjCrLaser_SetNodePosition Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (pointer) node pointer 3) node X 4) node Y Description: Sets the position of the specified node. The node pointer is obtained with ObjCrLaser_GetNodePointer[List], do NOT pass in any other values. ObjCrLaser_SetNodeAngle Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (pointer) node pointer 3) node angle Description: Sets the angle of the specified node. The node pointer is obtained with ObjCrLaser_GetNodePointer[List], do NOT pass in any other values. ObjCrLaser_SetNodeWidthScale Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (pointer) node pointer 3) node scale Description: Sets the render width scale of the specified node. The node pointer is obtained with ObjCrLaser_GetNodePointer[List], do NOT pass in any other values. ObjCrLaser_SetNodeColor Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (pointer) node pointer 3) (int) node hex color Description: Sets the color of the specified node as an ARGB hexadecimal color value. The node pointer is obtained with ObjCrLaser_GetNodePointer[List], do NOT pass in any other values. ObjCrLaser_AddNode Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) node X 3) node Y 4) node angle 5) (int) node hex color Description: Adds a laser node at the end of the curvy laser with the specified position, angle, and color. ObjCrLaser_AddNode (Overload) Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) node X 3) node Y 4) node angle 5) (int) node hex color 6) node width scale Description: Overloaded with 6 arguments. Additional ability to specify node render width render. --------------------------------> Shot Pattern Object Functions <-------------------------------- ObjPatternShot_Create Description: Creates a pattern shot object and returns its object ID. Can be used for firing a large amount of bullets with only a few function calls, like in ZUN's ECL scripts. ObjPatternShot_Fire Arguments: 1) (int) object ID Description: Fires the shot pattern defined by the given shot pattern object. ObjPatternShot_FireReturn Arguments: 1) (int) object ID Returns: (int[]) shot IDs Description: Fires the shot pattern defined by the given shot pattern object and returns the IDs of the created shots in an array. ObjPatternShot_SetParentObject Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int) parent object ID Description: Sets the parent object of the given shot pattern object. ObjPatternShot_SetPatternType Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (const) type Description: Sets the firing pattern of the given shot pattern object. Available pattern types: PATTERN_FAN PATTERN_FAN_AIMED PATTERN_RING PATTERN_RING_AIMED PATTERN_ARROW PATTERN_ARROW_AIMED PATTERN_POLYGON - [way]: Number of polygon vertices. - [stack]: Number of shots per sides. - [angle argument]: Edge skip, should normally be 1. Other values will result in polygrams. - [speed argument]: No effect. PATTERN_POLYGON_AIMED PATTERN_ELLIPSE - [stack]: No effect. - [angle argument]: Angle of the ellipse. (Not of the shots) - [base speed]: Max speed at the ends of the primary axis. - [speed argument]: Max speed at the ends of the secondary axis. PATTERN_ELLIPSE_AIMED PATTERN_SCATTER_ANGLE PATTERN_SCATTER_SPEED PATTERN_SCATTER PATTERN_LINE PATTERN_ROSE - [way]: Number of "petals". - [stack]: Number of shots per petals. ObjPatternShot_SetShotType Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (const) type Description: Sets the shot type of the given shot pattern object. Supported types: OBJ_SHOT OBJ_LOOSE_LASER OBJ_CURVE_LASER ObjPatternShot_SetInitialBlendMode Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (const) blend type Description: Sets the initial blend type of the shots. See ObjRender_SetBlendType for the list of blend types. ObjPatternShot_SetShotCount Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int) way 3) (int) stack Description: Sets the shot way and shot stack of the given shot pattern object. ObjPatternShot_SetSpeed Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) base speed 3) speed argument Description: Sets the shot speed and argument of the given shot pattern object. ObjPatternShot_SetAngle Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) base angle 3) angle argument Description: Sets the shot angle and argument of the given shot pattern object. ObjPatternShot_SetBasePoint Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) X position 3) Y position Description: Sets the base firing position of the given shot pattern object. Defaults to the parent object's position if not used. Use PATTERN_BASEPOINT_RESET in either arguments to reset it to the parent object's position. ObjPatternShot_SetBasePointOffset Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) X offset 3) Y offset Description: Sets