diff --git a/DunGenPlus/DunGenPlus/DunGenPlus.csproj b/DunGenPlus/DunGenPlus/DunGenPlus.csproj
index ad0d997..0c5c6e0 100644
--- a/DunGenPlus/DunGenPlus/DunGenPlus.csproj
+++ b/DunGenPlus/DunGenPlus/DunGenPlus.csproj
@@ -150,6 +150,7 @@
diff --git a/DunGenPlus/DunGenPlus/DunGenPlus/DunGenPlus.dll b/DunGenPlus/DunGenPlus/DunGenPlus/DunGenPlus.dll
index 5006d44..52c55cb 100644
Binary files a/DunGenPlus/DunGenPlus/DunGenPlus/DunGenPlus.dll and b/DunGenPlus/DunGenPlus/DunGenPlus/DunGenPlus.dll differ
diff --git a/DunGenPlus/DunGenPlus/Generation/DunGenPlusGeneratorGlobalProps.cs b/DunGenPlus/DunGenPlus/Generation/DunGenPlusGeneratorGlobalProps.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac7033f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DunGenPlus/DunGenPlus/Generation/DunGenPlusGeneratorGlobalProps.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+using DunGen;
+using DunGen.Graph;
+using DunGenPlus.DevTools;
+using DunGenPlus.DevTools.Panels;
+using System;
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+using UnityEngine;
+namespace DunGenPlus.Generation {
+ internal partial class DunGenPlusGenerator {
+ // Copied and pasted from DunGen
+ public static void ProcessGlobalPropsPerMainPath(DungeonGenerator dungeonGenerator){
+ var localIDs = Properties.MainPathProperties.MainPathDetails.SelectMany(d => d.LocalGroupProps).Select(x => x.ID).ToHashSet();
+ // first parameter int is the GlobalProp ID
+ // second parameter is the List of GameObjectChanceTable indexed by the main path index
+ var localDictionary = new Dictionary>();
+ // default dictionary
+ var globalDictionary = new Dictionary();
+ foreach(var tile in dungeonGenerator.CurrentDungeon.AllTiles){
+ foreach(var globalProp in tile.GetComponentsInChildren()){
+ GameObjectChanceTable gameObjectChanceTable;
+ if (localIDs.Contains(globalProp.PropGroupID)){
+ if (!localDictionary.TryGetValue(globalProp.PropGroupID, out var dictionary)){
+ dictionary = new Dictionary();
+ localDictionary.Add(globalProp.PropGroupID, dictionary);
+ }
+ // The game will softlock if it can't find the tile
+ var mainPathIndex = GetMainPathIndexFromTile(tile);
+ if (!dictionary.TryGetValue(mainPathIndex, out gameObjectChanceTable)){
+ gameObjectChanceTable = new GameObjectChanceTable();
+ dictionary.Add(mainPathIndex, gameObjectChanceTable);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!globalDictionary.TryGetValue(globalProp.PropGroupID, out gameObjectChanceTable)){
+ gameObjectChanceTable = new GameObjectChanceTable();
+ globalDictionary.Add(globalProp.PropGroupID, gameObjectChanceTable);
+ }
+ }
+ var num = tile.Placement.IsOnMainPath ? globalProp.MainPathWeight : globalProp.BranchPathWeight;
+ num *= globalProp.DepthWeightScale.Evaluate(tile.Placement.NormalizedDepth);
+ gameObjectChanceTable.Weights.Add(new GameObjectChance(globalProp.gameObject, num, 0f, null));
+ }
+ }
+ foreach(var dictionary in localDictionary.Values){
+ foreach(var table2 in dictionary.Values){
+ foreach(var gameObjectChance in table2.Weights){
+ gameObjectChance.Value.SetActive(false);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach(var table2 in globalDictionary.Values){
+ foreach(var gameObjectChance in table2.Weights){
+ gameObjectChance.Value.SetActive(false);
+ }
+ }
+ var list = new List(localDictionary.Count + globalDictionary.Count);
+ int ProcessGlobalPropID(GameObjectChanceTable table, int localMax, int globalCount, int globalMax){
+ localMax = Mathf.Clamp(localMax, 0, table.Weights.Count);
+ var i = 0;
+ while(i < localMax && i + globalCount < globalMax){
+ var random = table.GetRandom(dungeonGenerator.RandomStream, true, 0f, null, true, true);
+ if (random != null && random.Value != null) {
+ random.Value.SetActive(true);
+ }
+ ++i;
+ }
+ return i;
+ }
+ int ProcessRemainingGlobalPropID(GameObjectChanceTable[] tables, int count){
+ count = Mathf.Clamp(count, 0, tables.Sum(t => t.Weights.Count));
+ var i = 0;
+ while(i < count){
