sampler samp0_ : register(s0); //2 top-level semantics are provided by the engine in the case of 2D render objects: // WORLD: // Contains the transformation matrix of the render object. // VIEWPROJECTION: // Contains the projection*camera matrix, used for correctly tranforming vertices to screen-space coordinates. float4x4 g_mViewProj : VIEWPROJECTION; float frame_; float2 waveRadius_; float waveSine_; float2 enemyPos_; float2 framePos_; float3 waveColor_; static const float RENDER_LEFT = 32.5f / 1024.0f; //mininum render width static const float RENDER_TOP = 16.5f / 512.0f; //maximum render width static const float RENDER_RIGHT = 415.5f / 1024.0f; //mininum render height static const float RENDER_BOTTOM = 463.5f / 512.0f; //maximum render height static const float2 SCREEN_SPACE = float2(1024.0f, 512.0f); struct VS_INPUT { float4 position : POSITION; float4 diffuse : COLOR0; float2 texCoord : TEXCOORD0; }; struct PS_INPUT { float4 position : POSITION; float4 diffuse : COLOR0; float2 texCoord : TEXCOORD0; float blend : FOG; }; struct PS_OUTPUT { float4 color : COLOR0; }; PS_INPUT mainVS(VS_INPUT inVs) { PS_INPUT outVs; float mul_scale = waveRadius_.x / waveRadius_.y; float2 posVertex = inVs.position.xy * mul_scale; float dist = length(inVs.position.xy * mul_scale); outVs.blend = saturate((waveRadius_.x - dist) / waveRadius_.x); float2 cos_sin = posVertex.xy / dist; float2 distortPos = cos_sin.xy * waveRadius_.x * min(outVs.blend, 0.22f) * 0.5f * waveSine_; distortPos.x += (cos_sin.x * outVs.blend) * 16.0f; distortPos.y += (cos_sin.y * outVs.blend) * 16.0f; outVs.texCoord = inVs.texCoord * mul_scale + enemyPos_ / SCREEN_SPACE; outVs.position = mul(float4(posVertex + enemyPos_ + distortPos,, g_mViewProj); = (float2)1.0f; outVs.diffuse = inVs.diffuse; return outVs; } PS_OUTPUT mainPS(PS_INPUT inPs) { PS_OUTPUT outPs; inPs.texCoord.x = clamp(inPs.texCoord.x, RENDER_LEFT, RENDER_RIGHT); inPs.texCoord.y = clamp(inPs.texCoord.y, RENDER_TOP, RENDER_BOTTOM); float3 colorRGB = tex2D(samp0_, inPs.texCoord).rgb; colorRGB.rgb -= (1.0f - * inPs.blend; outPs.color = float4(colorRGB, 1.0f) * inPs.diffuse; return outPs; } technique Render { pass P0 { VertexShader = compile vs_3_0 mainVS(); PixelShader = compile ps_3_0 mainPS(); } }