the firing position offset of the given shot pattern object from its base point. ObjPatternShot_SetBasePointOffsetCircle Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) angle 3) radius Description: Sets the firing position offset in a circular manner of the given shot pattern object from its base point. Equivalent to ObjPatternShot_SetBasePointOffset(obj, radius * cos(angle), radius * sin(angle)); ObjPatternShot_SetShootRadius Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) radius Description: Causes the shots to be fired a certain radius away from their base points. ObjPatternShot_SetDelay Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int) delay Description: Sets the shot delay of the given shot pattern object. ObjPatternShot_SetGraphic Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int) graphic Description: Sets the shot image ID of the given shot pattern object. ObjPatternShot_SetLaserParameter Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) width 3) length Description: Sets the length and width of the given shot pattern object. Has no effect if the pattern is firing normal shots. ObjPatternShot_CopySettings Arguments: 1) (int) destination object ID 2) (int) source object ID Description: Copies the settings of a shot pattern object to another. ObjPatternShot_AddTransform Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (const) transform type 3+) transform arguments... Description: Adds a transformation to the shot pattern object. Transforms arguments will be designated, in order: [arg0], [arg1], [arg2], etc... Available transformations are: TRANSFORM_WAIT (argc = 1) - Delays the next transformation for [arg0] frames. TRANSFORM_ADD_SPEED_ANGLE (argc = 4) - Waits for [arg1] frames. (Does not delay the next transformation) - For [arg0] frames, sets acceleration to [arg2]. - For [arg0] frames, sets angular velocity to [arg3]. TRANSFORM_ANGULAR_MOVE (argc = 3) - For [arg0] frames, sets angular velocity to [arg1]. - Sets shot graphic "spin" to [arg2]. TRANSFORM_N_DECEL_CHANGE (argc = 5) - For [arg1] times, decelerates/accelerates the shot to a complete halt in [arg0] frames. (See: Aunn's first spell) - Movement will then change depending on [arg2]. - 0: Changes the movement angle to [arg4]. - 1: Increments the movement angle by [arg4]. - 2: Aims to the player with an added randomness factor of -[arg4] to [arg4]. - 3: Aims to the player with an increment of [arg4]. - 4: Angle becomes random. - 5, other: No angle change. - All modes sets the speed to [arg3]. - Delay the next transformation by ([arg0] * [arg1]) frames. TRANSFORM_GRAPHIC_CHANGE (argc = 1) - Changes the shot graphic to [arg0]. TRANSFORM_BLEND_CHANGE (argc = 1) - Changes the shot blend type to [arg0]. TRANSFORM_TO_SPEED_ANGLE (argc = 3) - Gradually changes the shot's speed to [arg1] in [arg0] frames. - Gradually changes the shot's angle to [arg2] in [arg0] frames. - Using TOPLAYER_CHANGE will aim the shot to the player object. - NO_CHANGE can be used for [arg1] and [arg2]. TRANSFORM_ADDPATTERN_A1 (argc = 3) - Applies [ObjMove_AddPatternA1(obj, [arg0], [arg1], [arg2])] TRANSFORM_ADDPATTERN_A2 (argc = 8) - Applies [ObjMove_AddPatternA4(obj, [arg0], [arg1], [arg2], [arg3], [arg4], [arg5], [arg6], [arg7])] TRANSFORM_ADDPATTERN_B1 (argc = 3) - Applies [ObjMove_AddPatternB1(obj, [arg0], [arg1], [arg2])] TRANSFORM_ADDPATTERN_B2 (argc = 8) - Applies [ObjMove_AddPatternB3(obj, [arg0], [arg1], [arg2], [arg3], [arg4], [arg5], [arg6], [arg7])] TRANSFORM_ADDPATTERN_C1 (argc = 3) - Applies [ObjMove_AddPatternC1(obj, [arg0], [arg1], [arg2])] TRANSFORM_ADDPATTERN_C2 (argc = 10) - Applies [ObjMove_AddPatternC3(obj, [arg0], [arg1], [arg2], [arg3], [arg4], [arg5], [arg6], [arg7], [arg8], [arg9])] ObjPatternShot_SetTransform Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int) transform index 3) (const) transform type 4+) transform arguments... Description: Sets transformation to the specified transform index. --------------------------------> Collision Object Functions <-------------------------------- ObjCol_GetListOfIntersectedShotID Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (const) shot owner type Returns: (int[]) intersected shot IDs Description: Returns an array of all shot objects of the specified owner type currently intersecting with the object. Available owner types are: OWNER_PLAYER OWNER_ENEMY --------------------------------> Item Object Functions <-------------------------------- ObjItem_SetAutoCollectEnableFlags Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int) flags Description: Sets the autocollection enable flags of the item object. Autocollection enable flags dictate which autocollection types will affect the item object. Available flags: ITEM_AUTOCOLLECT_PLAYER_SCOPE ITEM_AUTOCOLLECT_COLLECT_ALL ITEM_AUTOCOLLECT_POC_LINE