+ var random = GameObjectChanceTable.GetCombinedRandom(dungeonGenerator.RandomStream, true, 0f, tables);
+ if (random != null) {
+ random.SetActive(true);
+ }
+ ++i;
+ }
+ return i;
+ }
+ using(var enumerator = globalDictionary.GetEnumerator()){
+ while(enumerator.MoveNext()){
+ var pair = enumerator.Current;
+ if (list.Contains(pair.Key)){
+ Plugin.logger.LogWarning("Dungeon Flow contains multiple entries for the global prop group ID: " + pair.Key.ToString() + ". Only the first entry will be used.");
+ } else {
+ //Plugin.logger.LogWarning($"{pair.Key}: Global");
+ var globalPropSettings = dungeonGenerator.DungeonFlow.GlobalProps
+ .Where(x => x.ID == pair.Key)
+ .FirstOrDefault();
+ if (globalPropSettings != null){
+ var tableClone = pair.Value.Clone();
+ var globalMax = globalPropSettings.Count.GetRandom(dungeonGenerator.RandomStream);
+ var spawned = ProcessGlobalPropID(tableClone, globalMax, 0, globalMax);
+ Plugin.logger.LogDebug($"Global ID: {pair.Key} ({spawned} / {globalMax})");
+ list.Add(pair.Key);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ using(var enumerator = localDictionary.GetEnumerator()){
+ while(enumerator.MoveNext()){
+ var pair = enumerator.Current;
+ var globalPropId = pair.Key;
+ if (list.Contains(globalPropId)){
+ Plugin.logger.LogWarning("Dungeon Flow contains multiple entries for the global prop group ID: " + pair.Key.ToString() + ". Only the first entry will be used.");
+ } else {
+ //Plugin.logger.LogWarning($"{pair.Key}: Local");
+ var globalPropSettings = dungeonGenerator.DungeonFlow.GlobalProps
+ .Where(x => x.ID == globalPropId)
+ .FirstOrDefault();
+ if (globalPropSettings != null){
+ var globalCount = 0;
+ var globalMax = globalPropSettings.Count.GetRandom(dungeonGenerator.RandomStream);
+ var pathDictionary = pair.Value;
+ Plugin.logger.LogDebug($"Local ID: {pair.Key} (Max {globalMax})");
+ var toRemoveKeys = new List();
+ foreach(var pathPair in pathDictionary){
+ // try and get local main path properites based on key of Dictionary
+ var mainPathIndex = pathPair.Key;
+ var localGroupProps = Properties.MainPathProperties.GetMainPathDetails(mainPathIndex).LocalGroupProps;
+ var localPropSettings = localGroupProps
+ .Where(x => x.ID == globalPropId)
+ .FirstOrDefault();
+ if (localPropSettings == null) {
+ Plugin.logger.LogDebug($"Main Path {mainPathIndex}: No local ID defined, skipping");
+ continue;
+ }
+ var tableClone = pathPair.Value.Clone();
+ var localMax = localPropSettings.Count.GetRandom(dungeonGenerator.RandomStream);
+ var spawned = ProcessGlobalPropID(tableClone, localMax, globalCount, globalMax);
+ globalCount += spawned;
+ Plugin.logger.LogDebug($"Main Path {mainPathIndex}: Local ({spawned} / {localMax}), Global ({globalCount} / {globalMax})");
+ // all dictionaries that we done using get throw out
+ if (!localPropSettings.UseToReachGlobalPropLimit) toRemoveKeys.Add(mainPathIndex);
+ //Plugin.logger.LogError($"Spawned {spawned} ({globalCount}/{globalMax})");
+ }
+ foreach(var key in toRemoveKeys){
+ pathDictionary.Remove(key);
+ }
+ // spawn the last remaining global props if possible
+ if (globalCount < globalMax && pathDictionary.Count > 0) {
+ var combine = string.Join(", ", pathDictionary.Keys);
+ Plugin.logger.LogDebug($"Combining main paths ({combine}) into one GameObjectChanceTable");
+ var combinedTable = pathDictionary.Select(d => d.Value).ToArray();
+ var spawned = ProcessRemainingGlobalPropID(combinedTable, globalMax - globalCount);
+ globalCount += spawned;
+ Plugin.logger.LogDebug($"Spawned remaining props ({globalCount} / {globalMax})");
+ }
+ list.Add(pair.Key);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ Plugin.logger.LogError("Spawned");
+ var colors = new Color[] { Color.red, Color.blue };
+ foreach(var tile in dungeonGenerator.CurrentDungeon.AllTiles){
+ var mainPathIndex = GetMainPathIndexFromTile(tile);
+ foreach(var globalProp in tile.GetComponentsInChildren()){
+ if (globalProp.PropGroupID == 1717){
+ var newGameObject = GameObject.Instantiate(DunGenPlusPanel.Instance.dungeonBoundsHelperGameObject);
