using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using System; namespace Lemon.GenericLib.VFX { public class SpriteFrameSetter : MonoBehaviour { private SpriteRenderer sr; [SerializeField] private SpriteFrame[] spriteFrames; private void Start() { sr = GetComponent(); } public void SetFrame(string spriteName) { foreach (var item in spriteFrames) { if (item.spriteName == spriteName) { sr.sprite = item.sprite; return; } } Debug.LogError("Sprite frame requiested is not available.\nPlease check the spelling error"); } public void SetFrame(int index) { if (index >= 0 && index < spriteFrames.Length) { sr.sprite = spriteFrames[index].sprite; return; } Debug.LogError($"Sprite frame requiested {index} is not available.\nPlease check the spelling error"); } [Serializable] private class SpriteFrame { public string spriteName; public Sprite sprite; } } }