ITEM_AUTOCOLLECT_COLLECT_CIRCLE ITEM_AUTOCOLLECT_ALL Flags can be combined with bitwise OR. Using 0 will cause the item object to be impervious to all autocollection types. ObjItem_GetInfo Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (const) info type Returns: [varies] Description: Addition. INFO_ITEM_MOVE_TYPE: Returns the move type of the item object. Returned values are the possible inputs of ObjItem_SetDefinedMovePatternA1. INFO_ITEM_TYPE: Returns the graphic ID of the item object. ObjItem_SetMoveToPlayer Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (bool) move to player Description: Causes the item object to start or stop moving to the player. If set to true, EV_COLLECT_ITEM will be notified. If set to false, EV_CANCEL_ITEM will be notified. ObjItem_IsMoveToPlayer Arguments: 1) (int) object ID Returns: (bool) result Description: Returns whether the item object is moving to the player. ObjItem_Collect Arguments: 1) (int) object ID Description: Causes the item object to be instantly collected. Not affected by ObjItem_SetIntersectionEnable. ObjItem_SetAutoDelete Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (bool) auto delete Description: Sets whether the item will be subject to the auto-deletion clip. The auto-deletion clip size can be altered using SetItemAutoDeleteClip. ObjItem_SetIntersectionRadius Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (int) radius Description: Sets the item object's player intersection radius. ObjItem_SetIntersectionEnable Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (bool) enable Description: Sets whether the item object is allowed to directly intersect with the player. ObjItem_GetIntersectionEnable Arguments: 1) (int) object ID Returns: (bool) enable Description: Returns whether the item object has intersection enabled. ObjItem_SetDefaultCollectMovement Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (bool) enable Description: Sets whether the item object will use the built-in autocollection behaviour. Intended to be used in tandem with EV_COLLECT_ITEM. ObjItem_SetPositionRounding Arguments: 1) (int) object ID 2) (bool) enable Description: If set to true, will cause the item object to only render in non-floating point coordinates. ----------------------------------------------> [Item Script] <---------------------------------------------- --------------------------------> Events <-------------------------------- EV_DELETE_SHOT_TO_ITEM is notified when an item is deleted and turned into an item. Actions that trigger this event: - Using ObjShot_ToItem. - Using DeleteShotAll or DeleteShotInCircle with TYPE_ITEM. Event arguments: 1) (int) shot object ID 2) (float[]) position [x, y] 3) (bool) collided with player If true, the shot was deleted from coliision with a player hitbox. 4) (int) shot image ID EV_COLLECT_ITEM is notified when an item is autocollected. Actions that trigger this event: - Collision with the player's item scope. - The player moving up into the item autocollection line. - Using CollectItemsInCircle, CollectAllItems, or ObjItem_SetMoveToPlayer. Event arguments: 1) (int) item object ID 2) (int) item type 3) (int) collection type 0 - Player scope 1 - Player autocollection line 2 - Via CollectItemsInCircle 3 - Via CollectAllItems 4 - Via ObjItem_SetMoveToPlayer 4) (float) collection info Varies with collection type: Type 0 -> Player item scope radius Type 1 -> Player autocollection line position Type 2 -> Collection circle size Type 3 -> 0 Type 4 -> 0 EV_CANCEL_ITEM is notified when an item's autocollection is canceled. Actions that trigger this event: - The player leaving STATE_NORMAL while the item is in the middle of being collected. - Using CancelCollectItems or ObjItem_SetMoveToPlayer. Event arguments: 1) (int) item object ID 2) (int) item type 3) (int) cancel type 0 - Player died 1 - Via CancelCollectItems 2 - Via ObjItem_SetMoveToPlayer ----------------------------------------------> [Player Script] <---------------------------------------------- --------------------------------> Normal Functions <-------------------------------- KillPlayer Description: Kills the player. --------------------------------> Shot Functions <-------------------------------- CreatePlayerShotA1 Description: Change. No longer returns a null value if SetForbidPlayerShot was set to true. --------------------------------> Events <-------------------------------- EV_DELETE_SHOT_PLAYER is notified to the player script when a player shot is deleted upon collision with an enemy intersection. ObjShot_SetPenetration(obj, 0) can also be used to manually activate the event. Event arguments: 1) (int) shot object ID 2) (float[2]) position 3) (int) shot graphic ID 4) (int) object ID that the shot collided with - Will be ID_INVALID in case of manual activation.