{ "events": [ { "call_node": { "arguments": [ ], "method_name": "cutscene_on", "target_node_path": "../../Player" }, "event_id": "dialogic_042" }, { "character": "character-1666450739.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "Hey. Don’t you think we’re kinda, you know, lost?" }, { "animation": "[Default]", "animation_length": 0, "change_mirror_portrait": false, "change_z_index": false, "character": "character-1666450739.json", "event_id": "dialogic_002", "mirror_portrait": false, "portrait": "Sad", "portrait_definition": "", "position": { "0": false, "1": false, "2": false, "3": false, "4": true }, "type": 0, "z_index": 0 }, { "animation": "[Default]", "animation_length": 0, "change_mirror_portrait": false, "change_z_index": false, "character": "character-1666450487.json", "event_id": "dialogic_002", "mirror_portrait": false, "portrait": "Smile", "portrait_definition": "", "position": { "0": true, "1": false, "2": false, "3": false, "4": false }, "type": 0, "z_index": 0 }, { "character": "character-1666450487.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "Don’t worry. We’re in Muenzuka now. A place where lone dead people are resting." }, { "character": "character-1666450739.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "Surprised", "text": "No, I know that. I just don’t understand why we’re here.\nAnd how have we even got here in the first place." }, { "character": "character-1666450487.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "Surprised", "text": "Are you lost your memories too? We were just wandering here and there." }, { "character": "character-1666450739.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "Angry", "text": "Sigh… How can I even talk to such an airhead?" }, { "character": "character-1666450487.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "Default", "text": "I think we can find something here.\nMuenzuka is full of things from the Outside World. Maybe they could pull some triggers in my mind." }, { "character": "character-1666450739.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "Smile", "text": "Yeah, now we’re talking! Let’s go!" }, { "call_node": { "arguments": [ ], "method_name": "cutscene_off", "target_node_path": "../../Player" }, "event_id": "dialogic_042" } ], "metadata": { "dialogic-version": "1.4.5", "file": "timeline-1666461813.json", "name": "Level2_start" } }