+ newGameObject.transform.position = globalProp.transform.position + Vector3.up * 10f;
+ newGameObject.transform.localScale = Vector3.one * 4f;
+ Plugin.logger.LogError($"{globalProp.PropGroupID}: {newGameObject.transform.position}");
+ var renderer = newGameObject.GetComponent();
+ renderer.material.color = colors[0];
+ newGameObject.SetActive(true);
+ }
+ if (globalProp.PropGroupID == 1718){
+ var newGameObject = GameObject.Instantiate(DunGenPlusPanel.Instance.dungeonBoundsHelperGameObject);
+ newGameObject.transform.position = globalProp.transform.position + Vector3.up * 10f;
+ newGameObject.transform.localScale = Vector3.one * 4f;
+ Plugin.logger.LogError($"{globalProp.PropGroupID}: {newGameObject.transform.position}");
+ var renderer = newGameObject.GetComponent();
+ renderer.material.color = colors[1];
+ newGameObject.SetActive(true);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/DunGenPlus/DunGenPlus/Generation/DunGenPlusGeneratorMiscellaneous.cs b/DunGenPlus/DunGenPlus/Generation/DunGenPlusGeneratorMiscellaneous.cs
index cb929d8..06b6b9d 100644
--- a/DunGenPlus/DunGenPlus/Generation/DunGenPlusGeneratorMiscellaneous.cs
+++ b/DunGenPlus/DunGenPlus/Generation/DunGenPlusGeneratorMiscellaneous.cs
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using UnityEngine;
-using static UnityEngine.Rendering.DebugUI;
namespace DunGenPlus.Generation {
internal partial class DunGenPlusGenerator {
@@ -96,182 +95,5 @@ namespace DunGenPlus.Generation {
return defaultState || DevDebugManager.IsActive;
- // Copied and pasted from DunGen
- public static void ProcessGlobalPropsPerMainPath(DungeonGenerator dungeonGenerator){
- var localIDs = Properties.MainPathProperties.MainPathDetails.SelectMany(d => d.LocalGroupProps).Select(x => x.ID).ToHashSet();
- // first parameter int is the GlobalProp ID
- // second parameter is the List of GameObjectChanceTable indexed by the main path index
- var localDictionary = new Dictionary>();
- // default dictionary
- var globalDictionary = new Dictionary();
- foreach(var tile in dungeonGenerator.CurrentDungeon.AllTiles){
- foreach(var globalProp in tile.GetComponentsInChildren()){
- GameObjectChanceTable gameObjectChanceTable;
- if (localIDs.Contains(globalProp.PropGroupID)){
- if (!localDictionary.TryGetValue(globalProp.PropGroupID, out var dictionary)){
- dictionary = new Dictionary();
- localDictionary.Add(globalProp.PropGroupID, dictionary);
- }
- // The game will softlock if it can't find the tile
- var mainPathIndex = GetMainPathIndexFromTile(tile);
- if (!dictionary.TryGetValue(mainPathIndex, out gameObjectChanceTable)){
- gameObjectChanceTable = new GameObjectChanceTable();
- dictionary.Add(mainPathIndex, gameObjectChanceTable);
- }
- } else {
- if (!globalDictionary.TryGetValue(globalProp.PropGroupID, out gameObjectChanceTable)){
- gameObjectChanceTable = new GameObjectChanceTable();
- globalDictionary.Add(globalProp.PropGroupID, gameObjectChanceTable);
- }
- }
- var num = tile.Placement.IsOnMainPath ? globalProp.MainPathWeight : globalProp.BranchPathWeight;
- num *= globalProp.DepthWeightScale.Evaluate(tile.Placement.NormalizedDepth);
- gameObjectChanceTable.Weights.Add(new GameObjectChance(globalProp.gameObject, num, 0f, null));
- }
- }
- foreach(var dictionary in localDictionary.Values){
- foreach(var table2 in dictionary.Values){
- foreach(var gameObjectChance in table2.Weights){
- gameObjectChance.Value.SetActive(false);
- }
- }
- }
- foreach(var table2 in globalDictionary.Values){
- foreach(var gameObjectChance in table2.Weights){
- gameObjectChance.Value.SetActive(false);
- }
- }
- var list = new List(localDictionary.Count + globalDictionary.Count);
- int ProcessGlobalPropID(GameObjectChanceTable table, int localMax, int globalCount, int globalMax){
- localMax = Mathf.Clamp(localMax, 0, table.Weights.Count);
- var i = 0;
- while(i < localMax && i + globalCount < globalMax){
- var random = table.GetRandom(dungeonGenerator.RandomStream, true, 0f, null, true, true);
