extends Node2D # Declare member variables here. Examples: const FAIRY_COUNT = 1 var fairies_dead = 0 onready var pause = preload("res://PauseMenu.tscn") # Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. func _ready(): if get_tree().get_root().get_node_or_null('Level3') != null: get_tree().get_root().get_node('Level3').queue_free() if Dialogic.get_variable('shattered1') == 'true' and Dialogic.get_variable('shattered2') == 'true' and Dialogic.get_variable('shattered3') == 'true': var dial = Dialogic.start('LevelFinal_good_start') add_child(dial) else: var dial = Dialogic.start('LevelFinal_start') add_child(dial) $Player/Camera2D.zoom = Vector2(0.4, 0.4) $Player.boss_battle = true # Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame. func _process(delta): if Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_pause"): var pause_inst = pause.instance() add_child(pause_inst) get_tree().paused = true if fairies_dead >= FAIRY_COUNT: fairies_dead = -1 if Dialogic.get_variable('shattered1') == 'true' and Dialogic.get_variable('shattered2') == 'true' and Dialogic.get_variable('shattered3') == 'true': if Dialogic.get_variable('yukari') == 'true': var dialogue = Dialogic.start('end_true') add_child(dialogue) else: var dialogue = Dialogic.start('end_good') add_child(dialogue) else: var dial = Dialogic.start('end_bad') add_child(dial) func _on_Fairy_shoot(bullet, direction, location): var b = bullet.instance() add_child(b) b.rotation = direction b.position = location b.velocity = b.velocity.rotated(direction) func _on_Player_shoot(bullet, direction, location): var b = bullet.instance() add_child(b) b.rotation = direction b.position = location b.velocity = b.velocity.rotated(direction) func _on_Fairy_dead(): fairies_dead += 1