- if (random != null && random.Value != null) {
- random.Value.SetActive(true);
- }
- ++i;
- }
- return i;
- }
- int ProcessRemainingGlobalPropID(GameObjectChanceTable[] tables, int count){
- count = Mathf.Clamp(count, 0, tables.Sum(t => t.Weights.Count));
- var i = 0;
- while(i < count){
- var random = GameObjectChanceTable.GetCombinedRandom(dungeonGenerator.RandomStream, true, 0f, tables);
- if (random != null) {
- random.SetActive(true);
- }
- ++i;
- }
- return i;
- }
- using(var enumerator = globalDictionary.GetEnumerator()){
- while(enumerator.MoveNext()){
- var pair = enumerator.Current;
- if (list.Contains(pair.Key)){
- Plugin.logger.LogWarning("Dungeon Flow contains multiple entries for the global prop group ID: " + pair.Key.ToString() + ". Only the first entry will be used.");
- } else {
- //Plugin.logger.LogWarning($"{pair.Key}: Global");
- var globalPropSettings = dungeonGenerator.DungeonFlow.GlobalProps
- .Where(x => x.ID == pair.Key)
- .FirstOrDefault();
- if (globalPropSettings != null){
- var tableClone = pair.Value.Clone();
- var globalMax = globalPropSettings.Count.GetRandom(dungeonGenerator.RandomStream);
- var spawned = ProcessGlobalPropID(tableClone, globalMax, 0, globalMax);
- Plugin.logger.LogDebug($"Global ID: {pair.Key} ({spawned} / {globalMax})");
- list.Add(pair.Key);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- using(var enumerator = localDictionary.GetEnumerator()){
- while(enumerator.MoveNext()){
- var pair = enumerator.Current;
- var globalPropId = pair.Key;
- if (list.Contains(globalPropId)){
- Plugin.logger.LogWarning("Dungeon Flow contains multiple entries for the global prop group ID: " + pair.Key.ToString() + ". Only the first entry will be used.");
- } else {
- //Plugin.logger.LogWarning($"{pair.Key}: Local");
- var globalPropSettings = dungeonGenerator.DungeonFlow.GlobalProps
- .Where(x => x.ID == globalPropId)
- .FirstOrDefault();
- if (globalPropSettings != null){
- var globalCount = 0;
- var globalMax = globalPropSettings.Count.GetRandom(dungeonGenerator.RandomStream);
- var pathDictionary = pair.Value;
- Plugin.logger.LogDebug($"Local ID: {pair.Key} (Max {globalMax})");
- var toRemoveKeys = new List();
- foreach(var pathPair in pathDictionary){
- // try and get local main path properites based on key of Dictionary
- var mainPathIndex = pathPair.Key;
- var localGroupProps = Properties.MainPathProperties.GetMainPathDetails(mainPathIndex).LocalGroupProps;
- var localPropSettings = localGroupProps
- .Where(x => x.ID == globalPropId)
- .FirstOrDefault();
- if (localPropSettings == null) {
- Plugin.logger.LogDebug($"Main Path {mainPathIndex}: No local ID defined, skipping");
- continue;
- }
- var tableClone = pathPair.Value.Clone();
- var localMax = localPropSettings.Count.GetRandom(dungeonGenerator.RandomStream);
- var spawned = ProcessGlobalPropID(tableClone, localMax, globalCount, globalMax);
- globalCount += spawned;
- Plugin.logger.LogDebug($"Main Path {mainPathIndex}: Local ({spawned} / {localMax}), Global ({globalCount} / {globalMax})");
- // all dictionaries that we done using get throw out
- if (!localPropSettings.UseToReachGlobalPropLimit) toRemoveKeys.Add(mainPathIndex);
- //Plugin.logger.LogError($"Spawned {spawned} ({globalCount}/{globalMax})");
- }
- foreach(var key in toRemoveKeys){
- pathDictionary.Remove(key);
- }
- // spawn the last remaining global props if possible
- if (globalCount < globalMax && pathDictionary.Count > 0) {
- var combine = string.Join(", ", pathDictionary.Keys);
- Plugin.logger.LogDebug($"Combining main paths ({combine}) into one GameObjectChanceTable");
- var combinedTable = pathDictionary.Select(d => d.Value).ToArray();
- var spawned = ProcessRemainingGlobalPropID(combinedTable, globalMax - globalCount);
- globalCount += spawned;
- Plugin.logger.LogDebug($"Spawned remaining props ({globalCount} / {globalMax})");
- }
- list.Add(pair.Key);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }